Randy Hyde, get your popcorn..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Real Name:Ben SurdiCompany:NW Green CleanLocation:Seattle, WAPosts:541Thanks:31Thanked 34 Times in 20 PostsRug Cleaning De-Mystified
I unfortunetely was not able to attend this class. Wondering if anyone got this course? How was it?

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Yesterday 08:55 AM #2
Rob Allen
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Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-CleanLocation:Va.Posts:4,632Thanks:1,086Thanked 418 Times in 293 PostsBlog Entries:2Re: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
Ben I will try to be as subjective and fair as possible. I personally was very disappointed with the course. It is mainly audio and extremely over priced. It was long and drawn out, choppy and left me knowing hardly more than I knew before. It was marketed very good as you would expect from Mark Kennedy. I don't think Mark has ever cleaned carpets but I may be wrong. It was a power point presentation that had no power in it's presentation.

Overall I was very disappointed with it. I am also very disappointed at the audio cds. I thought I was going to get a on hands visual course. I also felt is was way over priced for what I got. What I got was a bunch of poor audio that will probably end up on my shelf gathering dust. The guy must have said "um" a 100 times and is very hard to listen to. I have it. If you want it you can have it cheap.

Big thumbs down for the Rug Demystified Course. It left me more mystified about rugs. But it did leave me lighter in the wallet.

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Yesterday 09:44 AM #3
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Real Name:Robert L. Allen III "Tre"Company:Truck Mount ForumsLocation:VirginiaPosts:3,352Thanks:292Thanked 159 Times in 128 PostsBlog Entries:2 Re: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
I'm sick and tired of a lot of these fly by nighters with their 1980s sales pitches, you would be better off reading up on Lisa Wagners www.therugchick.com blog, visiting their Rug Restoration show that travels around USA or getting in touch with Dusty Roberts of some classes he promotes, but seriously the Rug De-Mystified is a joke.
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Yesterday 10:22 AM #4
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Real Name:Cory McCookCompany:Carpet Cure IncLocation:Macon, GAPosts:5Thanks:0Thanked 0 Times in 0 PostsRe: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
I attended the course when it ran about a year ago. Overall I thought it was worth my time in listening to it. He went a little too far on the whole photography thing but also explained why saying he loves photography. It was not a how-to course necessarily but I thought it had some helpful things in it about rug cleaning. I'm not brave enough to try his idea of cleaning urine contaminated rugs bleach. He gave us the dvd of the class but I have not looked at it to see what quality it is. I have since taken the RCT class that Jeff and Ruth offer. Had I taken that class before the "DE-mystified" came out, then I would have never even bothered with the demystified. Looking back, it seems to me that Kennedy and Williamson are taking advantage of the open opportunity to market to folks who want to clean rugs but aren't too sure about it. Can't blame em for it.

Macon Rug Cleaning
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Yesterday 02:35 PM #5
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Ultimate Cleaner


Real Name:Ben SurdiCompany:NW Green CleanLocation:Seattle, WAPosts:541Thanks:31Thanked 34 Times in 20 PostsRe: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
Originally Posted by Rob Allen
Ben I will try to be as subjective and fair as possible. I personally was very disappointed with the course. It is mainly audio and extremely over priced. It was long and drawn out, choppy and left me knowing hardly more than I knew before. It was marketed very good as you would expect from Mark Kennedy. I don't think Mark has ever cleaned carpets but I may be wrong. It was a power point presentation that had no power in it's presentation.

Overall I was very disappointed with it. I am also very disappointed at the audio cds. I thought I was going to get a on hands visual course. I also felt is was way over priced for what I got. What I got was a bunch of poor audio that will probably end up on my shelf gathering dust. The guy must have said "um" a 100 times and is very hard to listen to. I have it. If you want it you can have it cheap.

Big thumbs down for the Rug Demystified Course. It left me more mystified about rugs. But it did leave me lighter in the wallet.

LOL. Thanks for the heads up Rob. By the looks of the "sample videos" that they had... it looked like they were going to cover some pretty cool stuff? That's disappointing to here that they didn't deliver.

I'd still like to take a look at it though- is it someone you can email or is it actual audio cd's that you have to listen to?


Carpet Cleaning Seattle | Carpet Cleaning Bellevue

Yesterday 03:43 PM #6
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Real Name:Robert L. Allen III "Tre"Company:Truck Mount ForumsLocation:VirginiaPosts:3,352Thanks:292Thanked 159 Times in 128 PostsBlog Entries:2 Re: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
The DVDs are audio lol.
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Yesterday 06:16 PM #7
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Cleaner Addict


Real Name:Stephen (DUSTY) RobertsCompany:luv-a-rug dba RugBadger.comLocation:Victoria BC canadaPosts:27Thanks:0Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post Re: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
Holy smokes. You would swear by the comments here that this class was garbage and Mark and Robert are vultures.

I in-fact did promote this to my client list when it came out the first time around and was VERY proud to do it as I got a LOT of positive response from folks around the world that did buy it. Best thing about it is you do not have to travel and of coarse you can reference it anytime and even plug new tech in without all the downtime of traveling.

The one downside is that you do not get hands-on, boots-on training. This can only happen with a brick and mortor class.

