PowerClean comes through for me


Aug 1, 2007
I thought I would relay how PC came through for me.

About a year ago I had a Genesis DXT custom installed in a Sprinter at the PowerClean Factory. I am very pleased with the install and the performance of the machine.

Except for one thing - I had an elaborate set of custom shelving fabricated by PC. Unfortunately, in about 8 months the finish didn't look very good and there was some minor rust in a couple of spots. It was obvious that the coating was beginning to fail.

So I took some pictures and sent them to Jim Nape. He emailed me right back and offered to pay for getting the shelves redone however I wanted them. And he offered to pay me (in store credit) for any time I personally spent on the project in compensation. I'd like to point out that he didn't hesitate or ask to do a half hearted repair. He didn't ask me to verify anytime I spent on the project. He didn't ask for a bunch of bids. He just asked what I wanted to do. The next time I'm looking at a new machine you can be certain that I will remember that.





New coating on the shelves seems to be bullet proof.

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