Saw this over on ICS...why not posted here?


Oct 7, 2006
Simi Valley
Tom Meyer
Bridgepoint Home Pro by Design
Posted By Rob Hanks on 12/21/2009 at 2:25 PM

Over the weekend we saw a thread appear questioning the new Home Pro expansion program. I would like to explain Home Pro by Design before the keyboards heat up too much. This program has taken 2 years and a lot of resources to develop. It was designed with the professional carpet cleaner in mind and it is, I believe, the finest marketing program ever conceived in our industry. Here is why:
1. Your customers are buying home cleaning products every day. Would you like to sell them their products and get 25% commission on it every time they purchase. That is what Home Pro by Design is all about.
2. They purchase on-line at your customized web site. You don’t have to carry inventory on your truck. You don’t have to do any paperwork. Your customer gets a 20% discount by using your ID# and you get 25% of anything they purchase for as long as you are in the program.
3. Every time they go to the Home Pro by Design site to purchase product they see an advertisement for your cleaning company. Go to This is an example of what your sight might look like. Every month HomePro sends an e-mail newsletter that directs your customers directly to your site. Also, take a look at the videos and watch the one promoting professionals cleaners.
4. If your customer tells her friend about these great cleaning products she will also tell her to use your ID# to get a 20% discount. Her friend will end up at your web-site and see and ad for your company. Only if they go through your site will they get the 20% discount. How is that for easy referrals?
5. If a customer comes to the site and does not remember their professional cleaner and can’t find them in a search, they are allowed to purchase at the retail price. However, we have tracking on all past customers and have strict policies of matching them back to their professionals. If they happen on the site from another source, we direct them back to a specialist. We have run the site now for three months. 1% of the orders have been unaffiliated and in each case they have been referred back to a professional sales person/company.
6. Coaching program – We have coaches standing by to walk you through the program so you will be successful at it.
7. The products are the best part. They are not meant to compete with your service. In fact the web site has how-to videos that lead back to the professional carpet cleaner. The products are Home pro spotter (sold by cleaners for decades), Odor eliminator, wood polish, glass cleaner, wood floor cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, daily use stone and tile cleaner, pet spotter. Does any of that sound competitive with your services. I don’t think so, especially when we tell customers they need to use the services of professionals and you are the ones selling to them.

I’m sure you have been approached by your customer asking you how to clean a particular surface. We want to give our customers the best possible experience. If we help them with their daily maintenance needs, make money doing it and get marketing exposure in the process I think that feels like a winning proposition.

One final comment; there is an element of direct sales and network marketing in our HomePro program. It is obvious form the website we do not try to hide this option. In our early test marketing, our professionals found that their customers loved to tell their friends and family when they found new cleaning products that worked great. Some customers were so enthusiastic that they wanted to sell the products themselves. Our thoughts; since each customer who uses these products will be better exposed to the ideas and concepts of professional cleaning through our news letters, it makes sense to get as many people possible using them. In addition, we could pay bonuses to the professionals who wanted to participate and mentor their interested customers. It is not required and not necessarily recommended for everyone. However, for the marketing savvy cleaner, think of this. Every person that you introduce to Home Pro by Design becomes a hot lead for your cleaning business.

I have presented the program to a few select groups around the country and we now have a couple of hundred signed up. Our absolute goal is to make it work for you so I do appreciate your input and if we need to make adjustments we will. I am presenting the program at Mikefest in February if you are interested in an in-person presentation.

You can also find out more from your Interlink Supply distributor or get more information on the web site. Our phone number is on the site as well.

By the way, I am sorry that there are still some in the industry that feel that they were badly treated in the resolution of the Bridgepoint Direct problem. I thought we had that handled. We did learn our lesson about putting our name on something we don’t own and don’t control. If you feel that you have been mistreated you may call me directly. I would love to talk with you.
Rest assured that Home Pro by Design is totally owned and operated by the same folks that make Bridgepoint professional products.

Rob Hanks
Bridgepoint Systems


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
Sounds MLMish to me. There has been alot of bad feedback about interlinks marketing proragms. No thanks.


Supportive Member
Jun 3, 2007
Hell, tell the residential customers everything you know. Before you know it, they'll be bringing out the shop-vacs and their electric power washers, hooking it up to the kitchen sink-cranking up the hot water tank and finding the best $99.00 wand on ebay. Ok, can I please tell all of my customers about that or should I advertise it in the local trader. :roll:


i have customers ask me all the time where to buy stuff why not direct them to where your making a profit?


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
I'm still very skeptical of the program, no matter how nicely they make it sound. It wouldn't take much for them to launch it to the general public, and cut out the middle man(us).


