Rich Cleaner Conference

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So Mrs Wagner..

Just how many attended your event?
How did they hear of it?
How did you convince them it was worth $1000 a head to get in?
Would they all say they got their money's worth?
What type of cleaner was the event ideally designed for?
Are there successful owners that would be wasting their time at your event??
How much were the suppliers and manufactures charge to display their goods?
Will this be an annual event?
Would you let/sell *** and or Mikey's Board have a table next year?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Good or Bad, chances are the people won't tell you because they don't want to look like they just screwed themselves out of 1000 bucks.

But I would like to hear what went on.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Just how many attended your event?

How did they hear of it?

How did you convince them it was worth $1000 a head to get in?

Would they all say they got their money's worth?

What type of cleaner was the event ideally designed for?

Are there successful owners that would be wasting their time at your event??

How much were the suppliers and manufactures charge to display their goods?

Will this be an annual event?

Would you let/sell *** and or Mikey's Board have a table next year?

Hi Mike - Sorry I didn't see this post until you emailed me about it. Getting ready to fly out to AZ to meet with 150 of our Platinum group, going to be a BUSY week - I'm excited! (I know, you can give a crap...)

We had 650 at the conference and 200 virtual attendees (same price - we sold out the hotel and the one next door).

There were primarily cleaners and restorers - but also all types of service businesses. This year one of our testimonials came from a wedding planner who bought our carpet cleaning kit and converted the campaigns for her company (they are templates) - and she sent me a huge thank you for the money she was making from it. Because Joe still has the #1 selling marketing kit at Nightingale-Conant, which is a general program, we attract businesses from all walks of life.

This niche specifically though, we fill it the same way we teach all of our members to fill their calendars with jobs. Market to your House lists (existing clients, recent past clients, and hot prospects) and then to Endorsed lists (through your vendor partners) and then lastly to cold lists through on-line and off-line channels. Market consistently, not just as a reaction when you are slow, and make sure it is direct-response and not some image ad.

What someone gets out of a conference or class is entirely up to what they decide to get out of it. Because we do have a big ticket, we have to deliver big (especially since these past 2 years we've offered a double-your-money-back guarantee) ... that said, the price, the fact it is 5 solid days, and it's in another state, filters out those who would NEVER make that investment for an event and for themselves. So it brings us the most motivated crowd ready to learn from all over the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. And this in turn make the event that much more of a charging experience to everyone attending.

The trade show this year was a first, and we sold out the 55 booths quickly. They were $2,500 each. I personally chose who would be in our show, because I wanted to give our members a group of different partners to meet with, not just ten versions of the same stuff, and I wanted companies I knew directly as quality operations and products. Connections has gotten so huge now, you don't even have time to get to learn much about anyone - you just power through the aisles trying to quickly see if you have missed anyone.

We do not have the crowd size of the Connections show - but we have a crowd of qualified buyers who would be ideal customers of anyone who attends. I emphasized to this group that if they were coming to our show I did not want them smiling and standing for days hoping to get a few names – I wanted them to SELL. We moved a lot of product at the show. Our members got incredible deals, and I prepped all of them to come ready to buy their end of year supplies and big equipment.

You ask how we get cleaners to pay that, and to come, we've been doing this for now 16 years annually - many of our clients plan the rest of their year around our events. I had one couple who had a trip to Italy planned for their 25th wedding anniversary MOVE it so they could be at our event, because it gets them charged for the coming year, with a huge manual of strategies to act on, and is just an incredible networking and sharing experience.

Running a business can be a lonely place, so this is a time when you get to be surrounded by people who know where you are coming from, and will help you in any area you need help with. And the presenters we bring to the stage, this past year Tony & Mary Miller (The Dream Manager), Sean Stephenson (Get Off Your But author), Tony Hseih (Zappos CEO), Matt Mullenweg (Wordpress founder) – just incredible knowledge from people making things happen right now.

Now – YOU ASKED ME about Piranha, and this event. I did not start this thread. You could have sent me a private email, I'd write the same thing, but you posted it here for everyone. So you either really want to know these answers - or you want to start another thread where someone can call me an A-hole or bash everything having to do with Piranha.

We have been around a LONG time Mike. Multiply our 16 years of $1K events with our member levels from the basic buyers group at $125 a month to this Platinum group at $15K a year, to everything in between. We know how to create cash in this industry, a lot of it, and have generated countless millions for our clients, and millions for our company. We were the first to guarantee every product we produce, and every event we put on – we have the easiest return policy out there, because quite simply we are not the right fit for everyone, and they are not always the right fit for us.

