Some claims made about me concerning Mytee

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Cuffs that fall apart before they get to the truck, inline filters that collapse under vac, and the Bentley wand that doesn't clean properly". If he didn't contribute so much money to the board, auctions, and fest................

FCC made these statements on his way out.

The old cuffs did not "fall apart", the Orings would fall off, in my case before they ever left the truck. The latest version now has a molded in rubber seal that will not come off. I use all his cuffs and have no issues.

The inline filters do collapse if used with 2.5 hose off the truck and a high heat machine.
According to Olsen he has not seen it and he has sold many, we personally saw it in the original design and two modifications thereafter. John was kept up to date on my findings.

I only used the original manifold Bently and I made it clear with John and here that I did not like the design, it had all the same issues that the original 4 jet Ti wand had. No idea if the new design helps with the streaking.
Personally I feel the wand needs wings as well to help with the over spray.

I like John, I surely appreciate all he had done in the glide battle and know of far too many people that are very happy with his products to bash him to death.

Ask John how many times I have called him with suggestions and recommendations about how to improve his stuff. I believe I have been very public about the situation that he needs help with R and D when it comes to Truckmount oriented stuff.

It is not my job or position to rag on every product made that I personally do not like. The whole membership is here to do that.

If Randy Royer wants to call my Rob or Evan because he thinks I am hiding the truth, than go right ahead.
In the mean time please send me $1000 for each and every product you want me to do a consumers report on. Until then **** off and fill out your profile.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Hey it's your own fault Mike. You changed the rules when you started accepting advertising dollars from suppliers directly affected by posters on the board. You had to know this would inevitably happen with all the different dickheads posting here. However you run this board is fine with me because I trust your judgement to do the right thing, and if ad dollars can offset your costs in time and labor running this place then it just means you won't just shut the place down and tell us all to **** off. But that doesn't mean things wont get ugly sometimes.
How's your vacation?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
dont bother, not sure why you chose to post Fred's blog post either considering you feel this way..
However you run this board is fine with me because I trust your judgement to do the right thing,

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Fred had an interesting perspective that deserved to be read and commented on. I thought it would be better to do so here than your blog that your customers read.


Nov 14, 2006
Mikey P said:
I leave.... in an hour.

and exactly where am I "at fault" here Art?
Hey mike.....good grief man, thake the lady and fricken go. I will guarantee you this stuff will still be here when you get back. Can ya go a week without looking? Geez man....get a grip


Becker said:
Have a good time Mike.

I love the islands.
yeah Mike, I echo that... have a great time with Paula away from the board.

This nonsense will be here when you get back :mrgreen:

and I sincerely hope Mr John Labarbara returns to the board as well. Extremely generous man with a wonderful family.

sam miller

I'm jealous 25 yr anny my wife wanted hawaii we decided to wait. what was I thinking I gotta get someone trained and go before I die. Have an excellent time Mike be safe.


Feb 2, 2007
If Randy Royer wants to call my Rob or Evan because he thinks I am hiding the truth, than go right ahead.
In the mean time please send me $1000 for each and every product you want me to do a consumers report on. Until then ACE off and fill out your profile.[/quote]

Actually I think your every bit as bad as Evan and Rob, just more of a hypocrite about it. I have watched things change here to the point where it is all about advertising sales now. Mike you have become what you once criticized very vocally on several boards before starting this one as the " answer". This board definitely is not censorship free, entire threads are deleted with regularity. You one berated other board operators for that very thing.

With respect to my profile, it shows my full name unlike many other folks (including all the phony profiles you have posted under).
If you haven't figured out why some people are smart enough to not have their entire profile filled out your dumber than Evan & Rob too.

With the bogus reviews that Rampage was apparently posting (along with others doing the same thing frequently) the weird calls Becker was getting and then off course the call your wife got from that idiot in North Carolina, you must be a very slow learner.

Frankly I don't need those hassles so my profile is as filled out as it ever will be. If you can't live with that, suspend my account. I can live without Mikeys board, it's just another TMFs or ICS now a days anyway. If you think everyone can't see that your nuts.

I'm betting FCC's reported dialog about your behind the scenes discussions on Mytee was closer to accurate than are willing to admit, publicly. Lots of people that once posted here are now over at World of clean & ***, I'm beginning to see why.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
randy said:
Lots of people that once posted here are now over at World of clean & ***, I'm beginning to see why.

Most of those posters are losers who got kicked off this board. The lying backstabber Cooper has made a good rest home for those POS's. The old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I think I might have a solution for this profile issue. It's not exactly perfect but it might solve somewhat of the credibility problem of those who don't want people to see their profile.

I do draw a distinction between those making bonehead attacks and remarks and those that have very legitimate reasons (in their mind forget about what others think) for not allowing the public of the board to see it.

Like I said this is not a perfect system but might help.

l think all members should be approved by a moderator or administrator before they can see anything beyond the Clean Room and New Members Look Here and they should not be allowed to post either.

When a prospective new member asks to join they can have the option of allowing some of the information to be visible or not visible. That choice would be made by the registrant and not by the moderator or admin. However in order to be approved to be a member they MUST fill out their profile COMPLETELY or the moderator or administrator will not approve their membership. And this profile information WILL BE VERIFIED by a mod or administrator before it is approved.

The only people who would be able to see the full profile of a person who chooses to not show their full profile would be an administrator or a moderator.

The minimum information to be visible will be their first name user name and city in which they operate their business, and if they are a cleaner or a supplier.

