Robert Beets

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
FCC said:
quality outbounds are helpful in certain situations :wink:

This is news to me.
I've read that one way quality inbound links to your site are helpful with search ratings of that website.
I've read in just about every SEO article that says anything about links.

What situations are you referring to?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
FCC said:
When your site is considered a hub/authority/relevant to a topic outbounds may be considered. Notice how many directories and such pop up on CC searches?

no recips needed.

How does one become a hub? Outbound links relevant to a topic .... inbound from folks saying you are.......

Cool. I guess that makes sense. So when someone signs up, it will actually help with the search ratings for the website...which in turn helps the members?

That works.


Sep 3, 2009
There are some really smart guys on this board,and I'm not one of them That's why I have continued to visit . But I know when someone is blowing smoke in my face. Anyone who tells me they are doing something for the good of others and oh yea I hope to make money also can leave the marketing phrase
"I'm doing it for the good of others " off.
As far as chem-dry goes I'm not pissed .But I have noticed that anttime their name is mentioned that it usually get's a response. I will never be a chemdry again nor do I care . I clean where I want and how I want. Let someone bring up encap a some dump on them.
Mention bonnet and some dump on them.and in their next thread they all criticize CRI as out of touch-but like on warrantys all will pull out whatever verbage aligns with their method .
I cleaned two jobs yesterday and both had been steamed several times.Both had not cleaned for several years because they said cleaning doesn't work and took too long to dry and resoiled quickly-they same two issues customers have said for decades. Guess what-they cleaned up great(customer said" and were dry in less than an hour.
There is a video on youtube by xerion comparing encap and hwe. The video shows encap cleaning up after hwe.Great video but it's crap. How does someone know if the conditions were the same or what hwe system was used. I could use a similar video for bonnet cleaning but ( listen Brian) it would not be truthful. Bonnet cleaning on both jobs took more time than either encap or hwe.And it you have ever used a matador 175 for a couple of hours straight it will wear you out.But you can clean well and satisfy customer.

(continued below)


Sep 3, 2009
Another example of selective criticism. Many hwe cleaners fail to mention the temperature
restrictions that says NO HOTTER THAN 180 DEGREES but market that they are 200_ degress or more. but they sure like to bring up "no rotaries" and some use rotaries or op's to prescrub. They are still selling rx20's and it's not dry cleaners buying them.
Encappers claim that there products flake off like magic.My concern with that is what flakes off. I have tried to get (on truckmount forums-Scott Warrington and encap boards Releasit as well as ccsop and others) to tell me what it is made of. They can"t or want.I don't use their encap even though they claim I can make money faster. That part is true-but whatever you tell me I have to tell a customer and would like it to be safe and true.So give me the details -they won't for some reason.Again smoke.Go to TMF and scroll back under "ask the chemist" to "what's in encap" and read.
Personally I don't think encap flakes of I think it just condtions the surface like waxing your car and the dirt wil not reattach soon-hopefully before it's vacuumed. Just my opinion.Then again that's saying you left a residue on the carpet and who wants to admit that.
I guess I've said enough to pissoff just about everyone . That is not my intention. I do not claim to be an authority just a guy with questions and obsevations.

And yes this has nothing to do with the topic of this thread ,but in a way it does -DONT PICK AND CHOOSE OR BLOW SMOKE and expect others not to care.


Sep 3, 2009
Sorry to rant . warranty says do not use carpet rake (shaws i believe) do you?
Ever wonder what that's about?
My thoughts; it follows the part about not to use a rotary- if you rake it how can anyone (inspector for example) know if you used a rotary if you are good at leaving the carpet well groomed. I might as well piss off the manufactures too.
And this is just my opinion.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
clnr76063 said:
Another example of selective criticism. Many hwe cleaners fail to mention the temperature
restrictions that says NO HOTTER THAN 180 DEGREES but market that they are 200_ degress or more.

99.99% of cleaners never get 180 degrees to the "fiber"
a TM running at 250+ at the machine, "might" get 150 temp to the fiber by the time the spray exits the jet and hits the carpet.
I have a fire breathing dragon of a TM, I've done the temps at the "fiber" several times with different wands and jetting.

BTW, thanks, those two posts were MUCH easier to read


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Anyone who tells me they are doing something for the good of others and oh yea I hope to make money also can leave the marketing phrase
"I'm doing it for the good of others " off.

Plenty of companies help other companies and make money doing it.
I work with a few that have helped me succeed.

Your way is all about you and nobody else. Sounds like you can't stand to see anyone help anyone else either.
I like the fact that companies can work together and ALL be successful.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Come on Brian- I kind of defend you but don't insult intelligence :-)

You have a business idea to make money for youself COOL! The way for that business idea to be successful is for others to also make money. Please don't insult intelligence by implying your intent is to make others money and t would be good if you did too. It is the other way around for sure and that's okay~ power to you man!

MAKING MONEY IS GOOD & hopefully we all do it every day!


