Rant about a customer


Apr 6, 2007
I cleaned for an old gal. She kept asking if we were another company. I said no. She stumbled over the name (CBM), said she called them and they said they don't do that anymore, call me. They are still in business and running strong. This was my first warning.

As the cleaning progressed she started complaining about the lines my glide was leaving saying she had never seen anything like that. I groomed the carpet for her and explained that this was the last step but I would do it early for her. She then complained about the rake marks. I made them straight and doubled back over them and she was okay with it.

The carpet was a night and day difference. She was happy with it, thanked me, paid me and I went on my way. She then called the office line today and complained to no end about how terrible the job was. I called her back and asked her about it.

She didn't know it was me, but thought I was somebody else. She then complained that THE CARPET DRIED TO QUICKLY!!!! Proof I didn't do a good job. I explained to her that we use much much more water than most companies. She said it didn't look like anything had been done and she wants her money back or it to be re-cleaned.

I have her rescheduled, but my gut tells me to call her back and just tear up the check.

Maybe I'll wait until monday and ask CBM about her.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
It's easy to jump to conclusions, I'd wait until you see it first before you make any decisions about a reclean or her money back.

A jet could be clogged and cause streaking, it could have dried funny or spots that looked like they were gone may have reappeared.

Or she's a flake! :wink:


Old folks can be funny - it could be her only contact with people are from guys like you that come to her home to do service work . SHe could be lonely and alone .

I had a customer kinda like ( but very old ) this and the job only took me 20 minutes tops . SHe had already told me she was on a fixed income , but damn she was picky . I was nice , professional - But I refused payment . I kinda knew if I had taken it , she would probably be calling back .

I do jobs in the area from time to time and I stop by and see her when I get a chance , and shes as sweet as can be .


Yup. Probably just old, bitter, and lonely. Trying to get attention. If it was me I would have gotten upset about the phone call, but I'm sure I would've calmed down pretty quick too. I would schedule a few hours to go back and look at the areas cleaned, discuss what the problem is as she sees it, and just talking to her about whatever. I bet she would be a cheerleader then!
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
If I would you I would go back with the biggest smile and polite as ever.

Tell her you understand her concern and you are going to do whatever it takes to make it right. I think situations like this is all about communication. When you go back tell her you will reclean whatever areas she feels was substandard. While you are doing that tell her you use powerful equipment to do the cleaning, that is why it dries faster than the previous company. Tell her that is a good thing. Show her the glide at the end of the wand and explain how it works and the lines they leave.

Just properly educate the customer in the fine art of cleaning, smile and be friendly. This is a job of customer service more than just cleaning. I love these types of customers because its a step outside the norm. Basically it comes down to communication and presenting yourself well.

Just think of it as a challenge, what can you do to win in this situation and walk out of the house like a king.


Apr 6, 2007
I was in the shop this afternoon and the owner came in. I told him about it and asked him if he wanted to go with me. My gut told me we should just refund her and be done with it. The only few times that has happened we have spent a ton of money trying to please somebody who will never be happy.

We walked through with her and I let him do the talking, because all she had wanted to do is complain to the owner of the company. She complained about how often she has it cleaned and how it always looks brand new and you can never see any traffic lane in the kitchen. However, after I cleaned it she could see it but only from a certain angle. She then complained to the owner about how dry I got the carpets. He tried explaining it to her and she interrupted him saying $90.00 was too much to pay for such a terrible job anyway. She started showing him very faint filtration soil lines (Which I offered to remove for an additional charge and she declined). He explained what they were and she interrupted him again by showing him a crumb in the corner between the stove and the fridge, and another one underneath the cabinets in the kitchen.

She then said it didn't even look like I had cleaned the carpets. We were standing in full view of the two doorways leading into rooms she didn't have me clean, looking right at the crisp line separating clean and dirty. She then said, "It's only me and my husband here and we never wear our shoes in the house." They were both wearing their shoes and it didn't appear there was a bench or a chair at any of the doors where elderly folks could remove their shoes nor any shoe-rack or extra shoes anywhere by the doorways.

She said the only reason why she called me is because she dialed the wrong number. The owner explained how as carpets get older. Interrupted again by her saying the carpet isn't that old. She would not even give a ballpark figure of how old when asked. Again he said, as carpets get older you will notice that the lines along the walls will get worse and the traffic areas of the carpet eventually won't look brand new after a cleaning. He handed her back her check and told her to call her regular guys. Maybe having another cleaning will fix it, but if doesn't, please consider us again in the future.

We both thanked her, shook her hand and left.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Chris Adkins said:
Ida punched the ol' biatch right in the throat....

Once I give back the money and write it off, I have a real hard time going back. No one likes to work for free, but if they do call you back, the price is 3x's the original in cash. :lol:


Jan 11, 2007
Tampa Bay/Central Florida
Bryan C
Yep, this has been a weird couple of days for me too. Just makes you sit you back and reevaluate things wondering why people act like they do sometimes.

We did a trashed townhouse today. Took 4 loads of crap out of the dyson (didn't really price it to vacuum as she said she did :shock: ), edged the corners with the vacuum hose and turned the freaking AT loose on this place. It cleaned up real nice as usual. First thing she looks is the slight wear pattern in the LR that we took from black to the regular color with some slight wear pattern noticeable. She wonders about some small pieces of ??? wedged down in the baseboard. and then says......................."why are the carpets so DRY ?" :roll:

And I get to go back next week to do some furniture....

Perfect ending to a weird week.


Apr 6, 2007
Consider us again was a bluff. We will never work for her again.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
I would have done exactly the same thing as you Gary including ranting about it here. It’s hard not to take things personally when you put allot of yourself into the work, But you have to let it go and move on.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
screw that she is going to talk crap anyway.id have kept the money after looking at the job and deciding it was done properly. i might have offered to reclean but i would do it in half the time or faster since its already clean.


that happened to me a couple years ago, lady called my wife and wanted me to refund a former tenant his money because the carpet was dry the next day.

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