Our Industry....."STATE OF THE UNION".....

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
As many of you know, I have been out of the day to day operations of our company
for 1 year. Here are some of my observation...since returning in march of this year.
It is UGLY out there...!!!!!!!

We have just ended our major cleaning season.While the numbers are basically the same.
Volume was down considerably. I have had 60 days to access the decline. here are a few
of my observations. These are a few of the fundamental changes I have seen.

First off...I can attribute some of the decline to "poor management" and the shying
away of proven procedures. Certainly the economy is a large factor...we are high end
cleaners & many of our clients are in foreclosure. Most are looking down the barrel of
a "short sale".

We made the decision to RAISE our prices...rather than compete with other companies
cutting their price trying to survive. As a higher end cleaner..it is expected to loose a
certain percentage of clients every year to divorce and or relocation,economy ect...

We have also found that some of our previous clients...have been forced to suffer
through a inferior service because of budgetary restraints. While this is unfortunate...
it does allow this client to experience the "bottom-feeding bait & switch experience"..!

Times are hard here for the upper middle class. They are seeking lower prices ...because
they are loosing their homes and do not see the value in protecting their investment anymore.
I have made the decision to downsize...to weather this storm..! Lowering prices is a bad
idea in my market.

The attrition rate has been brutal for many good cleaners in the area. Businesses are
dropping like flies! In the past year, my son chose to blow-off small jobs. This was a poor decision. You should NEVER prejudge a sale.! I have noticed that our seniors have been
hit the hardest. So I have decided to drop our minimum charge 20% for them.

Over the last 30 days this has proven to be a profitable decision. The volume of work has increased substantially. Many of these jobs are in small mobile home parks...lots of referrals
while we are in the parks...increase the bottom line without additional travel !

As I have stated previously...commercial work is at ridiculously low prices. We have chosen
to remove ourselves from the market."We cannot be competitive with the "En-CraPPinG" fad.

We will choose our battles."We will STILL be around for the RESTORATION of these carpets in 1 year" I would caution the new guys entering the industry..."If you choose to compete
in the commercial WAR that is in progress...! YOU WILL LOSE...their are companies cleaning
at .05 cents a square foot.."SAD"..!

I know this is a Looooog post...HOWEVER, it could spawn some helpful discussion..????

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Don't you really mean state of your business Joe? While some others may be expeiencing what you are, I am not sure that is th norm. While certainly the foreclosures have effected virtually all industries it may just be that the modest priced cleaners will be stronger and come out on top and the bottom feeders as you call them and the "high end" take the brunt of the beating.

Lots of ways to profit from the economic downturn.

Ps Our commercial work is waaaaay up the last 2 years and we are in detroit. Not seeing pricing anywhere near as low as you said, but our average commercial job is modest size (about 2500 sq ft), we can't compete with the janitorial companies charging next to nothing. We hit the occassional homerun on 10k sq ft plus jobs but they are not the norm.

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Soooo.......your working again Ivebeensold ? What is your min charge for that 1 room everyone seems to want cleaned like yesterday? :roll: I been getting alot of that, and $88 (my min chg)is'nt what they want to hear. :shock: Yes I am in the middle range of pricing in my area. Most of the cleanings are to get ready for selling, moving in and out, and my usual soccer moms who keep my business afloat. Still up about 7% so far this year. About the same growth every year. :mrgreen:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Minimums don't change but I do give in for closer travel.
that $90.00 can come down some for a "neighbor" but If I'm heading too far south I can't lower it.

What Ken said was right. I don't believe in what people call "high end" work...even though I use the term in other aspects.
All it means is they pay more for bells and whistles while the mid priced guy gets it just as clean....that's me and mine.

Money is money at the end of the day as long as you can get there by not screwing your company or your customer.
There IS a happy medium between quality and price.

If they want more, charge more. If they don't, don't.

This isn't brain surgery and it doesn't have to involve the emotions of the Olympics either.

Do those jobs for the short seller at a price you both can "afford".

If you can't do that.....then don't.

I'm not totally disagreeing with Harp....just adding to it.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Ken Snow said:
Don't you really mean state of your business Joe? While some others may be experiencing what you are, I am not sure that is Th norm. While certainly the foreclosures have effected virtually all industries it may just be that the modest priced cleaners will be stronger and come out on top and the bottom feeders as you call them and the "high end" take the brunt of the beating.

Lots of ways to profit from the economic downturn.

Ps Our commercial work is waaaay up the last 2 years and we are in detroit. Not seeing pricing anywhere near as low as you said, but our average commercial job is modest size (about 2500 sq ft), we can't compete with the janitorial companies charging next to nothing. We hit the occasional home run on 10k sq ft plus jobs but they are not the norm.

It was my KEN SNOW...impression..."It is alWaYs about ME..!!!"... :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

It was a TyPo... !gotcha! I meant STATE OF THE ONION... :lol:
YES...you are correct that the MID-PRICE..company is in a favorable position in this economy.
You will get OVERFLOW...from the bottom & the top.. !gotcha!

At the TOP....we have only ONE thing to SALE...That is SERVICE>>>SERVICE>>>SERVICE..!
I feel that we became aRRoGaNt & cOmPLaCiaNT...in providing that PRODUCT... :oops:

In your market & price points....YOU REQUIRE VOLUME..."I personally think Michigan & Ohio
were hit the hardest.!!!" I was just trying to share my OPIONION...of the current NATIONAL
MARKET... :idea:

My post is directed more toward the O/O...in a similar situation as we are...Not a multi-truck
operation as yours... !gotcha!

ps.I am SURE you have many "high-end" clients in your base...that are satisfied with your company. There is more than 1 way to skin a cat..."as you Know"... :mrgreen:

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Jay D said:
So.......your working again Ive Been Sold ? What is your min charge for that 1 room everyone seems to want cleaned like yesterday? :roll: I been getting alot of that, and $88 (my min chg)isn't what they want to hear. :shock: Yes I am in the middle range of pricing in my area. Most of the cleanings are to get ready for selling, moving in and out, and my usual soccer moms who keep my business afloat. Still up about 7% so far this year. About the same growth every year. :mrgreen:

$150.00 in 2008

$125.00 in 2010

We will offer $99.00 as of now...for seniors or very small jobs... !gotcha!

I try to offer a little something extra to the small jobs...such as free Teflon
or a 32oz spotter as a gift "retails for $12.95"...I like to offer VALUE as a gift. :idea:
Most are appreciative of our effort & understand..START-UP Cost's...!

ps I am going to re-institute our $20.00 CASH...refferal program...!!!
"They can work for their discount."

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
It is amazing that for a high end cleaner your company has NO online client reviews.

Nada zip zero.

I have found that having a lot of reviews can draw clients that are not price shoppers.

(I had 5 new clients call in today before noon today and none of them asked about price.)

Get your site visible in the larger towns around your area that you want to serve and get a ton of real client reviews.

Price shopping usualy comes from advertising problems.

Give your clients a reason to call your company other that price.


Nov 14, 2006
I think your state has been hit hard Joe. Much harder than most, and will also take longer to heal.

All though I have seen everything you mention, we have seen an up tick that has little to do with the "weather". We are seeing and experiencing an up tick in mood. Things are starting to move again. Our clients are spending like they were in the heyday of the 04,05,06,07, housing bubble.

We too have just raised prices and do have to work harder to close the sale than we use to, but things have been smoking hot. I see nothing on the Horizon that makes me want to hunker down and ride it out.

As a matter of fact, wE are doubling down and are all in.

I'm talking high end residential with hardly any commercial work with a few floods thrown in for fun.

life is good here in hot Lana.....

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
steve said:
I think your state has been hit hard Joe. Much harder than most, and will also take longer to heal.

All though I have seen everything you mention, we have seen an up tick that has little to do with the "weather". We are seeing and experiencing an up tick in mood. Things are starting to move again. Our clients are spending like they were in the heyday of the 04,05,06,07, housing bubble.

We too have just raised prices and do have to work harder to close the sale than we use to, but things have been smoking hot. I see nothing on the Horizon that makes me want to hunker down and ride it out.

As a matter of fact, wE are doubling down and are all in.

I'm talking high end residential with hardly any commercial work with a few floods thrown in for fun.

life is good here in hot Lana.....

