Lee Stockwell said:
Brian this is an old pic, critique?
Ok, so the pic in general isn't bad because it has you and the kid. Good call
Color.....I don't like the green but it's light enough of a color to get by. The fact that it's on an older model kind of kills it but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Artwork. I don't like your logo or the color of it. Yellow is never a good color for the logo in my opinion. the font looks a little genie ish.
Your phone number sticks out and that's good.
The kids face is cool...but a whole body shot would be better because just a head looks creepy in the subconious.
"Got Dirt". Stop it...everyone plays off of the "got milk" or "just do it" super successful slogans...it doesn't work in all industries.
How about "oops" or "MOM!"...just off the top of my head.
something simple and original but says something a kid would say to Mom.
The best part is it's simple...and you know what you do.
Worst part is green color and font of logo.
I've seen wraps that were a lot worse so a decal layout beats it in price as well.