Now that I've been OPing for a while now..


Dec 23, 2006
I always thought OP was an interim method. When starting with little money you get an OP machine and a rusty van. Then you graduate to a real machine, a shiny new truck mount.


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
Wow, how timel change. In 12 years of being on these boards I can remember OP being the cure all from flood work to pet urine and all points in between. When, if one uttered a negative word concerning OP's abilitites, you would be gang raped by every pad jiggling zealot on these boards, then banished by the hoards as an old school, closed minded, hack.

I've never used OP and I'm sure it has it's place as a tool, but not as a restorative method as OP as well as Cimexing, has been sold over the past several years.

We use the Cimex on some accounts as a maintenance procedure and when commercial accounts just want cheap and as good as we can make it look for cheap, but never as a stand alone system on a maintenance account.

We used to clean a retail store that had been maintained by Dupont for a few years using their encapsulating system, no HWE. 10,000 s.f., the manager said it would take them about 1 1/2 hours to do. The carpet looked like crap. We put 2 trucks on it. Every pass of the wand, the carpet turned BLACK!!! We had to clean this carpet 3 times to get it acceptable. The residue from years of VLM cleaning literally ruined this carpet, along with the lack of vacuuming. They eventually went with VCT in these stores.


Feb 6, 2007
Resistech was crap then and is still crap today. It is not an encapsulate. It is a solvent base polymer. Some real sticky crap.
Oct 8, 2006
Funny how a few followers can distort what other do.


That's the most honest post I ever read from you. I glade you do recognize How Forrest Padding Blood and another OPer OPing a Cat 3 loss and all the OP urine post have hurt your credibility.

That is just as honest of a thread as Clark posted and it might just restore some of your credibility.


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Every pass of the wand, the carpet turned BLACK!!! We had to clean this carpet 3 times to get it acceptable. The residue from years of VLM cleaning literally ruined this carpet, along with the lack of vacuuming.

A similar post was made on ICS a little while back. They had been encapping for years with great results. Then one day it wouldn't come clean. :shock:

I can't believe this is still an issue. It is the right thing to do in the interim. It maintains appearance and extends carpet life. At some point the soil has to be extracted/removed. LMAO at pad extraction. You could dig a swimming pool with a teaspoon but no one would do it.

I am pretty sure the figures on vacuums removing 70-80% of soil are factored based on daily vacuuming. Not just one quick vacuuming, or even one werner style vacuuming. I'm pretty sure when you let the vacuuming go for a good five years you are not removing 70-80% of the soil with one vacuuming. I could be wrong, but that's just a guess.

They are based on volume of soil. Used primarily to stress the importance of frequent vacuuming. Carpet properly maintained by the owner will certainly not release 80% simply because we arrive and plug in a vacuum. If however the carpet is not properly maintained you can rest assured vacuuming will remove in volume a substantially high number.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
im obviously no expert BUT i have heard from a very reliable source that carpet manufacturers have done testing on this and have found that carpets being encapped only have less soil in them at the end of thier life than carpets that have been hwe only.

i believe that a good encap product leaves the carpet with less (sticky) residue which will allow a vacuum to remove more soil.

and those that rinse with water only leave more residue because water alone will not remove most presprays.

it all comes back to vacuuming though.if its not being vacuumed hwe is the way to go.also for residential if you encap it or pad cap it you will leave the carpet with a chalky feel where as if it is extracted using good products you leave the carpet with a softer feel.

or something like that anyway.just my 10 cents, adjusted for inflation.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
So what the mills "discovered" is that unless the carpet is properly maintained and properly cleaned, it will wear out sooner. Hence the SOA.

I was "taught" in CCT class that "water alone is a poor rinse agent" and yet how many cleaners still just use a "fresh water rinse", or soft water rinse?
Two reasons, One, its cheaper, no rinse to buy, and Two, they "sell" it as a "benefit" to the custy, ie no chems left in the house.

There might be beefs with the IICRC but the Std for Carpet Cleaning I believe pegs it pretty well on how carpets should be cleaned. If any step is skipped it should be compensated for during the other steps, not just simply skipped.

Jeff Brown

Oct 11, 2006
Jeff Brown
Harryhides, please don't take everything I say to seriously I assumed everyone would realize my 1000 gal of water and blow the roof off and vacuum comments were a little tongue-in-cheek.

I know not everyone uses $90,000 equipment but I was addressing Mikey's post, which by the way are not based in fact, maybe you missed his ridicules " 20% soil removal at best" comment.

Correct op cleaning requires the right chemicals, vacuum, pads and pad changing and patients.

Maybe one day I'll gets me a look at one of them tar new teknolgy truck mounts Mikey talks about, I hear they squirt water and suck it back up.
May 5, 2007
The quality in a carpet cleaning job is not what it looks like but how
long it stays clean.

Encap products do a good job of appearance conditioning especially
when dry times are of the essence.

Wish we had them in the early days

Extractors came into being due to carpets saturated with soap (blue luster)
We needed no chemicals just lots of antifoam.

Sooner or later extraction will be necesary,Take the dirt with you when
you leave the job.

Good luck, Judson

John G

Oct 16, 2006
Sooner or later nothing, we padcap all our jobs, they NEVER need rinsing, the carpets if anything are staying clean WAY TOO LONG.

