Mikey P
How many carpet cleaning jobs will be produced form a town of 3,856 inhabitants?
Don't get me wrong, I really like Josh. Great guy, super family man as well as being a Pastor in his church.
Regardless of the superhuman that he is, he and I both have firm grips on the reality that he lives in Podunk.
Lets dream big here and pretend that Josh gets free tuition to SFS, Boot Camp, Round Table and a Rob Allen Ride A Long, Bruders gives him a Vortex, Jeremy gives him a garage full of free chems and I pay for reconstructive surgery to make him as Bradpittish as possible.
Just how many jobs could he possibly do in a year in Yearington NV?
Don't get me wrong, I really like Josh. Great guy, super family man as well as being a Pastor in his church.
Regardless of the superhuman that he is, he and I both have firm grips on the reality that he lives in Podunk.
Lets dream big here and pretend that Josh gets free tuition to SFS, Boot Camp, Round Table and a Rob Allen Ride A Long, Bruders gives him a Vortex, Jeremy gives him a garage full of free chems and I pay for reconstructive surgery to make him as Bradpittish as possible.
Just how many jobs could he possibly do in a year in Yearington NV?