I have fired 5 from our $15K program over the years, mostly for just a chronic bad attitude, or no incentive to actually WORK to make their business better. If someone is in our most elite group, I expect action and growth from them. You don’t just pay the money and expect that magic pill to make it all work for you – you have to get into action. We teach making your business Easy, Lucrative, and Fun – but you still have to work to get an ELF business. Lazy people don’t last long in Piranha.

There are people out there who bash us, but we have a thousand companies who love us, and I’m getting ready to meet with a hundred of them this week, many having had their best year ever despite everyone saying it was all going to die this year.

The skills we teach – tactical, strategic, direct response marketing – is the one area that can transform a company no matter what the outside environment is. It is not always easy, but it is simple. We just had a coaching call yesterday, we had everyone look at their year and list what worked last year for their marketing, and what did not. For this year, it’s simple – do MORE of what worked, and fix or eliminate what did not. And get off your butt and DO IT NOW. Movement always outperforms meditation. And even a mediocre marketing campaign rolled out aggressively will make you more money than the perfect one sitting unopened on your shelf.

Last question – ICS and CF both had tables at our event. I didn’t have room to add *** for the set-up I had.

We will have a conference this year in October. I am looking at possibly moving to a larger property, but the service at our last location was so phenomenal, that might keep me there another year to reward them for going over the top this last time. Every partner from this year has first choice of booths for 2010 – if I expand by another 20 spaces then we could chat about if you really did want to be at one of our events. If it just would be a novelty for you, then there really is no point in wasting your or our time.

I have no idea why you posted this Mike – but I guess let’s let the bashing begin.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Why did I post this?

After 5 years of putting on Mikefest I'm getting tired of losing money. Sure it's a great time for all but the time and effort put into planing it it ridiculous.
Worse part is, I'm so busy scooting around like Larry Cooper on a Segway running the show I don't even get to sit in on the classes.

I figure you would have some ideas for me.

Thanks and chill out dear, your slip is showing.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
And now for a little Education Laughter and Farting :wink:

That was a lot of bubble blowing...

"filters out those who would NEVER make that investment for an event and for themselves"
read SHEEP

I have fired 5 from our $15K program over the years, mostly for just a chronic bad attitude, or no incentive to actually WORK to make their business better. If someone is in our most elite group, I expect action and growth from them. You don’t just pay the money and expect that magic pill to make it all work for you – you have to get into action. We teach making your business Easy, Lucrative, and Fun – but you still have to work to get an ELF business. Lazy people don’t last long in Piranha.

So, you took 15 k off these people and fired them?


The skills we teach – tactical, strategic, direct response marketing – is the one area that can transform a company no matter what the outside environment is.

Hmmm- You can pay to take the courses OR this school and most others will give you a student to work with your business FREE. ... -bmkt.html

Or you can read it ... books.html

But the bad part is you don't get Benny Hinn preaching a sermon



Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
I knew you needed a thread to share your artistic talents on Willy. :)

Mike, I've worked on putting on 5 CFI conventions, 2 CFI restoration symposiums, 3 Connections events, and 9 piranha boot camps and conferences. If you want some suggestions for marketing, filling, and turnkeying events, we can chat about that at Mikeyfest. I know you put a lot into this, and I'm happy to share what I've learned in my own channels.

No need for the shameless piranha plug here, I don't need it, and I'd help you without it anyway. In fact, I bet you could ask everyone coming in Feb to bring 20 bucks and even Terry would. You provide value here, along with twisted abuse, but no one would have an issue with you making money on the show.

Am I wrong guys?


Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Odin said:
bring 20 bucks NO FOOKING WAY sweet heart


You can get a case of mac and cheese AND weinies for 20 bucks. And maybe some mark down fruitcake.

Lisa, I was the kid your parents warned you about. :wink: Now I'm the adult your kids warn you about. :D What do you think of this Ebay offering? I'll bet he's fired!

Attention Effective, But Frustrated

Carpet Cleaner’s

Here's The Marketing Secrets Joe Polish Charges $25,000 For & Took Me From $0 To $10,000 Per Month In Just

47 Days... Without Ulcers, Agony, Or

Any 50 Hour Work Weeks!

Monday, 6:29 a.m.

Hi there.

First off, thanks for checking out my listing. I know you're busy so we'll keep this short. My name is Joe and in the next few minutes, I am (with your permission) going to send you a six CD program titled...

The Millionaire Carpet Cleaner Underground Carpet Cleaning System

And not only am I going to send it to you fast, I am also going to send it to you...

