Desk Jockey
That was a good purchase! This while troubling should be an easy fix and she will be reliable again.
I also agree that its probably fuel related. Even if you hear the pump running, it may not be pumping. You mentioned it sat for awhile. There may be some debris that could be breaking free and affecting your performance. I'd check both and confirm. When ethanol fuel sits for awhile, it develops condensation and water develops in the fuel. That may cause some of the metal components to rust.
Second, I would completely rebuild your chemical pump (diaphragm, check valves, everything!) and replace all low pressure lines from the jug, to the pump. Sometimes a pinhole may cause the variations. Also, theres a screen and a check valve in a manifold just behind the front panel on the left side. Pull those out, clean, inspect, and replace the check valve.
Also, how's your chemical flow indicator? Is it foggy? Could it be cracked anywhere? That may affect as well? It doesn't sound like it from your description, but you better check it anyway.
Sometimes, you have to replace the whole system to solve the problem. Its not very expensive, and will give you a good baseline and reduce your frustration!
Does it continue running rough even if you hold the override switch to the left?
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In the video it sputters then runs fine when I pull the choke out out the choke back in it sputters.
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If it ran better with the new fuel pump, even for an hour or so, it's the fuel pump.Started machine with new fuel pump seems like it running better will know tomorrow after full day.
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Yes with the anti seize and be careful because they get their threads ruined in a second. It shouldn't be that tight.When you get it apart, use antisieze when you put it back together
Also the other machine hasn't had a problem since that first time in the morning only no sputtering for week