Feb 2, 2007
handdi said:
tell me why this is not a good deal guys?

Reason (1) Bridgepoint / Interlink is involved (they also own hydroforce).

Reason (2) A few years ago they purchased a company that makes a built in , central vac like system for CLEANING CARPET "without using costly carpet cleaning services". Yes that is a direct quote from their advertising at the time. To me that was the unpardonable sin and any carpet cleaner that doesn't have a problem with it is a bit on the dense side of retarded.

Reason (3) Doing business with Bridgpoint /Interlink / Hydroforce is like marrying your favorite whore, SHE WILL ALWAYS BE A WHORE. In the case of the Bridgpoint the whore is overpriced as well.

This new program is just a cheap way for Bridgepoint to tap your database of customers. They would be the last company in this industry that I would trust with my customer list.


Oct 26, 2006
...sorry but if they won't even fix a stoopid little safety seal cap that sticks up in the top of the Home-pro carpet bottles caps, WTH would I want to buy any other products from them?

So I can waste more time pulling safety seal out of bottles before I hand them out, because custys cant figure out why the liquid wont come out?

Maybe I should just GIVE the new products away....

what a great customer keeper! :roll:


Oct 7, 2006
It amazes me how Randy is always DEAD ON, and so many look right past the information that is right in front of them....for years.

Do yourself a favor and Search Randy's the last 20 or so, and you'l be ahead in this game......all free on MB.
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
This new program is just a cheap way for Bridgepoint to tap your database of customers. They would be the last company in this industry that I would trust with my customer list.

That is really scary.


Feb 20, 2007
I am sure a bunch of you guys will go for it.


They are going to send a newsletter to YOUR customer every month. Do you think you will be controlling the content of that monthly newsletter?

This whole thing is not meant to help you help your customers.... it is to make YOUR customers THEIR customers. Go ahead and turn over your entire customer list to Bridgepoint and see what happens.

Nothing wrong with selling products.... the problem is in letting them have access to your customers directly.

Why sell to a small market of carpet cleaners when you can sell to ALL their customers. And after they have everyones customers, do they need YOU anymore.

Plus these crooks are tied in with Mikeyfest.... So there won't be much said here...
Sep 7, 2008
Sorry, I don't like this program and see some faults in it. If you decide to offer the products, your customer is going to ask why they can't just purchase the products directly from you. Why should they have to go to a site and have it shipped to their house? I also don't like the fact that bridgepoint is sending content to the customer. Once they sell the customer product, that customer is as much their customer as yours. If you ask them to stop emailing your customer, do you think that will really happen. Really the program is about bridgepoint making money off your customers plain and simple. Your commission isn't going to amount to much. A couple dollars at the most. Just offer your customers a quality cleaner at no charge or sell it to them yourself. There is no need for a middle man on this venture.


Feb 2, 2007
Odin said:
do you think that after they have your customer list they wont send info about this nice product

Thanks for finding that website, T. I couldn't recall the exact name. Apparently some folks new to the industry either don't remember or know much about how Bridgepoint operates. I can't believe anyone would fall for this scam. It's almost funny (in a very insulting sort of way) that they would even think we would fall for this.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
or if the cleaners are worth it, sign up yourself, buy the products and sell directly to your customers, keeping your database to yourself. You make some retail profit and their bonus volume profit, if it works anything like MLM's I know.
OR find a good MLM that sells good product and sell to them that way.


Feb 20, 2007
Really Mikey? You are calling me a dick based on what I said? I have a couple things to say about that.... first off you are a dick for calling me a dick.... :) Secondly, I wasn't directly speaking about you.

But you know what, who is the dick? Based on Bridgpoint's track record and that they are involved in an in home cleaning system and want to get access to our customers to directly sell to, I can't believe you have Rob Hanks name prominently displayed on your Mikeyfest flyer.... so who's the dick? Even before you give your opinion on the subject, there will be those that assume this program is good simply because they are Mikeyfest content.

I don't think there is any reason to wait and see what this guy has to say at Mikeyfest, cause past actions speak plenty. I'm a dick for not wanting any of us cleaners being taken advantage of?

When the Bridgepoint guys are sitting in a meeting discussing their new program, do you think the focus is on helping us cleaners? Seriously.... Did they really purchase a company that makes a built in , central vac like system for CLEANING CARPET "without using costly carpet cleaning services"? If so.... who's the dick by letting them be on your Mikeyfest flyer?

You need to try and watch out for Mikey cleaners.