Sep 3, 2009
case in point to the poster who said 99% of cleaners never get over 180 degrees at the wand-I don't know and don't care: my point is there are those who use super high temps as a marketing ploy as a sanitizer.And now you say few have temps over 180. Well the temp may not be an issue except they are lying about sanitizing. So if you are in that group how would you like someone to sell you that lie.
case in point why are some lies acceptable but everyone hates chem-dry lies. My thoughts are that any carpet cleaning marketing only works because the customer hasn"t found the carpet cleaner they are happy with. When they do-unless he dies are goes under-they stop looking.
Of course you can claim to be that company,cut prices(especially if you are subbing out)and market everywhere you think someone might look or just pop up.
Brian has learned a lesson here .He has to be more careful where he puts lies in print because some who cares may call him on them.
What does he do now. Moves to behind the scenes to directories,social networks,free ads placement sites,and e-article sites to do the same thing. If you let him in your area you will be sorry. He claims that he is nothing to worry about.He may never be but that is not his goal.He would have you all subbing if you would. Of course it would be for your own good.
I see nothing with his network but not as a competitor at the same time. Only mistake you have made Brian is you let me and others know about that company.
Sep 7, 2008
Robert it is a fact that most cleaners doing hwe are total hacks that don't prevac, dry stoke, maintain their equipment, use proper cleaning agents etc. A cleaner that does those things and uses the appropriate cleaning method will get superior results everytime. For residential cleaning hwe DONE PROPERLY will outclean any other method guaranteed. I have never had one person tell me Stanley Steemer did a wonderful job, but they tell me I am the best and send all their friends and relatives to me. It really comes down to do you care about the consumer's interests and doing a good job, or do you just want to call it clean and collect a check.

Brian you sure do take a lot of flack as I mentioned to you earlier but you always have a positive attitude. Some people including me are just plain hard headed. The network is a great idea and it looks like you really put a lot of thought and preparation into it. Whether it turns out to be a good investment or not for cleaners is to be seen.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ken Snow said:
Come on Brian- I kind of defend you but don't insult intelligence :-)

You have a business idea to make money for youself COOL! The way for that business idea to be successful is for others to also make money. Please don't insult intelligence by implying your intent is to make others money and t would be good if you did too. It is the other way around for sure and that's okay~ power to you man!

MAKING MONEY IS GOOD & hopefully we all do it every day!

Ken, I never said I wasn't trying to make money off of this. I wouldn't do it if I didn't. I just haven't made any money from it yet.

I'm still in the investment part of it.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Robert, if it wasn't for Lockhart saying he knows you I would think you were Odin in disguise.
You don't make any sense.

The biggest lesson I've learned (although I may not have "learned" from it) is there are dirt bags like yourself out there looking to sabotage other companies for their own good.
Then they justify it by lying about the company lying. :roll:

Who made you Sheriff Dipshit of the internet police anyway?

Edit: I typed that with a smile on my face. :wink:

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Okay, sorry if i misread Brian~ I totally get the investment stage (been there, done that, doing that). I had thought I read in a post your aim was to help others make money, and hopefully yourself a little too and that came off disingenuous. Sorry if I misread.

Hope you make tons of money :-)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ken Snow said:
Okay, sorry if i misread Brian~ I totally get the investment stage (been there, done that, doing that). I had thought I read in a post your aim was to help others make money, and hopefully yourself a little too and that came off disingenuous. Sorry if I misread.

Hope you make tons of money :-)

I probably did say "make a little money" more of a figure of speech I think. I'm not going t get into something that won't make a profit sooner or later.
I would like it to make money and if I can make a name for myself as some kind of industry hero (for lack of a better term) that would work as well. I would like to leave a mark on something other than my underwear.


Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Is that why you constantly repeating yourself and starting the same thread over and over again instead of adding to a previous one you made ?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
danielc said:
Brian you sure do take a lot of flack as I mentioned to you earlier but you always have a positive attitude. Some people including me are just plain hard headed. The network is a great idea and it looks like you really put a lot of thought and preparation into it. Whether it turns out to be a good investment or not for cleaners is to be seen.

You ain't whistlin Dixie. I think I take more than most. (That's just cause Harpo is in luv with me)
I know most are just concerned and I can understand that. There is a camaraderie here (industry) that looks out for each other and that's cool.
I would be skeptical of anyone starting something new and would give them "the business" over it as well.
I don't mind it until someone comes into my real world and starts attacking me.

I to am unsure if it's going to be a good or bad investment for carpet cleaners. All I can do is try to make my idea work...if it does work, then it works for everyone involved.

I'll keep it going and let the members decide.
There are side benefits to it that I didn't think about until it got going.
For the price, it's worth being involved IMHO.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian R said:
You ain't whistlin Dixie. I think I take more than most. (That's just cause Harpo is in luv with me)

Dude, it's because you're becoming obnoxious with your "sales pitches " here


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
meAt said:
Brian R said:
You ain't whistlin Dixie. I think I take more than most. (That's just cause Harpo is in luv with me)

Dude, it's because you're becoming obnoxious with your "sales pitches " here

Yeah, You're right. I need to tone it down a notch. I get excited and I can't stop myself.

But then again some of it does stem from unrelated posts of people hassling me. :lol:

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Brian- You're exactly right I'm "Concerned" whether you're in it for other people other than yourself. If you're such a great carpet cleaner, why aren't you still "doing the hard part" by hitting the wand or having your own employees? It seems you are trying to make alot of money off the sweat of others.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Doug Cox said:
Brian- You're exactly right I'm "Concerned" whether you're in it for other people other than yourself. If you're such a great carpet cleaner, why aren't you still "doing the hard part" by hitting the wand or having your own employees? It seems you are trying to make alot of money off the sweat of others.

I'm no great cleaner...I've just paid my dues.
I'm in this for me and my family but I always look for a way to make money AND help other people while doing it.
You are doing the same thing with your company. You help customers get a clean home.

I've sweat plenty...still do.
I've done the wand and I've done the office. If you think the wand is "the hard part" you are sadly mistaken.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Doug Cox said:
If the wand part is so easy, why aren't you still doing it?

I can do more and make more doing what I am doing.

Ok, I'll edit that post...if I was just scheduling for one truck and has no aspirations of growing the company...then the wanding would be the hard part of the job.
I'll give you that.


Sep 3, 2009
which part are you talking about
the pretending to be a local guy and subbing it all out to whoever will

or the internet part where you claim to not be making anything

please help me with my investigation

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