rx20 rubber disk with teflon glide instead of felt disk

Jan 21, 2008
Colorado Springs
Brad Gouveia
I like the idea. I can not believe they been out since Dec 10 2012 and no one has mention or heard of them until now. I am going to try some out. I can let you know in a few weeks.

Would love to hear if anyone has tried them?
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Nov 3, 2010
western Canada
Yes please let me know!!!!

sent via tapatalk.
Jan 21, 2008
Colorado Springs
Brad Gouveia
Ok, so I order 3 of them and got them a few days ago. I was a little disappointed that one of them is sort damaged in shipping. It might be usable or might shape up if I leave it in the sun.

After I did a greasy restaurant with one I checked it out and it seemed to work fine, I though the foam would bounce back quicker. It took until the next afternoon to bounce back a fair amount. So if you used it through out the day it would not bounce back that well. You can not really pull it up otherwise the Teflon would come right off.

I really think it will only last maybe 6 months before the teflon falls off, but we will see.

I had some high hopes that this would work great. After trying it out I find them a little disappointing. I would give them 3 out of 5 stars.

I attached some pictures.

Showing the bounce back.

The one is after taking it off and letting sit for 10-15 min.

The other one is the next morning after sitting in the van for 10 hours.

The one with my finger is right after putting it in and what I was hoping it would bounce back to.

The other ones are showing the deformed one due to packing/shipping.

It is better than dealing with a oil gasket. Will see how long they last.

The teflon does not really seam like teflon, almost would think it a cardboard it they did not say it was teflon.
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