For Just $47... + FREE Shipping

At the end of the month, this collection of priceless six cds, will be available on eBay for $97. However, I'm a bit of a technology dunce... so... until I'm able to get everything setup, correctly, I'm giving it away $47. This is not a disguised sales pitch. These powerful cds sell nothing. It's all content.

...I'll tell why I'm doing this in a moment, but first let me just say:

On these awesome NO BULL 6 hour cds, you'll find hardcore "how to" information... and... some very profitable, insider marketing secrets you can start using - instantly - to supercharge all your carpet cleaning advertising (both online and off). In fact, here's a quick glimpse of what you'll discover in it...

· PROOF of everything I'm telling you is true! (And why this 100 year old approach is unlike anything you've ever seen, not taught by people like Joe Polish, Mark Kennedy, or ANY of the other "gurus"...

· The fastest way possible to start making money as a carpet cleaner. I've experienced being broke... and... it sucks! Master this one concept and you'll be playing golf, or working out at the gym, 3-times a week, worry-free and with money in the bank!!!

The infamous Millionaire Carpet Cleaner Underground Carpet Cleaning System

· broken down, step-by-step in plain English - that took me from being broke, cleaning carpets 80-90 hour weeks, apologizing to my girlfriend for every late night phone call, interrupted dinner and lost weekend... to... collecting $10,000 a month, wearing shorts... flip flops... part-time! Best of all, I no longer had to tell my girlfriend (every 3 seconds) "we can't afford it." That killed me. (Follow directions and 90% of your prospects will chase you, beg, just to speak to you by phone). The days of "chasing" and "begging" are over! Listen to CD #3

· How I used just one skill to get paid over $20,000 in the past 7 months alone... and...

· The "Sneaky" little marketing trick, I learned from marketing genius Manny Talavera to increase the effectiveness of your advertising by 500-750%. (Hint: this is the 'key' secret, that enabled me to upsell and make an extra $300. 00 to $500.00 at my customers homes) listen to CD # 5.

· The "no-sweat, no-brainer" way to get a rave article published about you in the newspaper ANYTIME you want. (You may not believe this, but it's absolutely true! I prove it in this CD program... and... reveal how you can use this little-known secret to become an almost "celebrity-like" figure in your carpet cleaning business — guaranteed!). The other carpet cleaners in your area will go nuts trying to figure out how you're doing it. It's a cool feeling. Check it out in my cds

· You win, Game over!

Now listen. This is my first major attempt to share my secrets publicly. I'm not an accomplished author and am certainly not computer savvy, so this reports and cds will have flaws. There is profanity. If you read for style or literary perfection... then... perhaps this isn't for you.

And There's "NO CLASSROOM THEORY"... Only Proven, Real-Life Examples Techniques And Strategies That Have Actually Made Me Thousands!

Truly, this cd program plus FREE BONUS report is a must have if you are serious about making more money with all your advertising. Who knows?? Maybe you'll even help me out. You see, as I said, at the end of the month this CD collection plus bonuses, will no longer be $47. Instead, it will be sold for $97.

Between now and then, I'm hoping to get some feedback. I heard J.K. Rowling edited, revised, and "polished" her bestselling Harry Potter series literally hundreds of times... before... it went on to break every book sales record known to man.

So, that's why you're getting a chance to order my package the The Millionaire Carpet Cleaners Underground System .


What would you do if you had a GUN TO YOUR HEAD... and had to make $30,000 in 30 days or you be shot straight in the temple? Could you do it? Well, don't feel bad. Neither could I... until... I figured out how to exploit the little-known, competition-free, micro-niches revealed in this Free Bonus Report. And because your less-the-savvy competitors only steam clean carpets, which is obviously what most carpet cleaners do... you're one of the only kids on the block (if no the sole player in your marketplace) who will have virtually no competition to deal with when you offer these other exclusive Micro-niche services to your already and future clients!

Is This Deal Fair Enough? .\

And "NO" you don't even have to provide me with any feedback. It's your choice.

In addition to the Millionaire Carpet Cleaning Underground system you'll also receive the exact post card, I use which I paid $1,000. to create... and... produces an amazing 20:1 ROI - 100% Copyright Free, so you can start using it your marketplace as soon as tomorrow!



P.S. If you are a good salesperson, the key to success is spending much, even all of your time selling ­ to ideal prospects eager to meet with you, ready to listen to you, accepting of you as an expert carpet cleaner, even pre-determined to do business with you and only you, with "fee resistance" OFF the table.