A few clowns that can't figure out how to do things right like to slam the method over and over, but those that have a clue use it, like it and are making great money on referral and satisfied customers.

We have some places that are cleaned monthly (peanut oil) and they stay clean beautifully now, other accounts that used to be done every quarter are now being done once a year... right, it doesn't stay clean or last longer but you would have a hard time convincing our customer of that.

Marty honesty to you is just like Mikey, honesty means someone agrees with you. Laughable!


Dec 23, 2006
It just seems that the only ones (except for the master john G) solely OP'ing are those that can't afford a TM.

Would you let your baby/grandbaby crawl on carpet that had been pissed and vomitted on then cleaned with OP. Or would you rather a good high heat flushing.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I would pay top dollar to be able to watch a OP only guy tell Mrs Pift that he is "Rinsing" the carpet right now when she asks what he is doing. Unabridged Show Spelled Pronunciation[rins] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, rinsed, rins·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to wash lightly, as by pouring water into or over or by dipping in water: to rinse a cup.
2. to douse or drench in clean water as a final stage in washing.
3. to remove (soap, dirt, etc.) by such a process (often fol. by off).
4. to use a rinse on (the hair).
5. an act or instance of rinsing.
6. the water used for rinsing.
7. any preparation that may be used on the hair after washing, esp. to tint or condition the hair.
8. an act or instance of using such a preparation on the hair.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Sooner or later nothing, we padcap all our jobs, they NEVER need rinsing, the carpets if anything are staying clean WAY TOO LONG.

I would call that benefit by lack of comparison.

A few clowns that can't figure out how to do things right like to slam the method over and over, but those that have a clue use it, like it and are making great money on referral and satisfied customers.

By clowns are you referencing the rag-spinners that don't know how to HWE properly?

We have some places that are cleaned monthly (peanut oil) and they stay clean beautifully now, other accounts that used to be done every quarter are now being done once a year... right, it doesn't stay clean or last longer but you would have a hard time convincing our customer of that.

A carpet fiber will only hold so much stuff. Once you get it full of goo and the soil load is spread nice and even the appearance of new soil is not an obvious one. :shock: So kudos on the con job.
Oct 7, 2006
John G said:
Sooner or later nothing, we padcap all our jobs, they NEVER need rinsing, the carpets if anything are staying clean WAY TOO LONG.

A few clowns that can't figure out how to do things right like to slam the method over and over, but those that have a clue use it, like it and are making great money on referral and satisfied customers.

Then are you saying that guys like Clark and Mr. Whittiker dont know how to properly "OPE" (Oh my..I cant say that with a straight face) cause they consider OP as a MAINTENANCE system and recommends periodic HWE flush every few months?

No offence, But, I think Whiitker and Clark has waAay more credibilty than you John IMHO.
Oct 7, 2006
Dude, Nothing wrong with John G posting here. He didnt break any rules yet. If anything, You should THANK John G. If it wasnt for him...this board wouldnt exist and be what it is today (which is nothing like the Blue Bored).

Besides, I think John likes hanging out here more since his board is so dead.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I didn't start this thread to beat up on JG. I actually like the guy a lot.

Everyone has to make a buck and at least he is consistent.

Mike Hogan

Nov 27, 2006
I think the only folks who go crazy over method/eqpt/chemicals,etc.
are we,the cleaners. If you have happy customers who call you back,
pay your price and refer are doing your job.

Methods can be argued all day long............what works for you?

We run Butlers,a Bane,use OP,Cimex...........every tool has its place.

My own personal favorite,which I use to clean my home is OP.
No hoses,simple to operate and carpet stays cleaner longer.

We have cats,dogs and 3 twenty something kids who always have friends over............OP does a great job.

It seems that on these boards someone becomes the "flavor of the month" and can do no wrong...........until they po someone and then get
Do the best you can for the customer,educate yourself to all methods,and use these boards for comic relief,cause in the end,
nobody cares except you.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Mike Hogan said:
I think the only folks who go crazy over method/eqpt/chemicals,etc.
are we,the cleaners. If you have happy customers who call you back,
pay your price and refer are doing your job.

Methods can be argued all day long............what works for you?

... and use these boards for comic relief,cause in the end,
nobody cares except you.

well said Mike.

take care sir --- Derek.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
No one is ambushing or bashing anyone. Usually when someone gets slammed on here it is because of a provocative statement or post made by that person.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Mike Hogan said:
I think the only folks who go crazy over method/eqpt/chemicals,etc.
are we,the cleaners. If you have happy customers who call you back,
pay your price and refer are doing your job.

Methods can be argued all day long............what works for you?

We run Butlers,a Bane,use OP,Cimex...........every tool has its place.

My own personal favorite,which I use to clean my home is OP.
No hoses,simple to operate and carpet stays cleaner longer.

We have cats,dogs and 3 twenty something kids who always have friends over............OP does a great job.

It seems that on these boards someone becomes the "flavor of the month" and can do no wrong...........until they po someone and then get
Do the best you can for the customer,educate yourself to all methods,and use these boards for comic relief,cause in the end,
nobody cares except you.



Oct 7, 2006
There is doubt that polymers taken from the floor wax world can help to keep fibers looking clean longer, but I must say when I hear general references to HWE not staying clean as long, I wonder about the details, cause they guys with pimped out tools and rigs report carpet looking better and staying clean longer, the devil is in the details.

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