Mikey, I know you are a stand up guy, and I am sure the reason you are having Rob Hanks at your event is to have the opportunity to lynch him. I would love to be there to hear the comments from the audience. I sure hope the guy doesn't get up there and flat out insult the intelligence of everyone in the room by claiming their goal is to help us. Their past track record speaks for itself. And if it is true that they purchased a company that makes in home built in cleaning units and made the statement of eliminating the need for costly cleaning services..... there is NO forgiving these scumbags.

And how much do you want to bet that if a customer "by accident" bumps from one link to another to another and found a cool in home built in carpet cleaning system that they could be found at your local Interlink store around the country?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I have Bill's Nashville team building the Guillotine as we speak... :roll:

Rob knows the MB crowd and what questions will be asked at MF. I suggested they send Warrington but Rob feels like he is better prepared to talk about where the Marketing Direct thing went wrong if the subject comes up.

I let them both know that at least two MB'rs will be attending that are owed a couple thousand each. Rob assured me they and any others who come forward will be payed back what is owed to them.

That to me is reason enough to have BP at MF.


Feb 20, 2007
That will be awesome if Rob comes and gives those guys a CHECK for whatever they are owed.

It's very kind of you to give Bridgepoint and those linked with them the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to woo the crowd. Rolling your eyes leads me to believe I've blown this whole thing way out of proportion. I am sure they will provide a very nice service and would never do anything that wouldn't be in our "the cleaners" best interests. The whole thing is probably just a misunderstanding.

And if Rob is not able to write checks to the guys that lost money, it will be a wonderful show of good will if he at least offers a 10% discount off Interlink prices on future products they purchase until the amount they are owed is eliminated.

They may even be kind enough to put in our former customers newsletters that if they are not able to get a spot out on their own with the products and equipment they've been sold through Interlink that they can contact us if they like.

It's obviously not something to take too seriously.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I think an offer of dollar per dollar spent was offered to those bilked in the MD deal.

Not good enough for one of those coming.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
A cruel fact of life is that just about ANY manufacturer or distributor would be happy to set up one of our own employees in "business for himself".

Randy, as usual, is right on the money.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Anyone who needs Mike or anyone else to "take care of them" needs to quit the business as an owner and go get a job where they can be taken care of.

Great job getting Hanks to come and address the MB group Mike. I wouldn't touch their program with a 10ft pole, for reasons stated above, but I give them credit for coming.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
randy said:
handdi said:
tell me why this is not a good deal guys?

This new program is just a cheap way for Bridgepoint to tap your database of customers. They would be the last company in this industry that I would trust with my customer list.

I nominate that as the statement of the month right there, look at all the designs that have been shown to the BP guys only to have their ideas stolen, just ask the guy who made the corner guards what the outcome was of his idea. I think given the history, people should think twice about this.


Oct 7, 2006
Ken Snow said:
Anyone who need Mike or anyone lse to "take care of them" needs to quit the business as an owner and go get a job where they can be taken care of.

Great job getting Hanks to come and address the MB group Mike. I wouldn't touch their program with a 10ft pole, for reasons stated above, but I give them credit for coming.

My feelings exactly Ken.
Good for the Hanks for wanting to come. Far better for the individual Cleaning Company owners to have a forum where they can ask the tough questions and make their own decisions. After all, isn't that precisely what makes this Board what it is ?

There are few if any manufacturers or suppliers that have not messed up in ANY industry and for those that learn from the errors of their ways, it is a great opportunity to grow. Some of the smartest "gurus" in our industry made plenty of mistakes which is how they got to be so "smart".
If Rob Hanks comes just to speak, it will be his loss but if he comes to listen as well it will be his gain.

ps, Lee Cory, do not dump any of this on Mikey alone. All of the decisions that have been made re MF6 were made by concensus among at least half a dozen people with over 150 years of collective experience in this business as cleaners, suppliers, manufacturers and running events like this. And yes, we will still make some mistakes and hopefully correct them in time for MF7.


Feb 20, 2007
My negative tone is not directed towards Mikey... I understand that this is a place where we can get information and make decisions for ourselves.

My negative tone is really directed at Bridgepoint. I agree with Randy in that this thing is so insulting to our intelligence that it is almost funny.

But we have to give Rob Hanks credit for having the guts to come and at least look us in the face as they roll this thing out.

It kinda reminds me of a scene I saw in a movie I rented the other night... "Public Enemies" The cops were all after John Dillinger, and at one point John walked right into police headquarters. He walked right into the Dillinger unit and looked at all the pictures on the walls and even asked a couple cops that were sitting there watching a ball game the score. They never even noticed that he was there.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
My mistake Lee if I mistook your anger towards Mike- who also doesn't need my help defending him.

Well said Tony~ if I got a nickle for every mistake I make, I'd have a couple bucks a week for sure. Hopefully I don't make the same one's over and over :-)

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