Took the family to Southwick Zoo today, we rode camels, saw newborn pot belly pigs, fed baby goats and deer. Basically had a blast.
On the hour ride home my 8 year old and eleven year old were exhausted ... they sat next to each other in the mini van watching a DVD and couldn;t go 2 minutes without bickering over nothing. " stop talking", t"his is my side", "shhhhh, no you Shhhhhh" " Dad, Matthew hit me " etc etc etc
I came on here to get away from that shit :shock:
On the hour ride home my 8 year old and eleven year old were exhausted ... they sat next to each other in the mini van watching a DVD and couldn;t go 2 minutes without bickering over nothing. " stop talking", t"his is my side", "shhhhh, no you Shhhhhh" " Dad, Matthew hit me " etc etc etc
I came on here to get away from that shit :shock: