Perplexed, what would you do?

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Key question in your statement (if you have a helper) I'm guessing most companies are 1 man per unit .. therefore time would cost money - which most aren't getting the money they would like to get to begin with

Sooo, Your customer should pay more because you are not prepared to do the job right in a timely manor? I do understand charging more if you work by yourself, but really why is that their problem. If they aren't "getting what they want" why did they bid it so low, just to hide their up-charges?

Adding extra for specialty stains which aren't the norm in most cases is a good way to recoup .. when it comes down to it, you've got them by the gonads at that point .. you either pay for the removal or replace the carpet ..

This is a typical tactic (I mean what is that angle like 30 years old) ,and they are getting sick of it(I have taken a lot of complexes that you guys believe you have by the gonads) So, what do you do if you can't get the stain out, no charge at all? Patch? What if the spots are all over and you give your best, what do you charge then, when the carpet is ripped out?

Or look at it like the hero removing the specialty stains receiving a well deserved reward .. saving the day when saving the carpet

I just look at it as doing my job, I mean that's why we are cleaning the carpet right, they have spots.. We always save the day, just don't up-charge for it..

The owners don't care about your survival needs .. they're looking at their bottom line ( which I get) so don't give it away ... cause the only way you'll get it back is through the rear entrance when they're done with you

They might be looking at their bottom line, but they(most) are willing to pay what they need to have a dependable, honest service that isn't going to rip them off with the nickle and dime.

If you display the added charge for removal in a way you're saving them money by way of preventing replacement, most will be happy to pay the extra

"If you can deceive them good enough they might use you again.."

I would guess 99% of the carpet cleaners feel they deserve the extra .. some don't charge in fear of losing an account or bullied by the management ..

I'm kind of sick of hearing about what people think they deserve.. LOL


Dec 15, 2012
On The Board
Hey Keith,
You must be getting good money to be including specialty stains .. around here, back when I did complexes , I had a hard time getting what I needed to cover costs with a reward able profit .. red stain removal is such a grey area between regular cleaning and carpet repair .. (in my eyes) of course it would be considered a light repair ..

So where do you draw the line in including services for the initial low cost of the cleaning .. tenant drop a cig and lightly burns the carpet .. complex don't want it there ..they want you to remove it .. is it free .. what about a mold issue or flooded corner from a leaky sink .. it's carpet cleaning to the complex .. so would it be free from you

I know you know being profitable is what keeps you in business .. giving shit away is not profitable .. lines have to be drawn for what's included .. I can't remember if I've ever had a complaint for charging extra to save their carpet from the dumpster .. It's not a nickel and dime process .. unless you want to look at it like that .. you should ask the management what their thoughts are on this issue .. you may just increase your income for the year

It's not deceiving them because when you offer the added service of a way to save their carpet, I guarantee they will choose your solution ..

You gotta understand we as carpet cleaners have experienced being beat up on price here and there .. what we do is usually hard work ..freezing in the winter, sweating in the summer, sucking up piss every now and again .. I am proud to say I deserve what I get

Bottom line ..I'm happy to see you, the fellow carpet cleaner, is happy the way you operate your business .. it would be wrong for "me" to do it that way .. but it seems like it's the right way for you to do it .. each of us has to figure out what works best for each of us .. being profitable is successful .. and if you are profitable doing it the way you are with these apts, congratulations .. I'm truly happy for you

What I've expressed in my post that you responded to is only my opinion of my experiences .. I'm not representing anyone else .. although I have a feeling some may feel the same as I do
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Aug 11, 2012
i have set prices for apartments. if they are trashed there are extra charges for the extra labor and materials. the complexes deduct that from the deposit as damages. its a pretty simple deal. my margins are thin and they understand that.

ive been with most of my properties for some time and have gone through ownership changes and management changes. ive been told im the best contractor they deal with. im consistent with my work and prices. they even come to me looking for other contractors for painting and cleaning and such.

i believe if you do what you say you will do and just be honest from the start most problems will resolve themselves. communication is the key with all work whether its a homeowner or commercial.

sometimes i feel i dont charge enough and if i cant renegotiate prices honestly its time to move on. sometimes i lose money or just break even too. but often times when i work cheap it comes back in the form of referrals or just knowing i did the right thing.

im not perfect and have made many mistakes learning some of this.

good people know you have to make money and if you do a good job they want to make sure you come back. its in their best interest. not all see things this way and i have lost a few complexes because of that. i dont miss them though.

i had one outfit that i agreed to an average price but most of the units were so trashed i decided that it wasnt worth it. i spoke to the owner about it and we parted ways. at one time he had fired me over price and came back again at the negotiated price. i raised my minimum price and didnt charge extras. i did that for about a year before deciding it wasnt worth it to me. but we were always honest with each other and may do business again one day.

but as i tell many people, the more work i do the more i charge. its pretty simple.
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Dec 15, 2012
On The Board
I also forgot to mention there were 2 complexes I know for sure that charge the tenant a move out carpet cleaning fee which was more than they paid me .. So do they all do that? Don't know for sure and is that why they expect lower prices cause if you went in at normal rates they wouldn't be able to add anything before the tenant says wait a minute, I could get it done cheaper over here .. who knows .. or did we the carpet cleaners set the standard .. by out bidding lower and lower

If I owned the complex, I'd want the best cleaner with a fair rate (considering the volume for a slight discount) and just charge the tenant .. my goal as an complex owner would have been to keep the carpet in its best possible shape .. not worry about making a profit as the middle man .. is the guy bullied into a lower price gonna accomplish that .. maybe and maybe not .. more likely from the guy happy collecting what he needs to keep the ball rolling
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Aug 10, 2012
Justin Foulk
I have a couple complexes that I do at my normal rate and make damn good money doing so. All my complexes have had other cleaners and know that I am not the cheapest, but they have seen what the cheapest gets them. Also one of my larger properties has it written in the lease that I am the only one allowed to clean the carpets. That way they ensure that the job is done properly every time. With property management you have to sell yourself, it's not about how much it's costing them it's about how much you are saving them.


Oct 26, 2012
Dallas, tx
Ray Waits
Hey Billy, that scenario sounds familiar. During the slow season you have to watch your accounts like a hawk. This is when the competition is hitting on your customers hard. Sounds like they are trying out another cleaner probably because he or she is offering a "better" price and they are persistent.
Good news, as I see it, is they (the management) has not said anything to you about it and as long as there has not been any management changes that means they aren't unhappy with your work. They like you and don't want to tell you about trying out another service. A steady account like this is one you want to hang onto. Stay positive, hang in there and get creative.
I wouldn't lower your regular prices, but I always had "limited time" winter specials that I would use to lure them back. For example, for the month of February "Get an occupied carpet cleaning for free, with every two vacant make readies we do". This works out well for apartments but not necessarily for rent houses. You will have to decide for yourself what the offer will be. The idea is to motivate them to schedule vacant units. Hope this helps.

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