
joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Brian R said:
Oh...and Harp.....KMA. :mrgreen:

DuDe...I love this GUY.... :!:

"let him BeAT on you ArSE...for a WHILE...".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

MY ARMS ARE "kiLlInG ME"....You are ONE hard HeAded Son-of-a-gun..... :wink: :mrgreen:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
HARPER said:
Brian R said:
Oh...and Harp.....KMA. :mrgreen:

DuDe...I love this GUY.... :!:

"let him BeAT on you ArSE...for a WHILE...".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

MY ARMS ARE "kiLlInG ME"....You are ONE hard HeAded Son-of-a-gun..... :wink: :mrgreen:

LMAO. Yeah he seems to be ok. I just hope he doesn't do anything in the real world to mess with my company. He eluded to pressing buttons. right or wrong, guilty until proven innocent tends to mess up a persons world...and that would be just wrong.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Lee Stockwell said:
Brian needs the boards to fish for victims.

Haven't seen a useful post from you yet...what do YOU use the boards for?
Course, I don't follow you around like a lost puppy.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
My posts would likely be of no use to you because you don't clean carpets Brian.

I don't follow you around, you just think so because you are always in the way.


ps. Greg Cole loves me too.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Hey, lust...not love buddy.

These threads are easily passed over...they even tell you who posts them before you enter them.
Of course that has nothing to do with carpet cleaning so how the heck would you know?

Edit: :mrgreen:

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
If you get more than 25 "LooSeR'S"...to sign-up before...6/11/10..before 5:00.... !dork!

"I WILL SHAVE MY HEAD"..... :shock:



Sep 3, 2009
I'm new to posting and just noticed this said 'new topic' when it was suppose to be a reply to Brian's thread.I don't type well enough to type it again and don't know how to move it. That' why I don't post. d
You try to portray yourself as a humble man yet your words betray you.
Anyone on here who has said anything negative is just jealous, a harpocrit, or is just too backward to appreciate you.On Truckmount Forumn you claim you are going to take over the world.Yet when it is convenient for you to appear not so smart you do that Example you claim you are going to show everyone how to get to the first page yet you come on here and ask"why am I not able to get to page one?"Also you say you are aware that your bogus addresses are an issue for many and claim GOOGLE has been slow to remove them.As such a smart guy you know you-and only you-can modify any info in your adds at anytime.I know you know this. You're too smart not to know. So now you have homework.I'll watch.You say google started it by posting some and you just added a few more.That I see it as harmful yet you see it as helping.
What the hell are you saying. Believe me the carpets will still get cleaned without your "help'.
You have several companies on your network that seem to cover awfully large areas and I am sure that's just to make your network look busy but again it doen't appear feasible.I'm sure the plumbing,heat&air,painting or whatever industry you target next has no idea how bad they need you.The internet in full of directories and networks and who knows what's next. But you ask the oldtimers on here and they will tell you that it's the fast nickle or the slow dime and the way you get there does matter.
You say fear other's success I don't. Others success keeps us all busy. Just look at the current lack of success in the economy.
There are thousands of zips to be had (I think I read 24000. If you can get just one third of those it's 8000 / @ 3 for $35 that's about $10 eachX 2600= $26000 per month X 12+312000 per year. That might cloud a persons vision especially if you multiply it by say 10 industries. Now you are a millionaire . Heck I bet there are some other smart guys on here that may can do it better than you.Pretty soon the internet goes the way of the yellow pages and we all have to go back to hitting the streets.But by then you will have gotten yours and to heck with all those stupid little guys who couldn't keep up. CHEERS

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
Dont be too surprised by Brians actions, he is no different then many on the boards. After you have been around a while you will learn to look at each post with skepticism especially those with something to sell!! The biggest snakes I have seen In quite sometime are the ones who are running ***. Use your skepticism wisely over there.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

I am a "NoBoDy" on this board..or..any other board for that matter.. :roll:

BUT...I like your STYLE.. :D

We need more "OlE GoAtS" here SPEAKING out... :!:
It gives the NeWbIeS...something to compare against..when the GuRu'S..spew their GaRbAgE..

