Phones solicitors getting aggressive.


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
Daily I get those trying to get me in the 1st page of google.

Credit card processing.

Vontage type phone service should be banned for telemarketers. Or number masking.

Call comes in local area code and prefix. Nope some prerecorded sales call. Or some other sales call from come out if state or out of country sales person. Trying to mask their sale bundled into something else.

So today. Some out if area call comes in. 8:30 am. SEO service. Marketing. I just flat out tell the guy. If I hired someone he or she would be local. Someone I could sit across the table from. No thank you. No thank you means sell harder. I tell him. Your wasting your time. But then he needs to explain how business is done these days and he has 10,000 happy clients. I say. Well I'm not going to be 10,001. And he pushes harder. Ugh.

Then later. Another call local number. But not.

We are calling about quickbooks. You use qb. Yes I say. I then say. Let's just cut to the chase. What is the purpose of the call. We can offer you a free upgrade to 2014 pro. I reply. What if I already use 2014? So. What is the purpose of the call. Then she starts yelling at me.

I guess I need to come up with a new word other than no.

What sucks is if you hang up on them they call back a few days later. If you don't answer they keep calling.

And my favorites. You answer but then discount the line because their auto dialed already got an answer.

3 others I got today.

One guy. Prerecorded. A guy that works with adjusters looking for a company to take on smaller jobs servpro does not what. Blah.

And another prerecorded. Offering working capital.

And another. 411 directory or some bs. I spoke to them once.

But what gets me. Is when you stand your ground and say no. They get completely pissed. I've been sworn at. Yelled at, when I hang up. I think. Thank god I did not want to do business with them.

Another is Yodle.

We've got no room for boring.
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
I treat em like the trash they are.

Remember this is America Home of Entitlement !

Sent from da parking garage of dee detention center

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Same here.

We have out phones transferred to our cell phones so we found a great app that we can now block them after we know they are a pain in the butt solicitor!

White Pages Current Caller ID

Here it is for Android

Not sure if it is made for IPhone. Did some searching and haven't found it yet...

Love it when the phone rings once and then goes "BINK" :rockon:

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Last edited:


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
We get the same thing. They will roll through all of our lines one after another.

We teach our staff to do a couple things

Google impersonators
We ask " Are you from Google or a third party provider?" They usually say no. We then politely say we already work with Google directly. Thank you and hang up.

Those that think you should be nasty are FOOLS. Remember these people have the ability to do negative SEO and reviews about you. They are being paid to do a job in most cases. Why poke a sleeping bear.

When local or national people call we ask for a information package to be sent to our office for our review. We never get a packet. This cuts down on the credit card, payroll, print marketing sales people.

I also tell hard core sales people for advertising that wont let up the following when they press me for using their ad or online services.

" Here is what I will do you run my ad or list me on your web site for 3 months. Every month I will allow you to sit in my office with me and we will review the ROI. I will allow you to see all our booking information and my Quick books. If we get a 5 to 1 on our spend I will pay you for the 3 months, pre pay you for the next 6 months and sign a 24 month contract." They all say they can't do that. I then tell them when you are ready to do that package give me a call. We can have our lawyers work up a contract. They stop calling.

The Indiana general assembly is discussing what to do about do not call lists. The problem is we have to know who did it and then report them. We have a state web site to do the reporting. I have done it a couple times mostly to help the legislator have a larger number of reports. Hopefully this will get some national attention it is a huge waste of our time.

With the advent of cell phones you can't discard out of area calls like years before. A call from Seattle of Washington DC could be someone new to the area looking for service.

This unfortunately is just part of running your business. It is probably hardest on the guys who still answer the phone while they are on the road each day.

This might be the motive to finally get that staff member to answer the phones.

I feel your pain. My wife hates it. Happy wife Happy life!


Supportive Member
Sep 1, 2007
Versailles ky
Ashley Mckendree
I always hang up the second they ask for the "Person who makes marketing decisions"

...One guy called me back yelling saying "OH THATS REALLY PROFESSIONAL, HANGING UP ON PEOPLE"
Then he hangs up on me.

I made it my mission to get him fired that day... and have any trace of any phone# I have erased from their systems. My phone hardly rings with those types of calls anymore.
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
Those that think you should be nasty are FOOLS. Remember these people have the ability to do negative SEO and reviews about you. They are being paid to do a job in most cases. Why poke a sleeping bear.

