Mikey P
And one week b4 xmas..
Fred, I consider you a very sharp guy...You seriously don't get what the problem is with the auctions? Try to run a test auction like it was real life and see.. I have now tested it twice- in real life and the timer doesn't work in unison with the place bid button...it doesn't matter if you bid a dollar or a hundred dollar. And by the way in this auction I bid 200 at one time and a couple 1 dollar bids for fun and at the end again I bid over a hundred until the very last seconds where I was just going with the preset amount which was a dollar bid.
How does the fact that we were bidding by one dollar have anything to do with it?
How the hell would I know? Even if i did bid $2250 at the end of the auction...HOW LONG DO OTHER BIDS accepted after its clearly expired?? Rhett could have then bid $2251 and won right? at least 5 minutes after it was closed...Would you have won?
and if you had bid say $2250 ........
And the only one who benefits from a $20 bid increase over a $1 bid increase is you and Mikey.
It's the highest bidder, not the last bidder who wins.
No its as Zee described. The phrase on the timer indicates expired while the place bid is active until the cron runs closing the auction. I believe I have fixed it.
IDGAS about this auction in particular because he knew about it..........
I've been thinking long and had about this and after much thought and consulting with others much smarter than I, the answer is clear.