I am SURE you can handle yourself..However.."I have GOT your BACK..."... :wink:

Ps Don't worry about the TYPING SKILLS... :!:
Just "peck-it-out"..and take your time....!!!
You are welcome to my EmoTiOnConS....If you need to EXPRESS YOURSELF.... :lol:

Get off the BENCH....I think you are 1ST. STRING PLAYER...Get in the Game.... :!: :!:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

I don't mind arguing with you guys about this at all. But it does help if you get your facts straight.

First of all, plenty have disagreed with me and I them in a friendly manner and that's fine. Harp, or Lee and maybe some others attack first and ask questions later. To them I respond in like manner. All fun and games.

"you claim you are going to show everyone how to get to the first page yet you come on here and ask"why am I not able to get to page one?"
I've never once claimed to get someone on the first page of Google. I know some things needed to do to get there and I post those things. These things are not secrets and they sure as hell are not MY ideas. I've learned plenty from others on this board like Fred FCC and others.

"As such a smart guy you know you-and only you-can modify any info in your adds at anytime.I know you know this."
Wrong, Google has complete control if they want it. I can delete my things from my end only and then Google does what they do. Ask around.

YOU'RE the one so smart about all my stuff in the internet world and yet you can't use a post button or a cut and paste feature. You blew it on that one bud.

"What the hell are you saying. Believe me the carpets will still get cleaned without your "help'."
Huh? Where did that come from? Not sure what you meant by that. Can you ezplain?

"You have several companies on your network that seem to cover awfully large areas and I am sure that's just to make your network look busy but again it doen't appear feasible"
Those companies on my Network do not cover the entire area of whoever types in zip code. If someone types a zip code in "wherever" the closest cleaner pops up. Simple. They may or may not be able to travel to that area. I've explained this before.

The internet may be full of directories but I haven't seen one yet that is doing it like I am doing it with Network Carpet Cleaning. There may be a company doing it...but I haven't seen it.
What is so bad about listing carpet cleaners in their zip codes and then promoting the website so as to get customers to go to their website? I'm not sure if you really don't get it or are just giving me a hard time about it.

" But you ask the oldtimers on here and they will tell you that it's the fast nickle or the slow dime and the way you get there does matter."
One thing I've learned about "old timers"...and I'm not far away I'm sure. You can do something over and over again for 40 years and still be doing it wrong...or at the very least you could have been doing it better. To each his own but don't let tradition get in the way progress.

"You say fear other's success I don't. Others success keeps us all busy"
Then what's the problem with promoting other companies? Hell, when Stanley Steemer is busy we are ALL busy.

"Heck I bet there are some other smart guys on here that may can do it better than you"
I'm sure of this...but they're not doing it right now or before now. Wait...there will be others.

"But by then you will have gotten yours and to heck with all those stupid little guys who couldn't keep up. CHEERS"
If I make money, then the guys with me are making money. This will not last if it doesn't produce.
I work my ass off to make this work for everyone..if it doesn't work out in the end...at least I tried.
If your scared to spend the $35.00 for a month with the possibility to get more customers then I can only say one thing to you...

You can't see the Dollars because the Pennies are covering your eyes...Good day.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Scott Rogers said:
[quote="Brian R":3jstt1o1]I'll reply soon. Gotta eat dinner.

Yep, take your time think up a good response.

Personally I think he nailed you down pretty well.[/quote:3jstt1o1]

No, I had to eat. Jen makes a hell of a dinner.. Not going to miss that for this.

Not sure how he "nailed" me down but what ever you say.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

There are thousands of zips to be had (I think I read 24000. If you can get just one third of those it's 8000 / @ 3 for $35 that's about $10 eachX 2600= $26000 per month X 12+312000 per year

Not sure how they do math here in TX but I'll let that one go.

My goal (and only because you have to have a goal) is 1000 carpet cleaners. That's 3000 zip codes. $35.00 per month that's $35,000.00 per month.

At the very least 1/2 of that will go right out to marketing the website but it will probably be closer to 2/3 if I can do that.
The other money will go into administration (I won't be able to do it alone at that level) and the maintenance on the website...plus your usual expenses.

If I get to my goal, I will be making maybe around $5000.00 a month for me before taxes.
I do better than that at what I'm doing now.
If the website works THAT good and cleaners are bringing in customers from it (because the program won't work long if it doesn't)...I will have deserved that at the bare minimum.

I felt like that deserved a response.
Sep 7, 2008
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

Brian are you serious?