Perhaps some of the happy clients will get on here and put in their comments.


btw, here is a link to upcoming rug events around the world:
Helping You to get the MOST out of Rugs

Stephen "Dusty" Roberts
866 885 7847


visit the forum for rug lovers
Yesterday 06:53 PM #8
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Real Name:Robert L. Allen III "Tre"Company:Truck Mount ForumsLocation:VirginiaPosts:3,352Thanks:292Thanked 159 Times in 128 PostsBlog Entries:2 Re: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
Dusty, I was only giving my personal opinion on the class. I for one believe for the money spent, someone should really invest it into a class that Lisa Wagner, Jeff Bishop or Ruth Travis teaches - I have learned a ton just by one of Ruth's 1 hour webinars and same with Lisa's + her awesome free blog content. According to records, wasn't Mark K. just a marketer from another industry that landed into the cleaning one recently?

I would not personally promote this product on TMF at all until it's upgraded.

On a side note, missed your call - ill give ya a call after dinner my friend
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Today 10:19 AM #9
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Cleaner Addict


Company:Clearwater CleaningLocation:IndianaPosts:23Thanks:0Thanked 1 Time in 1 PostRe: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified
I have the course. I knew when I bought it that it was an audio course. There is a lot of good info in this course. If you learn nothing else but Paul Lucas' phone number it would be worth it. Combine it with Ellen and Aaron's book and you have a pretty good information base that you can go to whenever you want.

From what I have heard, some instructors don't know the difference between a Wilton and an Axminster.
Last edited by DavidVB; Today at 10:22 AM.
Today 11:01 AM #10
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Cleaner Addict


Real Name:Stephen (DUSTY) RobertsCompany:luv-a-rug dba RugBadger.comLocation:Victoria BC canadaPosts:27Thanks:0Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post Re: Rug Cleaning De-Mystified

Regarding your question about Marks experience in the industry. Marks experience is formidable and was in the industry when you were still in the first grade. So no, Mark is not a shark taking advantage of the industry. I believe his product has very real value and many folks have expressed this to me.
Helping You to get the MOST out of Rugs

Stephen "Dusty" Roberts
866 885 7847


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Ken Snow said:
wish I knew what the point of the post was??

I bet if you attended a WWE event you'd yell out "its fake! its fake! "

relax Ken, this place at times is about observational entertainment and stirring crap up

you're starting to sound like that other boar... pigjowl

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
oyvey not that!

I really do enjoy the bantering I just wish that posts would end with a point or the posters conclusion/opinion.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I'm with Ken. This is like catching the middle of a movie without seeing the beginning or the end.

I guess I'm just obtuse.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
If you and Jim are old then that makes me old too and I don't want to be old. :evil:

Mikey please clue us OLD men in on what that was about.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
the point is, Mark Kennedy and his Rug Demystifying Secrets pal who had the full thumps up and oh so neAto TMF approval last year lost their status when they either failed to give Tre his commission or they sent Rob a bill for the DVDs.
Last year Rob's life long dream of owning his own Rug Spa was coming true thanks to them and now it's become his nightmare.

Dusty comes to the rescue so now his Rug Badger is going to turn out to be a pos too.

I've seen/heard those dvd's and their worth every penny.

Ya see ken and Jim, ya got to pay off this highfalutin Bulletin Board owners to get and keep the chilling going on.

just ask Shawn York... :shock:


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Boy! Them Allen boys are real straight shooters. Ivebeensold

This goes back a couple years with the first rug de-mystified. It was promoted that you get the education of working in a wash plant on a dvd in power point format and you would jumpstart your business as the go to rug cleaner in your area, ..more realistically your local trailer park. As usual I was the voice of negativity, I chided it’s marketing as deceptive & hype ..which it is.

So the Allens …trash Mark Kennedy in favor of Lisa Wagner who happens to have a room on TMF,

Then dusty who just happens to sell banner ads & promotes hit man advertising on his site chimes in this is priceless

Mark is not a shark taking advantage of the industry. I believe his product has very real value and many folks have expressed this to me.

Let me splain som’tin to ya as simple as I can. If you don’t know nutt’in about rugs anything I tell you is a golden nugget of knowledge but that doesn’t mean it’s logical, practical, safe or PROFITABLE ! I sat behind Ben Surdi at Strategies he seems like a bright enough kid.

I’ll give him a phenomenal offer a copy of the first rugs de-mystified DVD free if he pays shipping of 200.00 :roll:

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Now I at least have some idea of what this issue is about. Didn't know any of this- I don't follow the hype much and I don't visit tmf so I have no idea what they say or do on their site.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Ken, i have it on good authority that in fact you dress as the Hagopian mascot and surf a fair number of grey areas on the net! :lol:

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow


Oct 7, 2006
the world's greatest quotes

"only thing one thing worse in this world is that damn rug secrets"

" that b#$$% gives nothing away for free"

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
LOLOL you don't know how close that is to the truth Richard.

That shot was taken at a Women's Show and it was incredible how much attention Cleanie the Genie brought. I have about 50 shots of him with all sorts of women and in other companies booth using/testing their proucts. It was a great time.



Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
I didn't hardly understand any of that.

Until Randy spoke.

Then it was all as clear as mud.

It didn't even make the Rug Hub, I think. ??


Shortestwun. shiteatinggrin

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