Easy calling Fool Tom

This is what is wrong with America today and you ask us to let it slide ?

You darn well know that sometimes pony play just won't work!


Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
Over the last winter I was receiving calls almost daily from a natural gas reseller claiming to be able to lower our natural gas bills. They TELL me to go get my current gas bill RIGHT NOW and they will hold. They are very, very pushy!! I have even had them yelling at me asking why I don't want to save the company money and does the owner know what a terrible employee I must be to not sign with them. Just that alone makes me not want to do ANY business with them even if they could save us money. Their tactics change a bit call to call, sometimes saying who they are and sometimes pretending to be with the local gas utility. In the end, I thank them for calling and to have a nice day as I am hanging up.

I finally got them to stop calling by explaining that I had looked up a rate comparison on line. Yes they could save us money some months but not every month and there were some months their rates were actually higher then we were paying. I tell them I am not going to switch and that has shut them up. They are not prepared to fight that response, so they just hang up.

I don't always listen to the entire sales pitch from phone solicitors, but I always thank them for calling and for them to have a nice day. You never know if they are local people that might use your services.
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
Yep I get-em too. A week even two will go by with no calls then bam, 3 in one day. I created a contact named "spam" on my phone and add each and every one to it. The list of numbers in it is huge. And the "unknown" and "blocked" calls that come in I let go to voice, that alone has saved me a ton of frustration. If I don't check the screen and one sneaks in I hang up. I find it's my only defense to keep them from shop lifting my time. They consider themselves sales people but it boils down to them being predators.


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
I've found if you have the ability to wait till the end of the pre recorded ones, they give you an option too be removed from the calling list. Figured this out after getting the same recording for days and hanging up right away. Listen to the 5 minutes of crap and get the option to be removed from the list. I've seen a great reduction in the calls after doing this.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Over the last winter I was receiving calls almost daily from a natural gas reseller claiming to be able to lower our natural gas bills. They TELL me to go get my current gas bill RIGHT NOW and they will hold. They are very, very pushy!! I have even had them yelling at me asking why I don't want to save the company money and does the owner know what a terrible employee I must be to not sign with them. Just that alone makes me not want to do ANY business with them even if they could save us money. Their tactics change a bit call to call, sometimes saying who they are and sometimes pretending to be with the local gas utility. In the end, I thank them for calling and to have a nice day as I am hanging up.

I finally got them to stop calling by explaining that I had looked up a rate comparison on line. Yes they could save us money some months but not every month and there were some months their rates were actually higher then we were paying. I tell them I am not going to switch and that has shut them up. They are not prepared to fight that response, so they just hang up.

I don't always listen to the entire sales pitch from phone solicitors, but I always thank them for calling and for them to have a nice day. You never know if they are local people that might use your services.

Electricity/Gas resellers are the worst!

Here they come door to door at your home with the same pitch, get your gas bill...
Last couple times i really cut them down pretty good, not really jerky but i was super blunt and straightforward. Went line by line through their lame sales pitch.

They skip me now.


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA

iPhone 5 or maybe just newer ISO click on incoming number click on block number. I've been doing it. However they change up their numbers.

We've got no room for boring.


Supportive Member
Apr 30, 2007
Ogden, Utah
Tim Magaw
If it is a female that calls, I usually will let them try the sales pitch then I will interrupt them by saying something like Wow, you sound real hot! I bet you are pretty sexy... What are you wearing? and then just go on from there and see how long it takes for them to hang up on me.


Oct 7, 2006
got one yesterday recorded message says i have not validated my google pages and if I don't press #1 I will be deleted and de activated from google and internet search engines

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
If it is a female that calls, I usually will let them try the sales pitch then I will interrupt them by saying something like Wow, you sound real hot! I bet you are pretty sexy... What are you wearing? and then just go on from there and see how long it takes for them to hang up on me.


I think that's how bawb met and married wives 5-7! :winky:


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
I've found if you have the ability to wait till the end of the pre recorded ones, they give you an option too be removed from the calling list. Figured this out after getting the same recording for days and hanging up right away. Listen to the 5 minutes of crap and get the option to be removed from the list. I've seen a great reduction in the calls after doing this.

Ha ha. I can't tell you how many time I press 9. Then get the. You have been removed from our list. Good bye. Only to be called a week later.

We've got no room for boring.


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
got one yesterday recorded message says i have not validated my google pages and if I don't press #1 I will be deleted and de activated from google and internet search engines

Yes, I get those all the time.

