Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pemberton

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

It's one of those designs that if you stare at it long enough you see something within the design.

Here's what I saw:




Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Years of Experience
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

LisaWagnerCRS said:
P.S. One thing on IICRC. We still direct students to certification courses. Pembertons still holds them, and I've been trying to NUDGE Shawn Basillion into getting approved for the IICRC rug course because he would be much more knowledgeable with practical help in training in that field than all the other current RCT teachers who have never really run a sizable rug operation. (Plus he's a fun teacher.)

Shawn is an amazing person. John and Lora hire him to teach in Utah. I got to pick his brain, and was just blown away at what he taught me.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

Mikey P said:
I bet Jim tears up too when he has to clean that mess up this weekend.

Sounds like you found a nice new nitch there Lisa, how long until the Dixie Mafia or Dusto Bongo rips you two off?

Actually, a group of us stayed after and cleaned up. Jim's team will pack up a 700 lb crate of rugs and ship it down to Fort Myers Florida for our work with Team #2.

I was surprised to see all that Bob posted. I wasn't going to post any photos or anything. Not because it's a secret - but because that's not my focus. I don't need to "sell" this to the world. Jim and I have been around long enough, and people know us well enough, to know if they want to learn from us or not. We sold out these first 2 groups in 3 days, picking 40 from a group of over 125 applications. They know our ethics, our values, and our work ethic. They also know our experience in these fields, which the rest sometimes lack, in both the trade and the business side.

So our focus is on our current 2 teams, getting them to success over 6 months of training, and then decide which 20 companies to work with next. The commitment in time, engagement, and payment is not going to be right for everyone - and so there will always be a place for everyone else who is training. But with Jim and I, we just don't have the patience to teach a mediocre school with mediocre participants. We want the ones who want to be the best, and we will be working our asses of to get them there.

And anyone else doing anything at all, or trying to "knock us off" - I could really care less. We really have no competitors, because we are doing something completely different here. Plus our focus is on our members, not other trainers. And I'll support other rug education wherever it is, as long as it's quality.

IICRC is okay for some, it's just not for me. Teaching for them would be like having an electronic dog collar on and only a small perimeter for me to run in and have fun, so I just end up sitting down and moping instead, and growing a big IICRC Instructors Gut (or Butt). It's never been for me.


P.S. I suppose I'll see some profane dog collar photos being posted now... but that was the best analogy that came to mind. =)


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

Hoody said:
LisaWagnerCRS said:
P.S. One thing on IICRC. We still direct students to certification courses. Pembertons still holds them, and I've been trying to NUDGE Shawn Basillion into getting approved for the IICRC rug course because he would be much more knowledgeable with practical help in training in that field than all the other current RCT teachers who have never really run a sizable rug operation. (Plus he's a fun teacher.)

Shawn is an amazing person. John and Lora hire him to teach in Utah. I got to pick his brain, and was just blown away at what he taught me.

He is amazing. Exactly the type of person you want training others - someone who has DONE it their life for a living, not just read about it.

I told Shawn as soon as he is approved I'm sending him a ton of students. IICRC certification would be worth getting if it was from him. Not for the patch, but to pick his brain with real world questions and scenarios that the others have no idea on.

He says he's close to getting approved, and since Ruth isn't on the board anymore, and Jeff isn't a consultant there, he might actually have a shot at being accepted FINALLY. =)


Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

I haven't much to add that Bob and Lisa haven't said.

Even though after 18 months of planning Lisa and I had a good idea of what we wanted to do, what I could not have anticipated was what a terrific experience it was to have a class full of people who wanted to be there, who were not pressured by "exam anxiety", and were not subject to "death by PowerPoint".

Even though I am somewhat divorced from The Clean Trust, it's an amicable divorce where I truly wish them well. But I could never teach that way gain.

I'd give up teaching forever if that was the only way I could do it.

The credit for the success of this course goes, as Lisa said, to the students. The energy that was present and the synergism that exists when you have such people actively participating in group projects and real world hands on learning makes the job that Lisa and I did very easy and extraordinarily rewarding.

Thanks for coming Bob and Jarred, and to any others in the group that may be observing here.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

{Quote}Even though after 18 months of planning Lisa and I had a good idea of what we wanted to do, what I could not have anticipated was what a terrific experience it was to have a class full of people who wanted to be there...................................................................

"I couldn't force myself to read any FURTHER...!" :shock:

DiScUsTinG.... :oops:


Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

For those of you that think I'm all googly with afterglow from the experience. My feet are on the ground and my head is on my shoulders.

No hype or koolaid served here except on a few pieces of wool carpet. And if you look at the photos these weren't rookies for the most part these people knew why they were there and it was delivered - in spades.

Two words practical and applicable

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

Jeeze Harper where the hell do you get off making a comment like that?

I see no reason to slam this event or the people behind it.

are you a Rug Fagaphob or wont those geezers in FL pay for a fresh hand dipped rug?


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

I would have loved to have been at Lisa & Jim's course, time, distance and other commitments stopped me, hence the reference above to Bob, for showing me the terrific learning experienced all enjoyed. thathurts

Hopefully next year I can make one.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe


Doc Holliday said:
I doubt it was a shot at the program or Jim, he doesn't like Lisa.

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

We were taught by Shawns teacher, in my opinion the best one out there.
The rest are just selling Sauce and wet dreams.
Stop by Berthod CO you'll find him with his boots on Washing rugs........the rest ????????


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

Ron K said:
We were taught by Shawns teacher, in my opinion the best one out there.
The rest are just selling Sauce and wet dreams.
Stop by Berthod CO you'll find him with his boots on Washing rugs........the rest ????????

This is kind of funny because Phil (who I consider a friend) taught his class to sell his Auserehlian cleaning system with. =)

By the way, if you stop by San Diego on Monday, you'll find me cleaning an antique Savonnerie. It's a beauty... and I'm kinda cute too.

So I'm assuming you are not lumping Jim and I into that "selling sauce and wet dreams" group. Bob will tell you that though Sapphire did graciously sponsor our event, we had a whole host of manufacturers products in the mix, and everyone was allowed to request any particular item they wanted to try from Pembertons. We even had a Badger there and Dusty's racks also (which Jim bought - so NO ONE owns us - LOL).

Happy Rug Cleaning!


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Re: Review: Textile Pro Program with Lisa Wagner & Jim Pembe

For those wondering..we used many different brands of products..specifically when tackling fringe cleaning. We had about 7 or 8 different variations of chems that we used. And its a personal choice of which ones each of us liked..oddly enough, I did like a saphire product..but it was an upholstery pre spray..not a fringe cleaner. Some others favored other brands and methods..personally, I still don't like the upholstery tool from saphire..and that's my choice. Neither Lisa or Jim were pushing any product or machines on us. We used water and brushes and squeegees..threw a cimex in there for good measure. And no piranha talk either in case any of you clowns were going to start down that road. It was just honest help from experts who care and want to see others succeed. It was nice to be amongst me peers and all of us shared the same integrity and honesty about the business and our customers. And we were all sharing ideas about what works for us without any kind of stand offish I'm not going to tell you anything secret squirrel vibe. I cant wait to continue my study with my group and my instructors.


Still shout out to Randy Pierce who started me on this road..its about good people doing good things.

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