GOOD for you Steve... 8)

We have been hit hard !!!!...I was just allowing KEN to play the VICTIM roll..:lol: :mrgreen:

Hot-LaNa.....is a great market ...NOW that "COLE"...has moved south... !gotcha! :mrgreen:

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Dave Yoakum said:
It is amazing that for a high end cleaner your company has NO online client reviews.

Nada zip zero.

I have found that having a lot of reviews can draw clients that are not price shoppers.

(I had 5 new clients call in today before none today and none of them asked about price.)

Get your site visible in the larger towns around your area that you want to serve and get a ton of real client reviews.

Price shopping usualy comes from advertising problems.

Give your clients a reason to call your company other that price.

MY response was DeLeTeD... :lol:

Let me CLEAN-IT-UP...a ScOuCH.....GFY... :mrgreen:

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
You are not on the front of a Tampa,St. Petersburg, or Clearwater carpet cleaning searches.

You do rank high on a search of San Ontonio Fl search. The town only has a population of 600 people. So it is no big whoop.

And Pasco where your company does NOT stand out. The only one with a few reviews is Payless. (Which is likely drawing off your prospects)

You need to get with the times old man and get your Internet presence up to speed!!

Then you can quit bitching about hard times.

Woe is me.

Get over it and get busy.

If you search a few Becker post you can see has he increased his visibility in his area. Or you can do it the black hat way. Although Google frowns on having fraudulent business address.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle

As you would repeatedly say it: you wouldn't lower your prices to try to gain more business. BUT in your first post -the part where you talk about seniors- you said you LOWERED their minimum charge and as far as I understand out of your post that was a major business generating move.

So don't you think it does work sometimes to lower a bit to gain? Just wondering if you lowering (even if its just the minimum charge) a bit and showing good results would warrant lowering a bit to others too (not just seniors in the mobil home community)?

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Dave Yoakum said:
You are not on the front of a Tampa,St. Petersburg, or Clearwater carpet cleaning searches.

You do rank high on a search of San Antonio Fl search. The town only has a population of 600 people. So it is no big whoop.

And Pasco where your company does NOT stand out. The only one with a few reviews is Payless. (Which is likely drawing off your prospects)

You need to get with the times old man and get your Internet presence up to speed!!

Then you can quit bitching about hard times.

Woe is me.

Get over it and get busy.

If you search a few Becker post you can see has he increased his visibility in his area. Or you can do it the black hat way. Although Google frowns on having fraudulent business address

AGAIN....GFY.... :roll:

You and your keyboard...have NO idea what you are talking about.... :oops: :oops: :oops:

GOOGLE...LOOZER....their is a 2 page aUtO-By-AuGrAphY...on "U".... :roll:
You really should stay in the MMM room..Their a business owners talking shop in HERE.. :idea:

Our 3rd bacKUp truck...grosses more money than you... blow me

I have referrals...over 5K in the custy list..."I have 600 people...writing them every night". :lol:
.................................................dUmBAss....................................... :roll:

ps.Try using SPELL-CHECK... :idea: !dork!

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
HARPER said:
Dave Yoakum said:
You are not on the front of a Tampa,St. Petersburg, or Clearwater carpet cleaning searches.

You do rank high on a search of San Antonio Fl search. The town only has a population of 600 people. So it is no big whoop.

And Pasco where your company does NOT stand out. The only one with a few reviews is Payless. (Which is likely drawing off your prospects)

You need to get with the times old man and get your Internet presence up to speed!!

Then you can quit bitching about hard times.

Woe is me.

Get over it and get busy.

If you search a few Becker post you can see has he increased his visibility in his area. Or you can do it the black hat way. Although Google frowns on having fraudulent business address

AGAIN....GFY.... :roll:

You and your keyboard...have NO idea what you are talking about.... :oops: :oops: :oops:

GOOGLE...LOOZER....their is a 2 page aUtO-By-AuGrAphY...on "U".... :roll:
You really should stay in the MMM room..Their a business owners talking shop in HERE.. :idea:

Our 3rd bacKUp truck...grosses more money than you... blow me

I have referrals...over 5K in the custy list..."I have 600 people...writing them every night". :lol:
.................................................dUmBAss....................................... :roll:

ps.Try using SPELL-CHECK... :idea: !dork!

You demencia seems to be getting worse.

You need to see it from your prospects point of view.

