sales ideas...


May 15, 2010
I have recently joined a carpet cleaning company as part of the sales team. any ideas on how to seal the sale in the first phone call and not having to hear " i will look around"


Nov 8, 2009
:mrgreen: cut your throat and tell them your life depends on the sale, and remind them that you can get the blood stains out. :mrgreen:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
If the above advise does not work....
Tell them, of course with a thick Sicilian accent, that you know where they live.

Budda bing!
You got a sale.

Keep us informed, heh?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Have them pre sold before that first phone call

Then price won't matter as much.

It's easy and inexpensive to do.

Use some referral marketing techniques.

That way other centers of influences do your marketing for you.

All you have to do is get them started. They do the rest for you without any more further effort (or money)on your behalf.

You likely have hundreds of places where you can turn local groups into free salesmen for your company.

It also helps to load your website and Google with positive reviews from your clients.

Live is easier when you take price off the table and start churning automatic sales.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
And there is no such thing as a no sale call.
A sale is made on every call you make.
Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can't.
Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close?
You or him?
Now be relentless, that's it, I'm done. Jim Young-(Ben Affleck) Boiler Room


May 15, 2010
hey guys....could i get sm advise here....and whats with the eh?
if u guys would lilke to share few things u tell ur customers and stuf like that....appreciate the prompt responses though...ty

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
I gave real advice.

It's better to set up the prospective client even before the call.
I rarely get asked about price or price being a decision factor.

During the call it's better to sell value than price.

Build in value by using your USP, guarantee, trust , honesty, method, training, experience, green or whatever is in your holster.

Don't start playing the price game. It's a game that is a loser.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Dave, while I certainly agree with you, this poster is not asking that question and from what it sounds like is not in a position at the company to make those things happen.



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
You could quote them a slightly higher price maybe 5% and tell them if they book today you will knock 5% off.

What I do most of the time is tell them how happy they will be when we are done with there property I use words like "shocked" "suprised" "very happy" when describing how theyw ill feel after we get done. That usually works. I get alot of "I am going with you because your passion for this is unbelievable"


How do you get paid? for appointments or jobs?

If I worked in a sales department, as far as I'm concerned the only important thing to me would be going for the appointment. Keep asking closing questions.

you: It's a great day at ____ carpet cleaning. This is David, how may I assist you?

custy: How much is it to get my house cleaned?

you: When can I send out a technician for a no obligation appointment for a free quote?

custy: I want to know how much it is.

you: Ma'am I can promise you, we've been in business for 20 years and most of our customers are repeats, when the technician comes out to your house he will measure exactly how much carpet you have to be cleaned and give you an excellent quote, it looks like we have a slot available at 10:00 a.m. on tuesday if that works for you.

custy: But I want to know how much it is goddammit

you: Suck a fat one ma'am. If I give you a quote all you are going to do is call the next guy and ask him if he can beat it by 10 bucks you whore. So does morning or afternoon work better for you?

get it?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Haven't any of you guys ever taken a sales course?

Don't sell on price unless your company is just an other commodity and has nothing else to offer than all the rest of the cleaning companies.

Why should a prospect choose your company but than by price?

Don't blame the prospect. It's your fault the client sees your company no better than. "Who has the lowest price?"

You can't disparage the prospect if you haven't set your company apart from the rest and taken price off the table.

It's time to re-evaluate!!


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I think I sell quality, excitement and knowledge. I don't see anyone selling on price but the part about a discount which I have never done but he was looking for answers not a sales pitch. When I shopped you you were all about price and availabilty which is amazing since you only have one truck

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
isellcleaning said:
I have recently joined a carpet cleaning company as part of the sales team. any ideas on how to seal the sale in the first phone call and not having to hear " i will look around"

"Is there a particular day you would like to have the cleaning done?"

"Well, I was thinking this day"

"We can do that for you on that day at this time or this time. Which do you prefer"

The first line is the most used and most important.
The last line is a little pushy...but sometimes you have to be just a little pushy.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
My commercial salesperson has to make an average of 7 - 8 calls / visits to each prospect before a sale. She will not quit calling until they buy or convince her they will not buy. The new customers she brought in last week original estimates where in January. Selling is the business of building relationships. That takes time and effort.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Since there are serious answers here.....
I apologize for my previous answer.

The answer is: NO, there is no fail proof way to lock in a sale.

No one liner that work for all.

Yes, passion like Greg describes helps.

Yes, trying to move the client towards setting a time and date, like Brian describes helps.

Yes, if you could use cheer leaders and center of influence , like Dave describes, helps.

Does it always work?

We wish!

Having a good script is a good point of entry- A start.

Good phone manners, warmth, and personality helps a lot.

What really works is: the ability to listen to the client, understanding with what personality you are dealing with, what is the under lying issue, what motivates them and all of this on the fly.
Because many of them do not want to spend much time on the phone.

No one size fits all.

We all need to constantly work on it. It never ends.

Hope this helps.


