Completed One case Masterblend Upholstery Prespray and One Case MasterBlend Cotton Ease Shampoo

Completed Auction


Auction includes:

  • One case (4x1 gallons) Masterblend Upholstery Prespray
  • One Case (4x1 gallons)MasterBlend Cotton Ease Shampoo
  • Free Shipping to lower 48

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Upholstery PreSpray is an alkaline prespray for upholstery cleaning. Alkaline in nature to ensure a quick, complete, and effective breakdown of oils and soils on upholstery, such as body oils. Self-neutralizing formulation gives exceptional results with a pH that automatically reduces to neutral in 10 minutes.

• Self-Neutralizing Alkaline PreSpray
• Aggressively Breaks Down Grease & Body Oils
• Emulsifies Food And Beverage Spills
• Ready-To-Use, No Mixing Required
• Ready-To-Use pH Is 9.5 (Safely Self-Neutralizes Upon Drying)


Cotton Ease Shampoo is the premium shampoo formula for cleaning white and Haitian cotton. High-performance liquid cleaner for all Haitian, Tahitian, and other raw cotton fabrics. Capable of cleaning very effectively without browning and corrects browning from previous cleanings without bleaching the fibers.

Safe for use on wool. Meets or exceeds all established standards of wool fiber producers and fifth generation stain resistant carpet manufacturers.

Not for use on colored cotton. Colors can be lightened.

• Dry Foam For Cleaning White & Haitian Cotton Upholstery
• The Most Effective Way To Prevent & Correct Browning
• Dries To A Fine Crystalline Powder That Easily Vacuums Out
• Ready-To-Use pH Is 6.0.

$152 Retail Value
Free shipping to lower 48
Starting bid $120
Minimum bid increment $2

Auction ends Thursday October 5th at 9PM EST/6PM PST

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