If they picked up their smart phone and searched for a carpet cleaner they would be hard pressed to discover your company unless they lived in Orlando FL.

And even a slimmer chance of picking your company.

Stay blind if you want. It's your choice.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
wouldn't the ideal scenario be ....
herd all yor customers into a 3 mi radius....
and MOST of the time have 3 or 4 on the SAME street......
all the while them HAVING a steady income.....every mpnth...

yes dear!

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Dave Yoakum said:
HARPER said:
[quote="Dave Yoakum":34tfwo8f]You are not on the front of a Tampa,St. Petersburg, or Clearwater carpet cleaning searches.

You do rank high on a search of San Antonio Fl search. The town only has a population of 600 people. So it is no big whoop.

And Pasco where your company does NOT stand out. The only one with a few reviews is Payless. (Which is likely drawing off your prospects)

You need to get with the times old man and get your Internet presence up to speed!!

Then you can quit bitching about hard times.

Woe is me.

Get over it and get busy.

If you search a few Becker post you can see has he increased his visibility in his area. Or you can do it the black hat way. Although Google frowns on having fraudulent business address

AGAIN....GFY.... :roll:

You and your keyboard...have NO idea what you are talking about.... :oops: :oops: :oops:

GOOGLE...LOOZER....their is a 2 page aUtO-By-AuGrAphY...on "U".... :roll:
You really should stay in the MMM room..Their a business owners talking shop in HERE.. :idea:

Our 3rd bacKUp truck...grosses more money than you... blow me

I have referrals...over 5K in the custy list..."I have 600 people...writing them every night". :lol:
.................................................dUmBAss....................................... :roll:

ps.Try using SPELL-CHECK... :idea: !dork!

You demencia seems to be getting worse.

You need to see it from your prospects point of view.

If they picked up their smart phone and searched for a carpet cleaner they would be hard pressed to discover your company unless they lived in Orlando FL.

And even a slimmer chance of picking your company.

Stay blind if you want. It's your choice.[/quote:34tfwo8f]

"We don't have SmArt-pHonEs down here..We are Dumb-Ass RednEcKS.".... :roll:

"I just have NO idea how we survive.. !dork! "

I am PERFECTLY capable of running MY RAILROAD..."Thank you very much..!"

I HAVE...NEVER ask you for ADVICE... :idea:

So Post if you wish....BUT DON"T OFFER YOUR ADVICE...!!!!!

ps "When ..I need to know how to go from 6 trucks to 1... :oops: :oops: :oops: ..I will call."

pss ZEE..I posted a reply...but it dissapeared..AGAIN... :roll: "I can only assume that when
Dave posts on my thread's.. The "IdIoT default scan" is kicking them to "To an arChiVe in
La-La land.." I will repost when Dave is back in his RooM...............

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
bob vawter said:
wouldn't the ideal scenario be ....
herd all yor customers into a 3 mi radius....
and MOST of the time have 3 or 4 on the SAME street......
all the while them HAVING a steady income.....every mpnth...

yes dear!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ole MaN.... "NO SECRET DINOSAUR MARKETING" !gotcha!

That will NEVER work....I like to drive at least 30 miles to every job... :p :p :p
It makes us WoRlDlY... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
You make some good points harper , however there is money in commercial. As business owners or should I say successfull owners we always should be looking for ways to make make lemonade from sales lemons. I know you have alot of experience but in these crazy economic times even the big established companies have to come out and fight for whats theirs, there isnt a whole lot of easy money on the board right now

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
junior c82 said:
You make some good points harper , however there is money in commercial. As business owners or should I say successful owners we always should be looking for ways to make make lemonade from sales lemons. I know you have alot of experience but in these crazy economic times even the big established companies have to come out and fight for whats theirs, there isnt a whole lot of easy money on the board right now


There is still money out there for the 1 man show & a helper...because the cost can be
controlled. they can operate @.15 sf and survive..!..But they are Not going to re-invest
in their business.! Or grow past a false sense of security...that they own a business...!

Most...are just buying themselves a job..! ALL are 1 crisis or hIccUp..away from financial
disaster..! Most in our industry..are "part-time" cleaners... with "full-time"...overhead...!
Many depend on a spouses income to provide a base for their family's ..security..!