Is such a life as a professiounal carpet cleaner possible? YES. And it is NOW more vital than ever. Making a top income through sheer persistence and "thick-skinned immunity" to rejection and brute force closing and "hunt'em-down" prospecting just isn't possible in today's tougher economy. The hardcore, USEABLE "tools" in my exclusive collection of 6 unedited CDS plus my FREE BONUS REPORT will eliminate all this - making carpet cleaning FUN again. Now, considering it's FREE, waddya got to lose?

Get The Millionaire Carpet Cleaning Underground System NOW!!!

If you are a struggling carpet cleaner or just started in the business this is a MUST GET NOW program, that's how good it is and you only pay 1/10 of the price if you attended some of these ridicuously over price Guru seminars. Just pop a cd in your truck, or car and turn it into a college on wheels. It took me years to learn what am going to reveal to you on these priceless cds.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon

That was one hell of a response. I think we should put you in charge of the Middle East. We would already be out.

Rock on.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I hope when I grow up I have the maturity to respond in as classy a way as Lisa always does. I usually end up coming off like an a'hole.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I agree, Lisa did answer the question very well.

I hope she and the rest of you know the quiz was in no way a set up for asshole loser POG owner ops to vent their spleens.

I look forward to spending some time with Mrs Wagner in Nashville.

I can't wait to learn out how I can bilk all you wankers out of a grand each to come watch Tony test protectors again in 2011 :shock:


Oct 7, 2006
LOL @ Ken.

Mikey, don't you know that you get what you pay for, ya chump.

Lisa, how many days was the trade show open and for how many hours per day ?

I like the idea of fewer booths but not so sure about the lack of choices ( except in Mags ) for the attendees.
Do you not take on some liability ( from the implication that you stand behind those chosen vendors ) when you limit the choices and do you test each and every product of the chosen few ?
Do you take a charge back on the hotel rooms sold or just trade for the event space ?
Knowing that Connections is also in October, what was the reason for picking that date for the next event ?


Supportive Member
Jun 3, 2007
Ken Snow said:
I hope when I grow up I have the maturity to respond in as classy a way as Lisa always does. I usually end up coming off like an a'hole.


I have read a lot of your post and in no way do you come off as an a'hole. I think you come across very respectful and helpful, even if you are a rich bastaj. lol

ps- I still think your company could benefit from a Zipper- no matter what Brian says lol


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
harryhides said:
LOL @ Ken.

Mikey, don't you know that you get what you pay for, ya chump.

Lisa, how many days was the trade show open and for how many hours per day ?

I like the idea of fewer booths but not so sure about the lack of choices ( except in Mags ) for the attendees.
Do you not take on some liability ( from the implication that you stand behind those chosen vendors ) when you limit the choices and do you test each and every product of the chosen few ?
Do you take a charge back on the hotel rooms sold or just trade for the event space ?
Knowing that Connections is also in October, what was the reason for picking that date for the next event ?

First off, thank you Willy for that link. One way to generate money from someone trying to use your trademarked name to make money is through a really great intellectual property legal team. Especially if they are using it in a negative light, and without permission. It was a nice cha-ching from all the nice abuse you send on Piranha's behalf - so thank you for that. You actually will make me some money I can say came from spending time on this board - LOL!

Okay Tony - regarding your questions. The trade show was one day - we had workshops with vendors in the first half, and then trade show hours from 1-8pm with food served in the show. We did this originally because many shows drag out their hours over 3 days because they want to build their room block through their vendors - and it adds a lot of expense to a group of people who spend a lot of their year traveling to shows. But I have to say, they all came in liking it, but wanted more hours added - so I am making some adjustments for this year.

My bigger responsibility was what value it created. I wanted to make sure the members enjoyed the new benefit - and I wanted to make sure the Partners generated sales. I have never liked how this industry tends to bleed manufacturers and distributors to fund their shows, and then treat them like 2nd class citizens. On CFI's board I fought tooth and nail to make sure suppliers were "allowed" to serve as officers if they wanted to. They are part of this industry also, and it grates me when people take their money and then feel no responsibility to give value in return – or even a voice. I know there are some bad apples on this side, just as there are a lot of bad cleaners, I just don't like the double standard.

I suppose I take some liability for choosing some instead of all. We once had a carpet cleaning company I referred to my rug client do a poor job. They complained, and told me I should just not ever refer anyone. And I thought about that, and thought that would be the easy way out – but I wanted to do what was best for my rug clients… and giving them great referrals was what was best.

