Skunk pee

Luis Gomez

Sep 20, 2007
san juan capistrano
Luis Gomez
I have a recipe for skunk odor, but I have never tried it (1 qt peroxide (3-5%) to 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 tsp liquid detergent). What have you guys used that was effective?. Also I got a shipment from Greenie today that has quat-a-lot, will it work? Thank You all for your replies. Luis

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I've had good success with Liqua Zone by Unsmoke, but your peroxide formula hasn't failed me or anyone I've recommended to try it yet.

Well, it did fail this guy........

True story:

A guy from Arkansas called me several years ago and asked what he could use to get skunk smell out of his van.

I gave him some recommendations, and a day later he called back and told me it didn't work. I suggested another remedy, and the next day he called back again, and he was now very upset that this procedure didn't work either.

In trying to learn more, I asked him to tell me what part of his van the skunk had been in.

He replied:

"Its walking all over the place".

Me: "Its not still in there, is it?"

Him: "Well, yeah, you think I'm going in there after it?"

Till the day I die I will never forget that guy. He gave me the best story about "source elimination" I ever could have had.

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