Almost all will fail in their venture...on the lack of financial discipline...! Hard work & good
equipment does NOT guarantee success. Marketing skill's are also irrelevant...when capital
is mismanaged.

One of the biggest mistakes small companies engage in...is the willingness to CHOP prices
just to generate "cash flow"..! Every job should demand a certain % of profit...!!!!! I can't
stand to here a owner justify a cheep price by stating...." It might have been a cheep price
BUT ...I made $50.00 an hour....!" "BULLSHIT"

Unless you CHARGE by the HOUR....They have NO idea what they made..????? FOR EXAMPLE:
If you normally clean @ .20 cents a sf....&.... lower your price to.10 sf. "You have effectively
worked for FREE...!!!" So...1000sf for $200.00..is now..$100.00...BUT...you have a re-due or
burn-up a Porty pump..! NOW..you have lost your ASS...!!!! better to have left the truck in
the yard.

As KEN ..stated soon you will be competing @ janitorial prices..!! GAME OVER...!!!
If you haven't noticed ..YET..? CINTAS is operating their carpet cleaning service as a
LOSS LEADER item...They will STEAM clean for .10 cents a sf. "Using a AREO-TECH" to
acquire a long term janitorial contract & uniform service.!!!!

This NOT a "DoomsDaY" post ......Just a "ReaLiTy ChEcK".... !gotcha!

Ps..This ..RACE to the top of google..Will also become a MUTE POINT... :roll:
Just as ....You had to be a CRI approved,IIRC*certified,Green Clean,& BBB membership..!
As the HEAVY advertising companies go BroKe getting to the #1 page on GOOGLE...The
next..latest>>greatest>> marketing Ideas are lurking around the corner.... !gotcha!

We are a "SERVICE INDUSTRY"...1st and foremost.."Always have been.!"
LET YOUR WORK SPEAK FOR ITS-SELF..!!!!!! Word of mouth IS still the best advertising.:idea:

This has been a moment ...
with a DInoSaUR.. shiteatinggrin
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
HARPER said:
junior c82 said:
You make some good points harper , however there is money in commercial. As business owners or should I say successful owners we always should be looking for ways to make make lemonade from sales lemons. I know you have alot of experience but in these crazy economic times even the big established companies have to come out and fight for whats theirs, there isnt a whole lot of easy money on the board right now


There is still money out there for the 1 man show & a helper...because the cost can be
controlled. they can operate @.15 sf and survive..!..But they are Not going to re-invest
in their business.! Or grow past a false sense of security...that they own a business...!

Most...are just buying themselves a job..! ALL are 1 crisis or hIccUp..away from financial
disaster..! Most in our industry..are "part-time" cleaners... with "full-time"...overhead...!
Many depend on a spouses income to provide a base for their family's ..security..!

Almost all will fail in their venture...on the lack of financial discipline...! Hard work & good
equipment does NOT guarantee success. Marketing skill's are also irrelevant...when capital
is mismanaged.

One of the biggest mistakes small companies engage in...is the willingness to CHOP prices
just to generate "cash flow"..! Every job should demand a certain % of profit...!!!!! I can't
stand to here a owner justify a cheep price by stating...." It might have been a cheep price
BUT ...I made $50.00 an hour....!" "BULLSHIT"

Unless you CHARGE by the HOUR....They have NO idea what they made..????? FOR EXAMPLE:
If you normally clean @ .20 cents a sf....&.... lower your price to.10 sf. "You have effectively
worked for FREE...!!!" So...1000sf for $200.00..is now..$100.00...BUT...you have a re-due or
burn-up a Porty pump..! NOW..you have lost your ASS...!!!! better to have left the truck in
the yard.

As KEN ..stated soon you will be competing @ janitorial prices..!! GAME OVER...!!!
If you haven't noticed ..YET..? CINTAS is operating their carpet cleaning service as a
LOSS LEADER item...They will STEAM clean for .10 cents a sf. "Using a AREO-TECH" to
acquire a long term janitorial contract & uniform service.!!!!

This NOT a "DoomsDaY" post ......Just a "ReaLiTy ChEcK".... !gotcha!