So – I implemented a survey to send to every single referral, letting them know that I wanted to make sure anyone I recommended was truly great. This let my clients know I cared. But I also sent a note or a call to the company being sent one of my clients BEFOREHAND to let them know – hey I’m sending you a client, and I am going to survey them when they are done. I know you will do a great job, but wanted to give you the heads up.

This creates a much higher likelihood of success for my clients and for the referring companies.
I want my word – and my referral – to MEAN something.

When I created this Buyers Group, and consequentially this trade show, I took this on as my personal responsibility. That I bring my best members great Partners. They all have an open channel with me. I have them tell me what is working and what is not – and they know that when things are not right that I jump on it with the same intensity I come here and spar with.

Delivery problems, order problems, product problems – they get solved or I personally step in and pull a large amount of business away from the Partners. Likewise, I promote our Partners constantly – and share direct experiences from our members, and from myself.

I’m sure there are cracks in this plan, and I’m sure there are some excellent companies I have not been introduced to yet, but for now it is working for everyone.

Regarding Connections – our event has always been an October gig. We began moving it around when Connections started jumping from September to October and back and forth. You have to remember, we are in our 16th year of this event, they are “younger” than us, so even though by and large Piranha Members do not attend Connections – I know the vendors do, so I’ve been very good at booking around them. Two weeks after them this year, and again, several week after them this year. If I wanted to crush them, I could book it before Connections and market and grab bodies – but I’ve always been a supporter of Connections so that would be stupid.

In fact, this year we did a one day free event to bring Piranha Members to Vegas, and got half of the crowd to go to Connections also, because I know they needed some more bodies. It was a tough year for events, so though they never ask me for help, I try to do what I can that makes good business sense also. I even bought a both at both shows this year, which was the first time we’ve done that. I looked at it as a donation to the cause, I spent 11 years on the board of CFI, several on IICRC, 4 on the Connections board, and I know how hard these guys work. If I can help, I do.

This year Tony, Connections is in September 30 (they were 9/11 in 2009). So I picked October to give them buffer space.

When you sell out an entire hotel – they give you all the space you want for free. One of the pluses of bad times for hotels due to the recession is you get to make some great deals if you have an event.

Hope that answers your questions,

P.S. Mikey, please quit calling me Mrs. Wagner - you make me feel old, and married, and I'd rather not be either. :) Looking forward to our chat.

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then is not an act, but a habit."
- Aristotle

Your responses must be a habit also then.



Oct 7, 2006
Yes, thanks Lisa that's the ticket re my questions.

I too have always felt that there was a double standard re the suppliers.
Networking and the internet is also going to continue to keep suspect suppliers and manufacturers on their toes.

I've never understood the October date for any event as it is usually one of our busiest months of the year.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I'm with you Tony, I've always felt that wintertime when it is slow would be ideal and/or mid summer when those with families can make a vacation out of the trip.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
LisaWagnerCRS said:
First off, thank you Willy for that link. One way to generate money from someone trying to use your trademarked name to make money is through a really great intellectual property legal team. Especially if they are using it in a negative light, and without permission. It was a nice cha-ching from all the nice abuse you send on Piranha's behalf - so thank you for that. You actually will make me some money I can say came from spending time on this board - LOL!

What's my cut? :D
I'd better order that today then and pay for express shipping! :lol:

I've gotta admit you're thick hided enough to take my teasing.....
You still haven't responded to my marriage proposal. :(


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
The whole idea of having to give 50% of my earnings in a divorce ... yeah, it's kind of put a damper on the whole gotta-go-get-married craziness.

Besides... though I am a believer in tough love, and though I do not pretend to know the 105 strategies for a successful, happy marriage... I'm pretty sure calling someone an a-hole on a public forum is probably not part of that succcess strategy. LOL!


Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
LisaWagnerCRS said:
The whole idea of having to give 50% of my earnings in a divorce ... yeah, it's kind of put a damper on the whole gotta-go-get-married craziness.

Besides... though I am a believer in tough love, and though I do not pretend to know the 105 strategies for a successful, happy marriage... I'm pretty sure calling someone an a-hole on a public forum is probably not part of that succcess strategy. LOL!


Tell the truth- It's because I'm not "ethical" unless I send cash for the dowry. You judged me, I judged you. :wink:

Ken Snow said:
LOL Lisa~ he probably pulled pigtails in elementary school too!

I'm old- I dipped them in the inkwells :lol:
Mikey P said:
besides, could you ever show off a husband at a high school or college reunion that swears by a Resoil?

Still plagued by inability and a small doodle? Whens that second Vortex coming online?:roll:

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