Resoil "air watts"...?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Hi Ed,

It was fun working with the legend. The recoil 3-XPS is strong machine. The new hyper velocity recoil 4 is the next generation of generations of raw power.

The recoil 4 is so powerful that a #4 blower can not keep up with it.The improvements of the new generation 4 is up to 151 inches of water lift, cfm up to 362 without the power booster. So with a booster it would be around 481 CFM, and that's a lot suction for a portable unit. This machine is designed as such that doesn't kick breakers.

It has a 500psi pump also. When Ed and I were working on it we were so excited, and nervous to start it up. There are 1950 air watts in the RECOIL 4, its an ANIMAL. The drying time is 2-3 hours on the carpets, I tested. this machine that has the most suction I have ever seen.

What the hell is an air watt?
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
Mikey P said:
Hi Ed,

It was fun working with the legend. The recoil 3-XPS is strong machine. The new hyper velocity recoil 4 is the next generation of generations of raw power.

The recoil 4 is so powerful that a #4 blower can not keep up with it.The improvements of the new generation 4 is up to 151 inches of water lift, cfm up to 362 without the power booster. So with a booster it would be around 481 CFM, and that's a lot suction for a portable unit. This machine is designed as such that doesn't kick breakers.

It has a 500psi pump also. When Ed and I were working on it we were so excited, and nervous to start it up. There are 1950 air watts in the RECOIL 4, its an ANIMAL. The drying time is 2-3 hours on the carpets, I tested. this machine that has the most suction I have ever seen.

These comments raise a lot of questions. 1) How many cords? 2) How many motors? 3) Did they actually measure their #s or are they just theoretic? 4) How much are they overcharging for this one? 5) What's the amp draw on each cord and don't forget to add the pump?

I don't want to say someone is exaggerating, some people just remember BIG!

Sounds like someone is playing games with numbers. Didn't some one say you can't fool mother watts.....I guess they think they can fool everybody else.

And to compare a vacuum with a universal motor to a PD blower is simply unrealistic.


thanks for chiming in John, when us truckmount guys speak up about bogus 300+ CFM claims of Good Fortune we are accused of pounding our chests

you simply can not add up all the bench test capabilities of all lamb vacs you are running especially a downline vac booster :shock:

heck if you left that thing in your truck without a booster you'd be recovering half the water used
Apr 4, 2009
I'm with John on this one...I have been looking into "electric" vac motors lately and claiming 1950 air watts ...begs the questions.... how many motors...and how many cords????!!!!


Apr 7, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Dan Gardner
If you look at Lamb's more efficient motors, they are getting about 36 airwatts per amp (for 120V motors). So a true 1950 airwatts means 54 amps just for the vacs. Thats 3 20A circuits at 18A each. Add another 15A circuit for the pump, and you have a 4-cord machine (or if he is pushing the limits on a 20A circuit, maybe 3 cords).

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Ok, there are certain times during the year when we allow ourselves to put down on paper our engineering ideas and concepts. In the Auto industry and at the Detroit Auto Show, they call it: "Concept Cars". bet Jim Morrow could relate to this!

Well, yesterday myself and a good friend of mine, engineered the "Hyper-Velocity RECOIL-4" system (Hope no one steals that name-LOL!). This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period. In fact, I was amazed at how strong our Tanks held up because any others I have ever seen would implode.

WOW. It was just incredible. We couldn't believe it but at the same time, expected exactly that.

Perhaps some point in time, we will introduce it however, it would really have to be designed and directed toward--the right--and "intelligent" Operator who can figure out the many optional ways of using this unique system.

Anyways, I must say that I had goose bumps up and down my spine after successfully developing this one!!!!! This little workhorse was simply amazing period.

Now, before anyone starts asking, please stay seated and hold your applause because this system will be used by a particular Operator we have chosen for field testing for this year. Unlike our competition, we must be one of the only ones who actually field test rather than dump on the innocent customer as those who have recently copied the power booster concept!

However, Then and only then might I release this info and particulars. So, just wanted to let you know we are always ahead of the other guys" who are assembling their knock-off's of our products.

BTW, I will say this: These concepts CAN BE adapted to the 2nd Generation RECOIL-XPS systems out there or currently being sold!

Now I will (really) rest in peace;
Have a Great weekend;
ED Valentine
Apr 4, 2009
"Concept" Porty ...huh?

"intelligent" Operator who can figure out the many optional ways of using this unique system.

By intelligent operator ...does he mean someone who can locate the "dryer" 240v outlet and the "electric stove" 240v outlet, and has an adapter to get 4, 20A, 120v, lines?... :wink:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period.

This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period

This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period

This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Are you grounded when standing on wet carpeting or water damage when running electric equipment?

Ofcourse ,most probably don't care until they get zapped big time! We have witnessed that many boarder-line cleaners only purchase on price and not on common-sense. If it has a vac motor and a pump, they are all the same. Hummm. Really?....

Well, Cross-American Corporation has made the grounding of the floor wand & individual holding it, standard for years now because we feel that this is a very important safety feature for any Operator. We care about him even tho many do not realize great and well though-out equipment.