Nov 8, 2009
What I have found to be some what of a success, and I have only been working it for about 6 months, the first thing to come out of the potential custonmers mouth is "How much do you charge for......" At that point you should start to control the question asking. Such as " Sure may I ask when was the last time the carpets were cleaned" "What was the method you chose to have them cleaned" "Were you satisfied with that method?" "Mrs... this is what type of service value we provide...... this is the procedure we follow to ensure you recieve the best quality for you investment" "What time frame were you planning to have this complete?" Whould you like to schedule the cleaning this day or that?" Good LUCK! Set your self apart. PEOPLE LOVE TO BE TALKED TO IN A FRIENDLY MANNER ALMOST LIKE THEIR CHILDREN. :mrgreen:


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
isellcleaning said:
I have recently joined a carpet cleaning company as part of the sales team. any ideas on how to seal the sale in the first phone call and not having to hear " i will look around"

Some very useful things were already said.....

My advice would be to go ask for a week or two to be on an actual carpet cleaning truck/van whatever.... understand what it takes to do a job. (time wise and effort wise)

Once you know a bit more about the services you are trying to sell, you may have a better success rate closing.

Often the customers lack of knowledge about carpet cleaning is the deal breaker. If either you and your potential customer don't understand what this business is all about how can you guys come to terms?

Educate yourself- at least one of you on the phone will know what's up!

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
If the final word from the customer is, "I'll look around" they may still have doubts about your presentation or the company. To start with you have to know what makes the company you work for different than others. Then you have to believe it.

I'd suggest a great tip from Steve Toburen - ask if the quoted price fits their expectations, because if it doesn't you can always move less furniture or leave out a room to adjust. If they insist on looking around, you may want to say, "OK, just remember that a lower price quote from some companies doesn't mean they'll actually do the work for the price they quote."

AND, there are people that really don't care about anythng but the cheapest price, so you'll lose those. Part of the sales biz, eh?

Good luck!


Nov 14, 2006
Do a search on this board or over on ICS and get the free report from Steve Torburen on his sale script. It's all you need. If you can't close a call with that it's not the customer you want for your business.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
"I understand your feelings, Mrs. Jones. I'd want my wife to check with me too before an important decision.
But....while I'm here (or on the phone) let me ask you."

"Does the way I have this work order written

Meet your projected budget?"

Edit: Thank you Mr. Steve T.


Brian R said:
"I understand your feelings, Mrs. Jones. I'd want my wife to check with me too before an important decision.
But....while I'm here (or on the phone) let me ask you."

"Does the way I have this work order written

Meet your projected budget?"

Edit: Thank you Mr. Steve T.

Thats a good one.

If they say yes, at that point, then you can say, "Well we book up very quickly this time of year, could I go ahead and put you down for (a preliminary appointment)? If anything changes between now and then, please give me a call so I can update our schedule. (aka give you another shot to close them down)


May 15, 2010
wow! i got some really great advise esp. asking control when did u get ur carpets cleaned last...cos i think these questions will take their attention away from the money for some time and allow the info i m offering to sink in....will be at work tom and give every1 an update....thx a ton....

Wayne Miller

Nov 7, 2007
Wayne Miller
You're not gonna book every call, and that's okay. You don't necessarily want everyone who calls as a customer.

Some people are all about price.

There are lots of people, though, who like to take care of their stuff and are discouraged because they can't find a friendly, honest, professional, capable cleaner they can trust to show up and do a decent job.

When people call, be the friendly, honest, professional, capable cleaner they can trust to show up and do a decent job and try not to worry about the price shoppers.

Ever call somebody and within the first 15 seconds you're ready to hang up? Ever call somebody and almost instantly your EMOTIONS start saying "these are probably the kind of people I want taking care of my problem?"

This might sound a little goofy but it's true. We clean carpets, we take care of people. It's a people business. It's not so much what you say as it is how you say it and how you connect. When someone feels good about you they want to hire you.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama

From my point of view, it really IS the questions you ask that make the difference. My approach is a tiny bit different than the others here, but that is probaby because I approach a call from the viewpoint of a technicial, not a sales person. The questions I ask are related to how I will approach the cleaning.

I tell the lady that I need to ask her a few questions about her home before I can determine what needs to be done to give her the best quality cleaning, and ask her permission to do so. Then I ask how many people live there. How many pets are in the home. How long it's been since the last cleaning. Does anyone in the house have any allergies to dust mites, dust or dander. I ask these things, and a few more I probably am forgetting so that she gets the impression that I am concerned with doing her a good job and that I know what I am doing. I don't preach or talk down to her and I don't try to sound like a scientist. I just ask the questions like I am talking to my wife or sister. Then I determine the price and present it. Without much of a pause, I then ask what day she would like the work done.

It works for me, and probably will for you ... but without some time on the truck, learning the trade, you really will have a difficult time making yourself the expert in her eyes.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Don't forget the close.

The close is very important.

