Only got a RV360 on the truck?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
No 175 or CRB?

then by all means get this...


great brush for pre scrubbing carpet or tile.

Don't really need the jets if you already have a Turbo Tile tool, if not then get the vacuum ring too.


Nov 11, 2011
You using that with a vortex?what is your take(no pun intened)on the 360i?When Jim Martin first got his,I asked him to keep me updated on the durability of it with a large truckmount.He obviously didnt like it.
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
My complaint on this and the brushes for the older twin motor Rotovac are the are completely flat. When scrubbing many t&g floors with it I found the bristles don't drop down into the grout lines, something I really wanted on my small restaurant jobs. The Cimex I found is the bomb for scrubbing nasties after dwell time.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The four port head helps a lot with the streaking issue.
Rotovac would be wise to send Jim Martin one one the house

A Crb is a better grout scrubber but if all you have is a 360 that brush is a good alternative

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Blunt said:
You using that with a vortex?what is your take(no pun intened)on the 360i?When Jim Martin first got his,I asked him to keep me updated on the durability of it with a large truckmount.He obviously didnt like it.

I have sold 70 of them counting the 2 we sold last week. I have ALWAYS offered a money back guarantee. You use it for two days and if you don't think it was worth every penny of the 2095 you spent then send it back. It will only cost you the $130 in shipping (about $65 each way with insurance) which is about what It would cost you to rent it for two days.

To this day NO one has sent one back. I don't think there has ever been anything in the history of man that everyone will agree on but I think the history I just qouted speaks volumes.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
there has been more then me that has seen this problem...even rotovac must of noticed it because they tried to re-design the head...

2K for something that comes out of the truck MAYBE once a week.....

it is great for portables and smaller TM's...anything above that it is a POS..............

Brian can clean better then that thing can...whats that tell you........

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning

Indeed. I've been using my 360i everyday in every situation where I used to use a 175 prior to steam cleaning. It's holding up great after six months of daily use. Thanks John (and Lora 8) ) I actually havent seen any streaking, just the normal swirl marks every rotary steam cleaner makes, so I always quickly go over the carpet with a wand. Aside from weighing only 39 pounds which is at least half the weight of the aptly named Hoss or the RX20 (which I put away 20 years ago because of it's ridiculous weight) the 360i can clean a heavily soiled set of stairs better than anything I have ever used using just it's regular head and not the optional "stair" head.


Hey Jim,

How much do you want for the POS rotovac 360i that you never use anymore?


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
:shock: Ceaning stairs with the 360?

I found the CRB to be a better tool with a much better production rate.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Fred Boyle said:
Hey Jim,

How much do you want for the POS rotovac 360i that you never use anymore?

Un-like some people....I could not sell it with a clear conscience knowing what a piece of garbage it is how bad it streaks most carpets and how slow you have to move on the carpet..( not carpets ) that it will actually do a good job on...When I get in a spot where I can get a new Hoss 700...( I just bought all that equipment and now I am trying to buy my mom and dad a place to live that will be close to my dads appointments it may be awhile ) I will take it off the truck...I will probably put it up for bid here on the board....the money can go to Mike and the opening bid will start out at $ least that way I can sleep at night.....
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
I really wonder sometimes what RV is thinking when they put together their stuff. Actually, I'm just going to say it and be done. There just can't be a real in the trench cleaner (or many other manufacturers for that matter) that has any input on the production design.

I've softened my online input on the original RV and the 360 on more then one online forum but I'd like to finally say that all I've ever done is re-engineer the stuff to overcome the stock engineering. I have tweeked everything I've ever puchased to the point of deminishing return and then called it good. Even to this day I have to taylor the solution pressure of my 360 for different pile thicknesses and that's after my customer jetting.

The 360 T&G head isn't even a boat anchor. I've got enough restaurant joints under my belt to say that with confidence. You're simple gonna have to figure it out for yourself.

Part of me wants to go into detail on this but most of me is so jaded with what the industry puts out and my belief that no one at these manufacturers is actually in the trench cleaning I don't know how to muster the words without appearing like a crazy person.


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
i still say scrubbing tile is a waste of time. why bother when the proper chem and 1100 psi will do the job. never had any problems . grout comes out great. maybe a restaurant ,maybe.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Jim Martin said:
there has been more then me that has seen this problem...even rotovac must of noticed it because they tried to re-design the head...

2K for something that comes out of the truck MAYBE once a week.....

it is great for portables and smaller TM's...anything above that it is a POS..............

Brian can clean better then that thing can...whats that tell you........


Tells me your a level headed man Jim.



Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
I break out my rv360i at least twice a week. I love it and so do the helpers I've gone through this year. (I think 7 at last count). On some types of carpet the swirls don't look bad enough to bother grooming. I'm a little worried about the small motor dying. What did it cost to gets yours fixed Mikey? Obviously not what the rest of us shmucks will have to pay..


Feb 14, 2008
d Jackass
GeneMiller said:
i still say scrubbing tile is a waste of time. why bother when the proper chem and 1100 psi will do the job. never had any problems . grout comes out great. maybe a restaurant ,maybe.


1. Buy Shorebest 2790, call Ken Horton @480-861-1427

2. Spray 8oz gal.

3. Pick up turbo (no dwell OR scrubbing ) hit it.

4. Collect bread, bucks, clams, milk, dosh, dough, shillings, frogskins, duckets, greenbacks, scrilla,loot, bones, coin, folding stuff, honk, lolly, moola/moolah, mopuses, readies, Spondoolies or wonga or whatever they accept in your private Idaho.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Rotovac Corporation

The Rotovac 360i Quad Head has a new optional cleaning head specially designed for high powered portable extractors or truck mounted machines. The Quad Head features FOUR stainless steel Swoop Glide vacuum ports and 4 spray jets producing higher flow with more agitation. The Quad Head cleans both commercial and residential carpet up to 25% faster and is available now through distributors nationwide or visit us at

Did Rotovac finally see the problem.....or are they trying to make another buck off the ones that do not work....?????
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
It's simple another episode of amateur hour. No one up there is out in the field cleaning nasties, day in day out, making the profit we all all chasing. They have and will continue to produce mediocrity and market it. Hell that's what our industry is filled with. There's makers and there's takers.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Jim Martin said:
Rotovac Corporation

The Rotovac 360i Quad Head has a new optional cleaning head specially designed for high powered portable extractors or truck mounted machines. The Quad Head features FOUR stainless steel Swoop Glide vacuum ports and 4 spray jets producing higher flow with more agitation. The Quad Head cleans both commercial and residential carpet up to 25% faster and is available now through distributors nationwide or visit us at

Did Rotovac finally see the problem.....or are they trying to make another buck off the ones that do not work....?????

Jim you complain, they take your complaints seriously and they address them and you still attack? I don't get you. I told you when you first complained to send it back and I would put the money to wards a HOSS. You said no. I don't get it. Rotovac then sent you parts to test to see if it helped and you still bitch. This isn't personal but you keep bitching and when people have tried to find a solution to your problem and you still bitch.

What I stated is true every single word. I don't expect anyone to like me some days I don't even like me but I do NOT LIE. You truly are the ONLY person I have sold a rotovac to complain. It doesn't mean your complaints are not legitimate it just means your the only one that I have sold to that has complained but again you also didn't send it back when you had a chance.

Rotovac has come a very long way and the 360i is a tremendous jump over the original. You guys keep bitching that they keep working to improve it. WHY? Would you prefer they make a machine and just stop? Do you have any idea what it cost for research and development? If you follow the progression of the RV you will actually see they have continuously worked to improve the machine where they find problems.

So lastly why are you still attacking? What is your motivation? What do you hope to gain? These are serious questions not attacks. If your motivation is to make things better then honest helpful critiques are positive and I am sure Rotovac would love to hear them.

P.S. to be completely clear on the complaining part lots of folks have agreed with what I told them about the RV on commercial. It is not an RX and RX users will not be satisfied with it on commercial but since I am always upfront with that it really isn't a complaint as it was disclosed before it was purchased.

P.S.S. I will always have a money back guarantee on the 360i why would I do that if it was such a horrible machine as Mr. Martin is trying to make it out to be? AND why has NO ONE taken me up on it? That is a question that needs to be asked by anyone reading this.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
You're human John...You lie just like the rest of us humans.

You're the only one who keeps mentioning it.
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
Rotovac has come a long way? I beg to differ on that. The 360 is simple the RX returned to us in a smaller/lighter version from the very individual who invented the RX. But rose colored glasses are still around. Most cleaners don't know they are cleaning with under engineered equipment. Its just the nature of industry, folks not knowing any different.

I won't rag on RV after this thread or any other rotary extractor manufacturer simple because I won't buy any more of the equipment, ever. I learned my lesson and I do know the difference and wont support a 2nd rate manufacturer ever again. They should be leading us and all they have shown the industry is they are still trying to catch up on the trail.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
AND why has NO ONE taken me up on it?

You're a big guy John, there all scared of you... :lol:

I've never tried an rv but I'm glad they brought in the new head as one day I hope this is the right machine for residential. The only reason I've had hopes for this machine is it's weight vs others. Under 50lbs vs 70lbs for the others will make the day a bit easier for me.


