Out of commision - heart attack

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
fortunately, there ain't no debtors prison .
Actually, you can make many arrangements with medial providers ..as long as you're "regularly" paying "something" every month..even a small manageable amount, they generally won't throw in collection and muck up your credit .
also be sure to tell them you don't have ins ...they'll likely reduce the charges substantially.. as well as possibly get you enrolled in the many programs available to help those in your situation ...or point you in the right direction anyway

Here's what I'd suggest you do though, Ross
Apply for temporary social security disability (SSI)...your expected recovery time (6 months or longer) qualifies you.
The monthly cash bennies may not be so much, but the biggie for you will be the medicade bennies ..they'll cover your scripts, office visits and related medical need$ .
best part is, the coverage will be retroactive to the date you went down


once again i gotta prove Larry WRONG......


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
once again i gotta prove Larry WRONG......

you must'a missed this part ???

This law corrects that gross oversight and puts a stop to throwing people in jail for being poor while still allowing fair debt collection when people have the means to pay their debts.'

keep trying Bob..maybe one day you get one on me ..even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes
but it ain't THIS time ...





bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
ahh Larr....the "new law" ain't passed yet.............
we got a district court nearby that sends you the summons AFTER
the appearance date.........

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner
Well, hate to put water (no offense bob) on the fire :p

Aurora Networks know I dont have insurance. And in this case, with many others they know their recovery is 10-5% at best before, after, during, or whatever with insurance.

They are sending nurses here twice a day, and will for the next two months. They want me to get better. They also sent one person over telling me 60 days from now they'd have some good resource for me to get it managable, or simply a life=long debt at 10 bucks a month. No collections or anything.

I hope they are speaking some truth.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Well, hate to put water (no offense bob) on the fire :p

Aurora Networks know I dont have insurance. And in this case, with many others they know their recovery is 10-5% at best before, after, during, or whatever with insurance.

They are sending nurses here twice a day, and will for the next two months. They want me to get better. They also sent one person over telling me 60 days from now they'd have some good resource for me to get it managable, or simply a life=long debt at 10 bucks a month. No collections or anything.

I hope they are speaking some truth.


but I'm telling, Bro
get signed up for SSI ..and get the ball rolling
You and your family will be better for it



Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Well, hate to put water (no offense bob) on the fire :p

Aurora Networks know I dont have insurance. And in this case, with many others they know their recovery is 10-5% at best before, after, during, or whatever with insurance.

They are sending nurses here twice a day, and will for the next two months. They want me to get better. They also sent one person over telling me 60 days from now they'd have some good resource for me to get it managable, or simply a life=long debt at 10 bucks a month. No collections or anything.

I hope they are speaking some truth.

Dude Ross hopefully they take care of you that way...

Your causes as you described it kinda describes a lot of us for sure...I know some of it is totally me... I need to change things for myself because of the constant stress and worry... Although I dont drink and I havent taken any medication since 1996 when I lost my foot and they had to sew it back so I don't have those issues but the stress and worry and sometimes over worked mind is causing me to feel crappy.

Keep your head up!


Supportive Member
Sep 14, 2008
New jersey
David Mirfin
Glad you are with us and a great and timely lesson for us all. here I sit while away with my family working, thinking, worrying about problems and business.
thanks for the heads up!


Terrible news Ross, and hopefully a wake up call for those that either are working themselves to death , living without the safety net of insurance or aren't planning for their financial future

Tooboring can give you a roadmap in SFS, but my quick tip is to MAX out your SEP plan which is 25% of net. Income and don't act like a drunken sailor and make extravagant purchases when you do $20,000 grand in a month for the first time.

No health ins is the biggest risk IMO... Massachusetts has crazy high premiums about $1800 avg for a family plan, but you can decrease the premium substantially by having a $4000 out of pocket deductible like I do ( premium is $1,090 / month)


Sep 3, 2012
Saugerties New York
John Bach
Good Luck

Hi everyone.

A few of you told me a year ago I'd kill myself if I continued what I was doing.... you were almost correct.

8 days ago I was responding to a customer's email and felt a ball of fire in my throat. I simply went to the ER not wanting to risk it.

They did enzyme tests, the first of which was negative. The second showed a positive result. After being admitted 1 hour later I had an ehco done on my heart to find a torn aorta and non working valve. I was pumping blood into my neck.

20 minutes later I was on a helicopter to Milwaukee, WI for emergency surgery. I was given 33% odds of surviving the flight.

Once there I was given 40% to survive the prodecudre of which took 11 hours and 8 pints of blood to do.

I am at home. My kids are trying to keep the janitorial end together. The carpet cleaning is done. There is no one I can train in my health. Im not even allowed to drive for the next 60 days.

I have 2-3 nurses a day here to monitor me. I have 6-8 months of rehabilitation left.

It's taken me almost 2 hours to type this. It's that hard for me to communicate. As time goes on, things will get better for me to communicate.. but not much of it makes sense now, and honestly I can't worry any, or I'll be dead. I should be dead already.


Sorry to hear about your condition.
On October 18, 2011; I had the same thing happen to me. Its called an aortic dissection or a torn aorta. You may be surprised on how fast you bounce back if you take care of yourself and start to walk when the doctor say's you can. That is how you build your strength and stamina. I was in the hospital for two weeks and was also told, that I may not make through the procedure. I've been working all spring and summer and, if I can be of any help, just let me know.

John Bach


Aug 11, 2012
Sorry to hear about your condition.
On October 18, 2011; I had the same thing happen to me. Its called an aortic dissection or a torn aorta. You may be surprised on how fast you bounce back if you take care of yourself and start to walk when the doctor say's you can. That is how you build your strength and stamina. I was in the hospital for two weeks and was also told, that I may not make through the procedure. I've been working all spring and summer and, if I can be of any help, just let me know.

John Bach
my brothers disected aorta wasnt diagnosed fast enough. lost him 2 years after dad, and after i got my birth defect corrected after dad died.

its strange because i started this business to get healthy after surgery.

hang in there ross and hope you have a speedy recovery.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
No health ins is the biggest risk IMO... you can decrease the premium substantially by having a $4000 out of pocket deductible like I do ( premium is $1,090 / month)
Fred is right- if you have ANY assets at all you guys who are winging it without health insurance are NUTS.

Steve Toburen

PS Look into HSA plans which have a high deductible but let you set aside 6K or so a year PRE-TAX and this money can be used for virtually any health cost before your insurance kicks in. Even better, it grows tax free if you don't use it.

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner
While I appreicate everyone's input... there's something that no one seems to get.

0% of 1.5 million leaves 1.5, and no way to pay.
80% of 1.5 million leaves you in the same stinking boat.. you can't pay it.

For insurance, most things can be shrugged off. Nothing end game like this. The only way you get out of this is with State Welfare Insurance that pays 100%. You need to be single, have kids, significant others who have 2 I-phones, and 5K worth of rims on a 1200.00 car.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Fred is right- if you have ANY assets at all you guys who are winging it without health insurance are NUTS.

Steve Toburen

PS Look into HSA plans which have a high deductible but let you set aside 6K or so a year PRE-TAX and this money can be used for virtually any health cost before your insurance kicks in. Even better, it grows tax free if you don't use it.

Jeez......I'm almost embarrased to say what I pay for my HC each month. Probably less than a keg of beer.........

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