Does our competition care? Must not. Just saw a fairly new 3-4 month old machine (as per the operator) a few days ago that was mighty-bad!!!!!! (Yes, it did have a pump and couple vac motors and a wobbly wheel!)

Can you run the second vacuum in a parallel configeration with full power and performance if you only chose 1 vac motor?

Well you can now on our newest 2nd generation RECOIL-XPS systems! A great automatic feature that responds to the Operators wish by a flip of the switch! It internally senses engagement/disengagement of motors.

Just two little--but very important----features that make us different from the squirt & sucks. Ofcourse, there are many more!

While our competitors are trying to catch up with generic knock-offs ,we are rapidly moving along with a hugh smile on our faces as well as our customers experiencing great satisfaction! Just thought you'd like to know.

This has been just wonderful!
Cross-American Corp.


Apr 7, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Dan Gardner
So he's got little flappers that prevent backflow through a motor if you don't turn it on. A very necessary feature when you can't find enough outlets!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Thanks, Rickie. And, especially for all the technical information and help that you have offered from your Navy/Fighter Jet experiences!! Truly unbelievable that we can take advantage of this technology in our great Industry as well.

Thanks again for all your drawings!!!!

Ed Valentine
"Super-Charged" Systems

Plenty of power to run all accessories on generator; But on those great corp commercial jobs we tend to run off land power to maximize profit, same at aparments.

But the solar panels are the wave of the future of electric Carpet Cleaning Truck Mounts. Soon Ed will have his experimental system patiented and release it to all the markets.


Just received your information and the module. Thanks.

That could be the answer but didn't know it came from the T-11 transport.

very best;
Ed Valentine
"Makers of the Smart-Design Systems"
Apr 4, 2009
Mikey P said:
This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period.

This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period

This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period

This system truly had as much and more extraction performance than most TM's period

Certainly strains credibility ... :oops:

Like I said ...I have been looking into electric vac motors...and with enough high performance 7.2"s you might get into the 3 blower range...but it is not really the same thing...and certainly not "more extraction than most TM's period."...

When does a Porty stop being a Porty...when it is no longer Portable!!!...thing must weigh the better part of 200lbs... :roll:

Seems to me that if you want an electric TM...then see Terry Brevik, or Bob Savage... :lol:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Thanks for that information. If you are running it at nite time, direct a 40w-60w spot lite in the direction of the "SMART-DESIGN" pump-out system.

That'll solve your problem.

Ed Valentine
"Super-Charged' Systems

No worries; But it is working very well actually; I can't wait till Ed sends me that Solar Powered Inverter; That thing will cut my need for a generator during the daytime!!

Rickie Fontenots Janitorial Services

Worked it for about 4 hours today Ed. Never had to use the electric all sunshine to on Pensacola Beach.

Rickie Fontenots Janitorial Services


Thanks. I haven't been in the Plant this week and it will take a few more days to finish up on that blue print you sent me of the T-11. The guys down here thought it was a great idea but, as you had suggested, they will have to fuze those four electrical relays.

Anyways, I'll need a Gin & Tonic with an extra shot after Thursday!

Ed Valentine

I hear ya Ed; worked auto dump again; 60 feet of water hose on a slight hill from 1 side of apartment building to another; was running machine off generator and auto dump from solar array only.

It was cool seeing all the young girls in their bikinis coming up to ask questions. I got 4 walkup jobs scheduled from the looky louyers alone. Son in Law is dying from all the work he is doing. I just kep reminding him how my legs must feel carrying my fat a$$ around all day.

We did do some off beat work today; window cleaning paid really well. Gonna do an estimate for Travertine job tomorrow $$$.

Be sure to send me those blueprints asap so I can be prepared for that next mod test.

Rickie Fontenots Janitorial Services


Oct 7, 2006
Mytee had a High Velocity 10 years ago, seems every time you point a finger, 4 are coming back at you.

Shame to see such inflated claims being made, it reeks of Desperation.

3 tiny regular lamb vacs, are still three tiny regular lamb vacs.....sheesh.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Lots of chains being pulled.

For the record, I've built and sold a few electric tms with my sons. We always had ground fault protection on each power line.


Bob Savage

Oct 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Bob Savage
Ed V said:
However, Then and only then might I release this info and particulars. So, just wanted to let you know we are always ahead of the other guys" who are assembling their knock-off's of our products.

Are you grounded when standing on wet carpeting or water damage when running electric equipment?

Ofcourse ,most probably don't care until they get zapped big time! We have witnessed that many boarder-line cleaners only purchase on price and not on common-sense. If it has a vac motor and a pump, they are all the same. Hummm. Really?....

Well, Cross-American Corporation has made the grounding of the floor wand & individual holding it, standard for years now because we feel that this is a very important safety feature for any Operator. We care about him even tho many do not realize great and well though-out equipment.

Does our competition care? Must not. Just saw a fairly new 3-4 month old machine (as per the operator) a few days ago that was mighty-bad!!!!!! (Yes, it did have a pump and couple vac motors and a wobbly wheel!)

Can you run the second vacuum in a parallel configeration with full power and performance if you only chose 1 vac motor?