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
AND why has NO ONE taken me up on it?

that's an easy one, John .
every one of us BD's that has been in the biz awhile has bought equipment.
We're excited about it at first, then the honeymoon quickly wanes

...only to end up buried in the corner somewhere


Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Jim, you said in another post that the 360 was great on cgd. This lead me to believe you have brely used the machine. And your advice on replacing the felt gaskets 2 x a week? Seriously, that screams inexperience on the 360, or u were just trying to bash with lies? I carry all the best equipment on my truck, the rotovac 360 is very, very durable and hands down is one of the best tools a cleaner could have for residential cleaning. I'm pretty sure te 360I outcleaned the hoss at mikeyfest. I'm willing to bet it will do it again. If a scrubbr and wand was better, I would use it, especially since I own the best scrubber on the market, but it doesn't on residential. Anyhoo, I've got to go. I have to call apple and tell them the owe me a free iphone because they and improved it so much since my first one and obviously they know the first one was a pos and wasn't perfect.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Mike Draper said:
Jim, you said in another post that the 360 was great on cgd. This lead me to believe you have brely used the machine. And your advice on replacing the felt gaskets 2 x a week? Seriously, that screams inexperience on the 360, or u were just trying to bash with lies? I carry all the best equipment on my truck, the rotovac 360 is very, very durable and hands down is one of the best tools a cleaner could have for residential cleaning. I'm pretty sure te 360I outcleaned the hoss at mikeyfest. I'm willing to bet it will do it again. If a scrubbr and wand was better, I would use it, especially since I own the best scrubber on the market, but it doesn't on residential. Anyhoo, I've got to go. I have to call apple and tell them the owe me a free iphone because they and improved it so much since my first one and obviously they know the first one was a pos and wasn't perfect.

it is good on CGD because it does not suck down into the carpet and block the that warrants that I have barley used the machine makes no since.....I also said that it is a good machine for portables and light weight TM.s....and if you read the above...RotoVac might have seen the same thing and re-designed the head for more avanced portables and the heaver weight TM's....

As far as out cleaning the Hoss..not possible...If you ever get your hands on one and learn the will understand...Then you will own the best...the RX will come in a close second....the 360i does not even belong in the same category....

The felt gaskets suggestion was only pointed out on how to get the most life out of them...if you use it a lot the soak them in oil and switch them out..It worked great on the will save from having to buy them...soak them..change them and save money buying them...on the RX I spin the head off after every job and clean it...that is why I rotate the gasket all the if you use the 360i a lot then rotate the already have the head off and like I will add more life to was just a it how ever you like....that screams experience on knowing how to take care of the equipment and getting the most longevity out of them......

I have seen it...Mike has seen it...and others have seen it...If yours is working for you..then great...does not mean that is is for everyone else.... can not take rotaries..wand..machines or anything else to Mikefest ...connections...or any other gathering and say one is better then the other.....there is no real world testing going on...get a machine and beat the hell out of it...see how it responds to different variables in the real cleaning world that we work in....then you will find the real answers...

good luck on your iphone...rumor has it the next generation is a P.O.S. does not listen either......and then they do all the upgrades to improve what they should has done right in the first place and then it crashes what you got.....


Oct 6, 2006
O'Fallon, MO
Vincent Sapp
Jim Martin said:
there has been more then me that has seen this problem...even rotovac must of noticed it because they tried to re-design the head...

2K for something that comes out of the truck MAYBE once a week.....

it is great for portables and smaller TM's...anything above that it is a POS..............Brian can clean better then that thing can...whats that tell you........

Why is that Jim? I ran for 2 months on the modified bane and now I run it on a 56 blower. Your comment makes no sense, when each machine was running the same psi.

BTW, I think the 360i is great. Use it every day on all kinds of carpet, never any streaking and just replaced the felt ring after 6 months only because I tore it today.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
vincent said:
Jim Martin said:
there has been more then me that has seen this problem...even rotovac must of noticed it because they tried to re-design the head...

2K for something that comes out of the truck MAYBE once a week.....

it is great for portables and smaller TM's...anything above that it is a POS..............Brian can clean better then that thing can...whats that tell you........

Why is that Jim? I ran for 2 months on the modified bane and now I run it on a 56 blower. Your comment makes no sense, when each machine was running the same psi.

BTW, I think the 360i is great. Use it every day on all kinds of carpet, never any streaking and just replaced the felt ring after 6 months only because I tore it today.

from what I have seen and posed pictures showing it..and what other have complained about is that some machines are sucking the 360i down into the carpets and it is blocking the jets and it is leaving streaks ....the PSI really has nothing to do with is to low..and there is no real stability on the head to hold it up.....


I didnt like the hoss that i took out on a demo for a week
our 360 works for us , it aint perfect but i like it better then the hoss
id get another 360i before id get a hoss
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