Ps..This ..RACE to the top of google..Will also become a MUTE POINT... :roll:
Just as ....You had to be a CRI approved,IIRC*certified,Green Clean,& BBB membership..!
As the HEAVY advertising companies go BroKe getting to the #1 page on GOOGLE...The
next..latest>>greatest>> marketing Ideas are lurking around the corner.... !gotcha!

We are a "SERVICE INDUSTRY"...1st and foremost.."Always have been.!"
LET YOUR WORK SPEAK FOR ITS-SELF..!!!!!! Word of mouth IS still the best advertising.:idea:

This has been a moment ...
with a DInoSaUR.. shiteatinggrin

Great post and great advice.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
" The attrition rate has been brutal for many good cleaners in the area. Businesses are
dropping like flies! In the past year, my son chose to blow-off small jobs. This was a poor decision. You should NEVER prejudge a sale.! I have noticed that our seniors have been
hit the hardest. So I have decided to drop our minimum charge 20% for them. "

I was going through the paper this morning, and in the courts section, there were at least 200 listings for suits by the State of Ohio Taxation against mostly businesses. This means, most likely, that they were waaaayyy overdue on their state sales tax returns, and they never answered letters from the State to settle up or else! And this is only a small area of Ohio. That could only means that they spent their sales tax collections before they were due to the state (most small businesses here are on a monthly sales tax return). Businesses are hurting, and so are homeowners.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I feel for ya Mr Hefner, I really do

If you want to move to SCruz I'll pay you 29% to run my Lima Bean for me.

I could use a man of your stature and persuasion to clean the college move outs..

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
HARPER said:
Ps..This ..RACE to the top of google..Will also become a MUTE POINT...
Just as ....You had to be a CRI approved,IIRC*certified,Green Clean,& BBB membership..!
As the HEAVY advertising companies go BroKe getting to the #1 page on GOOGLE...The
next..latest>>greatest>> marketing Ideas are lurking around the corner.... !

We are a "SERVICE INDUSTRY"...1st and foremost.."Always have been.!"
LET YOUR WORK SPEAK FOR ITS-SELF..!!!!!! Word of mouth IS still the best advertising.

This has been a moment ...
with a DInoSaUR..

So, The Internet is just a passing phase and word of mouth would not possibly ever happen on electronic media.


Well at least you are right about the dinosaur part.

(I thought they were extinct.)


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
HARPER said:
As KEN ..stated soon you will be competing @ janitorial prices..!! GAME OVER...!!!
If you haven't noticed ..YET..? CINTAS is operating their carpet cleaning service as a
LOSS LEADER item...They will STEAM clean for .10 cents a sf. "Using a AREO-TECH" to
acquire a long term janitorial contract & uniform service.!!!!

This NOT a "DoomsDaY" post ......Just a "ReaLiTy ChEcK".... !gotcha!

Hmmmmmm.... I recall having this conversation with you about a year ago... hey look, its actually happening.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I am absolutely certain that Cintas is not losing money at .10 a sq ft. We do it on commercial work all the time and we sure make a good margin at that price.

sam miller

Harper's right about managing costs one truck paid for is better then 3 with huge payments and employess anb business Insurance.

You can win big when things are rolling and lose big when they are not.

I have been cutting ad cost's the referral program is a good idea, I send out reminders every 6 month and a year and survive on referals I just dont offer to pay for referals yet.

Years ago we got involved with mercury business liability insurance in california a million dollar slip and fall policy was $350.00 per year its up to $650.00 per year now.

Still if anybody can beat that I would be intrested in finding out?

Managing chemical cost's labor costs is huge especially when gas is going up and now stabilizing and possibly going down a little soon.

Getting case discounts buying in bulk, using costco gas with 4 percent off amex. It all adds up then there's the do you show the cash or hide it a topic You shouldnt post about.

still getting to more and more on the Internet because the reviews helps I hate seeing SEO with bogus reviews.

I'm with Supermedia and they got #1 in Palmdale Lancaster Google search and Im #1 on thier site

my web page alone in lancaster sits around 3rd and its the reviews that pull me the most calls from new customers.

Asking customers for a google review for 10 percent discount isnt the worst thing You could do regardless of how big You are.

Sucessful people will find away. Down sizing isnt failure its managing costs.

Its what best suits your Company . It will all work out one way or the other Goodluck to everyone.

PS I just raised my rates again.

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