Ok I have to brag just a bit


Supportive Member
Mar 29, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
""I can sit down and really think about how I need to price the job out. ""

A) This is your business - you shouldn't have to go home to figure out how to price a carpet cleaning job. You should know what your costs of doing business and have your services priced to your standard, not based on what the other companies quoted, not based on the type of car that's in the driveway, not based on the size of the wife's ring. Because none of that changes what YOUR cost of operation is. I can't see any advantage past a dog and pony show to make it seem to your custy's as if this is more than it really is, you can explain pricing in person with confidence - and your customer sees that better person to person than reading it in an e-mail.

""Normally I would quote lower than I would like with the customer standing there. With the estimate emailed I can explain pricing and feel better about quoting higher prices.""

B) Why would you quote a price, lower, in front of a customer than what you'd send in an e-mail? You are bragging about this job, stated in your post your competitors weren't on your level - on this board you have the confidence of Brad Pitt in a womans prison, yet you lack that in front of the audience that it matters most with, your customers.

""I hired a painter a few months back and went with the highest bid.""

That's just plain stooopid - especially in this economy, deals are naturally to be had, why pass up a potential great service because a bid a was less than bid b, you above all should know a service is more than its price, and a service is not apples to apples. And to think that because you think that way (highest cost will be the best whatever) that your customers will as well is even stooopider. Very few customers don't totally disregard price, even less believe that no matter what they are buying the highest price will be the best, and with the economy as it is, even those that once did are tightening the financial belt.

""I may not win them all, but I refuse to whore myself out and it seems the higher I quote the more bids I win.""

Comes off to seem like your not winning as many bids as you'd like - going back to knowing your costs and standardizing pricing so as to be able to price on site at the time of the visit - if you know what your costs are, add what you need to net, even if you go higher than that on site, and you are shot down, you have room to negotiate to get a work auth signed without "whoring" yourself out ON THE SPOT, or - send an e-mail with that reduced offer. It's two chances to win each job - which is better than only one missed swing.

And when things get slow - a little whoring to break even and pay the bills, is a shitload better than not having money that breaks you even.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
But he has all these houses he rents.....

so why not only pick the cherries????

Reminds me of guys that have their wifes working to support their CC hobby.........

Oh hi greg Ivebeensold Ivebeensold Ivebeensold Ivebeensold Ivebeensold Ivebeensold Ivebeensold


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Hey wait a minute Doug. I left a great career to allow my wife to follow her dreams. No longer a hobby for me.

Daniel Still waiting to see the estimate so I know what I am doing wrong

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