And not necessarily just the owner but upper management who was in charge of motivating the underpaid troops..
Can it motivate the employees to want to do better and someday get a fancy car themselves? Or does it just make them bitter...
My father was always concerned about how it would appear to his employees. He drove a new but conservative vehicle, lived in a conservative home.
I understood his philosophy but having grown the company by being in the trenches 24/7 for decades, I didn't feel the same.
I didn't flaunt it but I'm sure there was employees that were jealous and it became a distraction for them.
However I wasn't quite as modest nor did I feel guilty about it.
As far as employees, at one time we had 3 Tundra's and a Tacoma driven by employees.
We eventually changed the vehicles from luxury to more work vehicles. Transit Connects, then traded all but one in for full sized Transits and cut supervisory vehicles to just one Transit Connect.
Dan got tired of buying gas for more than to and from work for them. Our vehicles became more of a personal vehicle and now and then someone would see one in KC an hour away.
It seems our gas burned better than the gas in their vehicles.