Soft Water


Aug 1, 2007
I've been told that Portland Oregon has some of the softest water in the country- by the local distributor and a map that came with my truck mount. However, there are couple of good cleaners in the area that use a soft water unit. Why? Just curious.

Is there a certain amount of "softness" you are trying to get? I know there is a numerical value assigned to it. I just don't know what is optimal.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Maybe they don't know what you do, or got caught by a slippery filtration salesman.

Sort of nice to have tap water better than most bottled water and never worry about descaling.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
we use it

I for the most part thought it might be better to protect the equipment

I had a water magnet on my 450 MAXX, it went out so I went without for a while and had to descale my machine. So I bought a new magnet at Connections and installed it. Had crap coming out of the machine for a while.

So when I bought the Thermal Wave I bought a water softener. When I sold the Thermal Wave I put the water softener in the Vortex. I figured it would be good because of the fresh water tank. Never had a fresh water tank before. We also fill with well water sometimes.

when trying to do chemical free rinsing I think it is beneficial

You know a few years ago the sales guy would tell you that you don't need a bigger blower or need a vortex, I kind of figure they tell you you don't need a water softener because they don't sell water softeners. It is kind of the we don't sell it so you don't need it attitude. Some time ago you had machines that ran the chemical all through out the TM but now you have last step injection so you don't have the chemical softening agents or acids going through the TM any more.

so now they are selling bigger machines with bigger blowers and have options to sell you a Vortex, I figure it is only a matter of time before they try to sell you a water sortener

does it help, I don't know but I like the idea that it is protecting my equipment, if I am putting down protector I fell it would work a little better if there was less chemical left in the carpet

If you go to CRS ask Dave to show you about procyon on brass fittings

I like to promote the chemical free rinse with soft water. Customer usually doesn't know what the hell you are talking about so it can be just another marketing tool to promote that other cleaners don't use. When the other cleaner tell the customer that his cleaning solution has softeners built in then I can counter that with, so he comes in and leaves your carpet full of cleaning chemicals, I won't do that to you carpet Ms. Smth.

we do have the best water, that is why everyone else wants it

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Just buy a water tester for a whole $1.79 it will let you know the answer! (soft enough or not)

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
The company with a water softener may service customers who are on wells or get their water from other sources than the city water supply. Hardness can vary significantly in water supplies only a few miles apart.

If you carry your own water and it is soft or all your customers have soft water, there will not be as much to gain by going even softer.

Scott Warrington

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