So we all know that means 'I am not interested'....but the important thing is that this person has just given you an important piece of information. At the very least it means don't spend any more time trying to chase this person. At the bestest, mostest it means you get a chance to resell the customer. Remember you now have nothing to lose because you have already lost them. You just need to work out your strategy and try different tactics. You could a)lower your price...."You know I do have an opening for the day after tomorrow that is not going to get filled and I could give you a discount if you would be willing....", "I could give you our cut rate service at a low price that basically matches the service many of my competitors provide but I really would rather not as I am not proud of that service...on second thought I really don't want to do that. Would you like the names of some of those companies to call?" You get the idea.
Pacific Steam Co Bothell
Pacific Steam Co Bothell