Or the ones. Yes we are calling from google. I then press. Really you are from google. Then they finally say no. But they can get me 1st page.
I say. Why would I want to do biz with a company that's opening comment is a lie?

We've got no room for boring.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
If it is a female that calls, I usually will let them try the sales pitch then I will interrupt them by saying something like Wow, you sound real hot! I bet you are pretty sexy... What are you wearing? and then just go on from there and see how long it takes for them to hang up on me.

ya but i betcha a man would hang up faster......
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Ha ha. I can't tell you how many time I press 9. Then get the. You have been removed from our list. Good bye. Only to be called a week later.

We've got no room for boring.
Yea I've been called back within minutes. :errf: Now it could be another line and they could just be going through all our lines but it's happened to me more than once and I don't even answer the phones much. I wait until those that are supposed to answer the phones are on a line before I grab it.


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
No Chris I do not.

Kindness with those you deal with in your business is never a mistake. You yourself and everyone of us on this board are our brand in our communities. How we are looked at is how our companies are looked at. Sarcasm and being rude is never a benefit to your self or your company.

Being nasty on your phone to inbound calls is foolish you are a fool if you do. I am not going to sit hear and I act like I have never done it sure I have but it is a foolish. I look like a jackass when I do it. Who knows who that person could know? Where they could live? It is a huge big colossal mistake.

What is wrong with America is any fool can get on the internet and spout off like they are educated and experienced enough to be an expert.

It was good to meet you and Russ at MF10. Hope you gained some benefit from being around so many experienced owners. I know I sure did.

Easy calling Fool Tom

This is what is wrong with America today and you ask us to let it slide ?

You darn well know that sometimes pony play just won't work!


Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I replied to a guy last week that Mike had just died in a car accident. The solicitor replied, " oh I'm sorry, please send my condolences, IS THE NEW OWNER AVAILABLE"?:madder: I hung up.
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Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
Good lord, that's horrible mike. But I'm not surprised. 1st marketing hang up call already came in today before 8am. 703 area code. Added to block list.

We've got no room for boring.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
How come you're not taking advantage of that half a second grace period between your answer and before they could pick it up?

That's the golden opportunity to hang up.
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Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
That reminds me of a dish sales person that called my home years ago. I declined. They pressed. I then said I was not going to be at my home for awhile. They said. What about other members if the house. Don't they want TV. I said I live alone. They said. What about were you are going. I said that would be great. But I'm not sure it is allowed. They said. Oh I'm sure it is. I then said I was going to jail for a year for assault of a door to door sales man that ignored my no soliciting sign and did not understand the word no. They hung up.

We've got no room for boring.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Dan always tells them that he's been do fortunate in life that he'd like to share. Since he already has enough TV's (or other free gift) he'd like for them to have it. :lol:

Its an old one but always makes me laugh when I hear him saying it again. :biggrin:


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
No Chris I do not.

Kindness with those you deal with in your business is never a mistake. You yourself and everyone of us on this board are our brand in our communities. How we are looked at is how our companies are looked at. Sarcasm and being rude is never a benefit to your self or your company.

Being nasty on your phone to inbound calls is foolish you are a fool if you do. I am not going to sit hear and I act like I have never done it sure I have but it is a foolish. I look like a jackass when I do it. Who knows who that person could know? Where they could live? It is a huge big colossal mistake.

What is wrong with America is any fool can get on the internet and spout off like they are educated and experienced enough to be an expert.

It was good to meet you and Russ at MF10. Hope you gained some benefit from being around so many experienced owners. I know I sure did.

Thanks for keeping it real Tom : )

Great meeting you and listening to the sound advice you share so often with us newbies !

I would hope to think I am still learning from this place big guy!

I threw it out there as I know it drives all of us nutzo and admittedly in the past, I have lost it with some of these vultures.

Everything we say has a direct affect on the business we run. To add what Tom is reiterating , if you wouldn't spew it in front of your community ya prolly shouldn't spew it.

Goes on the reverse of dealing w an angry client. More of a How to keep composure situation.

Sent from da parking garage of dee detention center


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
It is also wrong companies have the ability to harass us, then when they tick us off damage our online status!

Sent from da parking garage of dee detention center

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
What qualifies someone to be an educated/experienced expert in this industry anyway?
Number of trucks, years of experience or iicrc patches?

Just curious.

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