After showing your care and concern about their needs by asking questions, your USP and talking value instead of price, Close, close close.

An easy but effective close I use is to simply say," While you are already on the phone. Would you like to reserve an appointment?'

You'll be surprised how many prospects say, " I way going to call around. But, Yea sure I'll reserve an appointment.

Then you get into the "What works better for you?" Am or Pm, Tuesday or Thursday.(always only give 2 choices.)

If they don't close on the first attempt. You can always ask a few questions to see what their concerns are and then close again.

An other close if they seem a little indecisive is to say, " What if I just pencil you in to hold open a time slot for you?"

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
Ditto Marty - the technicals.

And dry times.
If they mention price, you mention dry times.
Say 'most of my customers ask the same question, 'how long will it take to dry,' or 'when will I be able to put my stuff back?'

Say, 'that's why I invested in the equipment to get it dry fast. So now I can answer their No. 1 Question.'
Stress the importance of why they called - it's looks dirty - 'all us cleaners have to get it wet to get it clean, just like your clothes in the washing machine.' Women get that. 'So it's the guy who's flushing and sucking the hardest - he's the one who's getting it the cleanest. With me, I run TWO hoses down the sidewalk, not just one' or 'with me, I'm running a bigger hose than the other guys. You'll see IT, and hear IT, ha ha. You'll KNOW that I'm sucking harder than the other guys.' Now. you've set the stage for IT - those things that they can actually see and hear. Now they KNOW if they hire you, they can expect to both see & hear things that separate you from the others who just use marketing to sell their services.

Like others above mentioned, use suspense & excitement & energy & passion in your presentation (you can do all this over the phone too as long as it's sincere, I hardly ever bid in person) to separate YOU from the rest... 'JUST WAIT ... you will see IT while I'm working. You'll see my BIG filter too. I put IT on the porch so people can see all the STUFF I get out their carpet.' Leave them in suspense. 'Just wait til you see all the stuff I'll get out of YOUR carpet. You won't believe it.' Of course they won't be able to wait. TRUTH is, you really will get more crap outa their carpet if you use this stuff so you should have confidence in your voice while selling it.

You know, I get calls from Mikey now during the day. I guess he thinks he needs to pick my brain or give me a pep talk, but whatever, you should hear him talking to his customers. It's like they're his sister or his best friend. He just sounds real honest and confident, down to earth in what he's saying. I was kinda shocked really to hear it. So, are you REAL with your customers?

This 'get it dry fast' stuff works for regulars too... 'hey Mrs Jones, you won't believe what I did. You know how you're always asking me how long it'll take to dry? Seems like all you guys ask me that. So, I finally invested in the equipment I needed to get it dry really fast. Wait til you see IT. Now you're gonna see me running TWO hoses, not just one.'
or 'I'm using this fan now that looks like a flying saucer. I roll it around with me to every room. You wont believe how fast it dries the carpet.'
Rampage taught me to say this, 'Of course I can't guarantee IT will work for you, especially if you get behind, but for most of my people, the first rooms are usually dry by the time I'm done.'
Now you've got them up WANTING IT to work for them too. Suspense & Expectation. They just gotta see what you've got.
And like Dave says, you know they won't want to be only one that IT didn't work for. They'll want to be bragging to their friends how IT worked for them, because they're some kinda special or something. Go ahead, let em brag.
So he's got everybody's waiting to see what IT is. And they're all ready to brag. And he hadn't even been there yet.
That's Genius.

Just don't BS em with that Armorall on your tires act. You gotta actually perform if you're gonna pull this off. Technicals baby. That's what separates the good cleaners from the marketers. Technicals!

Single best script for me to get work during slow times... call and make it short & sweet, say 'how's your carpet look?' Then shut up. Let them do the talking.
Cuz it turns out in sales, 90% of the buyers already KNOW whether they want what you're selling before you ever called.
The ones who say, 'you know I was just looking at it the other day and....' you book these jobs right now.
All the others, 'well I'm kinda busy...' or whatever, just let em go, they don't want you nohow. Best to leave it open for your next call. Say, 'OK, no problem. I'll call you back later when it needs it.' Now you've planted the thought. I've had em call me back in just a few days. 'OK. I'm ready.' Amazing. They sold themselves.
One minute per call. Double it for dialing. In 30 minutes, you've got at least one job.

Price is never an issue for a cleaner who cleans with passion, but if they still ask, it's cuz they're serious.
I say, 'I charge for my time. We all do. I charge $xxx per hour.'
Don't hide it. We DO charge for our time. If you get the job - and you probly will cuz you were honest - I guarantee you, that fat husband won't be dropping popcorn and asking you to move more furniture (for free) while you're working. He'll have already done it! He'll be sweaty when you show up, as he should. HA!. You say, 'OK people, take a break. It's my turn to work.' Then don't be embarrassed to let em see you busting your ass. Cuz that's the REAL reason we're there... to do the stuff that they can't/don't/won't do.

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