You want to bring in 35k but spend two thirds on marketing the site as well as income to a staff. So you will be left with less than 10k. How long will it take you to get to those numbers anyways? Probably years. You could just use your knowledge to get a few jobs, train one quality employee, answer the phone yourself, do your own books, and help out on big jobs or at least a couple days a week and easily make that much with a lot less stress. Hell you could work four days a week, average 700 per day, and bring in close to 100k. Why people want to make things so complicted is beyond me.

I have learned and trust me my pockets have learned as well that higher pricing, lower over head, quality service, puting the customer before all else, referrals, investing wisely, and living meager are the keys to getting rich.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

danielc said:
Brian are you serious?

You want to bring in 35k but spend two thirds on marketing the site as well as income to a staff. So you will be left with less than 10k. How long will it take you to get to those numbers anyways? Probably years. You could just use your knowledge to get a few jobs, train one quality employee, answer the phone yourself, do your own books, and help out on big jobs or at least a couple days a week and easily make that much with a lot less stress. Hell you could work four days a week, average 700 per day, and bring in close to 100k. Why people want to make things so complicted is beyond me.

I have learned and trust me my pockets have learned as well that higher pricing, lower over head, quality service, puting the customer before all else, referrals, investing wisely, and living meager are the keys to getting rich.

Thats not really FAIR...Daniel... :roll:

Look how much ...OLDER...you are than BriaN... :wink:

Ohhhh..."I"m Sorry"...You are less than 50%...of briAnS AGE..... :shock:

He is just a SLooooooooooooW... "wEaRnEr".... :oops: :mrgreen:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

danielc said:
Brian are you serious?

You want to bring in 35k but spend two thirds on marketing the site as well as income to a staff. So you will be left with less than 10k. How long will it take you to get to those numbers anyways? Probably years. You could just use your knowledge to get a few jobs, train one quality employee, answer the phone yourself, do your own books, and help out on big jobs or at least a couple days a week and easily make that much with a lot less stress. Hell you could work four days a week, average 700 per day, and bring in close to 100k. Why people want to make things so complicated is beyond me.

I have learned and trust me my pockets have learned as well that higher pricing, lower over head, quality service, puting the customer before all else, referrals, investing wisely, and living meager are the keys to getting rich.

I know it's hard to believe...but I started this as a Network...kind of like dues for everyone to work together. Too much cut throat going on out there like Harper :mrgreen: J/k
The whole point of charging guys is to put that money into the marketing of their area.
What I gain from this is the same as them...My company is listed on the site in my areas.
I get a "free" subscription for my troubles and it should really help my own business grow as well.

Too many people are paranoid that I'm going to "screw" them...not even sure how I would do it.
These are the same people who won't use Service Monster because there precious customer list might get taken or Full Circle because they might be keeping all the customers numbers. :roll: and double :roll:

What they don't realize is there are very specific FEDERAL LAWS that would land all of our asses in Federal Prison...

For $35.00 a month. Don't think so pal.
They need to get over themselves.
Sep 7, 2008
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

Ok so if someone pops up as the closest cleaner but they are 300 miles away, your site will be there as well and you can then use the lead to get someone at 50 percent. Brilliant.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

danielc said:
Ok so if someone pops up as the closest cleaner but they are 300 miles away, your site will be there as well and you can then use the lead to get someone at 50 percent. Brilliant.

Actually this has happened already. My cell phone is on ads...I need to put it on the website.
When someone calls and there is not a cleaner in their area (there used to be a placecard with the info...type in 00001 and you'll see it)
I find a cleaner in their area and give the job to that cleaner letting them know where it came from and ask them if they would like to sign up. Worked the one time...I'll keep you updated.
$35.00 is better than 50% usually...hopefully most of the time.

Yes, they still get the job if they don't sign up. Good faith.

Another reason for doing the Network...esp nation wide is because it was a hug PITA to try to sub out everywhere.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

Here it is...I need to put this in all the other areas that are not taken...should only take a few hundred years or so. lol
actually, I will probably put on half way inbetween each zip code are taken.

This board is really good on ideas. I wouldn't have thought about that unless Daniel posted his comment.

pic taken down to prevent the psycho phone calls.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Reply to Brian's post below

Uh oh, I just posted my cell number..take it easy on me will ya? thanks

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