Pink Slip


Supportive Member
Jun 15, 2011
Vernon, Texas
Amy Lorance
Plumber calls at 10:30pm, said it’s bad, but wait till the morning to show up. Homeowner is in late 80’s and said to arrive at 7:30.

Get there, see she is a hoarder, but it doesn’t stink and she’s not living in filth. Call her daughter and tell her we’ll need to get a moving crew here and to call the adjuster (local). All good - get busy locating a mover, boxes and packing material. Even found a storage facility.

Show back up to the flood with the adjuster because he knows the family and didn’t want to go alone. The son-in-law asked who I was - told him - he says thanks for coming, but I haven’t decided if we’re going to need or use you. Ok - good bye.

Drive by that afternoon and see Service Master has driven 60 miles to come pay him a visit.

8;30 that night, son in law calls me back - i wait until 8:00 next day to return his call.

said he was going to use me. i asked if he didn’t like what SM had to offer. - he said are you upset that i looked into all my options? i said nope, not at all. But the homeowner hired me and signed the assignment of benefits this morning.

I inform him of the mold underneath the house and that is going to be an issue. He isn’t worried about that, just wants me to get the walls dry. We discuss (thanks to Richard Chavez) the Refusal of recommendations and Release of Liability. He’s on board all is good. He hires a mover (the one I had already secured). Tells me to wait until Sunday (it’s now Friday) and start pulling carpet, etc.

Called Saturday to set up arrival time - he says they’re not ready - lets start on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Get a call from the adjuster saying the guy called him wanting the adjuster to pay him what I would have charged and he wants to buy his own equipment. Adjuster isn’t very happy. Tells me to run from this.

Get a call from the grandson saying they’ll call me when they’ve decided what they plan to do. (adjuster must have said something).

I call the son-in-law’s office and tell them to cancel my job for spraying 3,500 acres of mesquite. I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do… The son-in-law didn’t realize I was his customer!
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Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
LOL!!!! Good on ya Amy!! I should know better than to read the board when I'm sippin coffee.

Once I would have made the connection I probably would have wasted their time with at least a trip getting all set up for the job then turned them away, "gonna look at my options, hope you're not mad"
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Supportive Member
Jun 15, 2011
Vernon, Texas
Amy Lorance
I live in an area where news travels fast… I don’t want to hurt his business or wish him any ill will, but folks already have heard about it - from the plumber!

Had my own water job at my laundromat this morning. Copper pipe in the ceiling - good thing I know who to call.

Have a great day boys!
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