Nice work..Walt... 8)
Here is my "issue" with the 360i.....
#1. The ShamElEss promotion of the unit by jUgHeaD...!
#2. The "price" is ridiculous for limited functions it can perform...!
#3. The motor is too has to be operated @350 psi or less...!
#4. It as ..NO..track record longevity in the industry..What about re-sale value...?
#5. It has to be operated in a figure 8 pattern...WTF..Not a consistent pattern to clean..!
#6. It is a poor investment for average cleaner..a used
RX20 or RDM..has a better value..!
#7. It does NOT..clean better than any other rotary on the market...It is just LIGHTER.....!
#8. It is the "poor man's" Cadillac...It "go the way" of the BAYLINER of the boat world....!
#9. In 6 months...they will be giving them away on E-bay & Craigslist...for $350.00...!
#10. There is NOTHING about this "toy"..that is innovative or marginally different than it's
POS cousin.."360"..."Other than jughead'S HYPE"... :roll: BTW...Who died & made that
"Vegan"... King of knowledge & experience... ..REMEMBER..."He didn't fork-out the RETAIL PRICE...if anything..... !gotcha! GO TO THE CASINO.. :idea: You will have a better CHANCE..of a return on the iNvesTmEnT... :mrgreen:
ps..If you carry a 357 MAGNUM..."Why would you try to use a 22 calliper cartridge..." :roll:
It just doesn't make sense...

BTW..."If you can't lift a 100 lbs...You are probably in
the WRONG business... !gotcha! DON'T BRING A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT... :!:
Just be "Thankful" did'nt get "Saddled with a 04"...