Well you can now on our newest 2nd generation RECOIL-XPS systems! A great automatic feature that responds to the Operators wish by a flip of the switch! It internally senses engagement/disengagement of motors.

[quote="Ed V":2vz1ma6j]Just two little--but very important----features that make us different from the squirt & sucks. Ofcourse, there are many more!

While our competitors are trying to catch up with generic knock-offs ,we are rapidly moving along with a hugh smile on our faces as well as our customers experiencing great satisfaction! Just thought you'd like to know.

This has been just wonderful!
Cross-American Corp.


Are you sure other people are copying your designs? As far as I know the vacuum booster that Terry makes, the one that Mytee makes, the one that KleenRite makes, and the one that I make, are not copies of yours.

Then you said:

Are you grounded when standing on wet carpeting or water damage when running electric equipment?

Are you saying a carpet cleaner can get electrocuted when holding a wand while carpet cleaning, using a portable? I have never heard of that happening. It could ONLY happen if the portable operator was using "conductive" solution line, and a hot wire inside the portable somehow came apart and ended up laying across the solution brass housing that goes through the wall of the portable for solution line hookup, which would send 110V out to the wand.

Or, were you saying grounding the machine itself so it doesn't shock someone. If so, I think all portables are grounded, with some using a GFCI circuit.

Todd Anthony

Jan 31, 2009
Bob Savage said:
[quote="Ed V":3efyugo8]However, Then and only then might I release this info and particulars. So, just wanted to let you know we are always ahead of the other guys" who are assembling their knock-off's of our products.

Are you grounded when standing on wet carpeting or water damage when running electric equipment?

Ofcourse ,most probably don't care until they get zapped big time! We have witnessed that many boarder-line cleaners only purchase on price and not on common-sense. If it has a vac motor and a pump, they are all the same. Hummm. Really?....

Well, Cross-American Corporation has made the grounding of the floor wand & individual holding it, standard for years now because we feel that this is a very important safety feature for any Operator. We care about him even tho many do not realize great and well though-out equipment.

Does our competition care? Must not. Just saw a fairly new 3-4 month old machine (as per the operator) a few days ago that was mighty-bad!!!!!! (Yes, it did have a pump and couple vac motors and a wobbly wheel!)

Can you run the second vacuum in a parallel configeration with full power and performance if you only chose 1 vac motor?

Well you can now on our newest 2nd generation RECOIL-XPS systems! A great automatic feature that responds to the Operators wish by a flip of the switch! It internally senses engagement/disengagement of motors.

[quote="Ed V":3efyugo8]Just two little--but very important----features that make us different from the squirt & sucks. Ofcourse, there are many more!

While our competitors are trying to catch up with generic knock-offs ,we are rapidly moving along with a hugh smile on our faces as well as our customers experiencing great satisfaction! Just thought you'd like to know.

This has been just wonderful!
Cross-American Corp.


Are you sure other people are copying your designs? As far as I know the vacuum booster that Terry makes, the one that Mytee makes, and the one that I make are not copies of yours.

Then you said:

Are you grounded when standing on wet carpeting or water damage when running electric equipment?

Are you saying a carpet cleaner can get electrocuted when holding a wand while carpet cleaning, using a portable? I have never heard of that happening.

Or, were you saying grounding the machine itself so it doesn't shock someone. If so, I think all portables are grounded, with some using a gfci circuit.[/quote:3efyugo8]

That sounds like he has resorted to scare tactics too me, good way to market. lol That guy has really went off the deep end.

the beat goes on...


Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Years of Experience
Mikey P said:

Thanks for that information. If you are running it at nite time, direct a 40w-60w spot lite in the direction of the "SMART-DESIGN" pump-out system.

That'll solve your problem.

Ed Valentine
"Super-Charged' Systems

No worries; But it is working very well actually; I can't wait till Ed sends me that Solar Powered Inverter; That thing will cut my need for a generator during the daytime!!

Rickie Fontenots Janitorial Services

Worked it for about 4 hours today Ed. Never had to use the electric all sunshine to on Pensacola Beach.

Rickie Fontenots Janitorial Services


Thanks. I haven't been in the Plant this week and it will take a few more days to finish up on that blue print you sent me of the T-11. The guys down here thought it was a great idea but, as you had suggested, they will have to fuze those four electrical relays.

Anyways, I'll need a Gin & Tonic with an extra shot after Thursday!

Ed Valentine

I hear ya Ed; worked auto dump again; 60 feet of water hose on a slight hill from 1 side of apartment building to another; was running machine off generator and auto dump from solar array only.

It was cool seeing all the young girls in their bikinis coming up to ask questions. I got 4 walkup jobs scheduled from the looky louyers alone. Son in Law is dying from all the work he is doing. I just kep reminding him how my legs must feel carrying my fat a$$ around all day.

We did do some off beat work today; window cleaning paid really well. Gonna do an estimate for Travertine job tomorrow $$$.

Be sure to send me those blueprints asap so I can be prepared for that next mod test.

Rickie Fontenots Janitorial Services

LMAO, get bored lately ?

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