The membership weekly intake of this board is low enough that this verification can be done by an administrator or moderator.

Personally I think for almost all the situations a poster's credibility is greatly diminished by not showing who they are and if they put up false information they should lose any privilege of participating here.

Again, this is not perfect but it is workable.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
And another thing....

John Labarbera did not deserve in any fashion to be treated so disrespectfully in spite of the possible legitimacy of Fred Cordell's concerns. Plenty of other people can take and deserve to be treated a little rough at times but in no way did John deserve it.

Now many of you know I am critical of Mike too for some of the stuff he does here but if he was so one-sided and protective to suppliers and was only thinking about the money you would have seen a much different reaction. I admired his manner and restraint in handling this situation.

So if it bothers some of you people that Mike is making money off the board, realize that it is not you Mike is making money off of, it's the advertisers.

By the way, Mike has a shiny new motorcycle and I am sure this place in part helped pay to for it. So get over it and deal with it.

Loren Egland

Oct 18, 2006
Antioch, California
Loren Egland
Regarding the comment made about the Bentley wand, it does seem a good idea to have wings that control the outer spray.

Might also consider working with Greenie on the manifold jetting, positioning,and angle.

Seems like an ideal wand at that point. Of course I have only demoed the wand some time ago and don't own or use one. I do remember that the wand at that time seemed a little short. I am 6 foot tall.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Loren Egland said:
Regarding the comment made about the Bentley wand, it does seem a good idea to have wings that control the outer spray.

Might also consider working with Greenie on the manifold jetting, positioning,and angle.

Seems like an ideal wand at that point. Of course I have only demoed the wand some time ago and don't own or use one. I do remember that the wand at that time seemed a little short. I am 6 foot tall.

Hey, Greenie isn't the only one who knows how to set up a wand...I pushed one of those suckers for 18 years....He did it maybe 5.

Yes, splashguards would be great, but would require a completely new casting. Those are expensive...really expensive. Unless he wants to make a whole new head and a whole new wand, it's not going to happen I would say. however with a new casting, the manifold issue could be easily solved.

Like I said before you want a perfect wand? I have the design....but production is a whole different matter and to make it great quality, durable, reliable, with no chep crappy would run about 2K to make, maybe more now.

Take care,

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
bob vawter said:
it would run about 2K to make, maybe more now.
is that for the prototype....
or the price per pop....ouch!

get a backer sweetie....
and go for it.......
no that would be a price per pop....which is why i don't get a backer and go for it, because there aren't enough buyers to make it a producible you will continue to sacrifice quality and performance for price. You just have to decide what you're willing to settle for.

Take care,

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
ya...i try to explain the GH to the nimrods around here....
and all i get is a blank stare............ !dork! !dork! !dork!


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
bob vawter said:
ya...i try to explain the GH to the nimrods around here....
and all i get is a blank stare............ !dork! !dork! !dork!

Some peeps will never get it bawb! :| But then again some of us do! :mrgreen:
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
2 Things

1) Mikey has never shown any favortism to any Manufacturer. I don't know a manf. that hasn't been hammered here. Here's the deal the way I see it. This board is a two way street. Don't critize the manf. and when they try to defend themselves they get threaten or verbally abused. When has a manf. verbally reamed anybody here. Communication is a two way street for it to be beneficial. That means listening also, not just talking. Just because we are paying for advertising space doesn't mean Mike has "sold out". That's just nonsense.

2) here's the whole story on that last deal. Mytee posted a vid of the Bentley with the brass conglamoration in Feb '10. The jets were streaking so we adjusted them and redid thy vid Feb 9,2010. The wand was purchased fron an on line dist. sight unseen except for a picture on their website on Feb 19,2010. Their website evidently showed the old manifold. We shipped the Bentley with the new manifold. In April 17,2010 I got a pm asking when the new manifold in S/S would be done. My answer was that "I was waiting for approved samples before I could release the PO for a production run. Nothing ever goes as fast as I would like." During the summer he wanted the original old manifold. I sent it out, no charge. Recently, when the new one finally came in I sent it to him, he never put it on. A few weeks ago a board menber is asking about the Bentley and this original customer criticizes it to big time. I told him to send it back and I would give him his money back, though it was too late to go back to the dist for a refund. The Bentley came back Monday or Tuesday of this week. Mytee overnighted a check for $509.00 to him.. He got it Wednesday.

Basically, he held the wand for a year for free. He promptly got a refund when I understood the disatisfaction. What more could I have done? I don't understand the bases for all the anger, vulgarity and threats on this.

To my knowledge, I have never knowingly cheated or abused anyone on this or any other board. This whole thing was totally unreasonable.

Most manufactures are not the enemy. But many times they will get bashed first before they are given an opportunity to even understand the problem. Sometimes the bashing is totally uncalled for. Just because you don't like the product doesn't make it bad. Sometimes it's a matter of prefernce.

This whole ordeal has been very awkward and I had to "cool down" for a few daysn before I could post again on the board.

We put the returned wand back together with the new manifold. It's going to Lee Stockwell, he can evaluated it and tell you whether it streaks or is too light.

sam miller

Thanks John that sounds more then fair and reasonable. If this was my board I would probably have banned first questions latter and been all about the money! clearly Mike showed restraint but realized FCC crossed the line and need to cool down. He never did ban FCC he left on his own.

I think my prochem ti wand is almost perfect! shiteatinggrin but 2 g's for a wand I would probably get a 360i instead.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
uhhhh when i brought up a few things about the mytee tank (a few tweaks by me)

Hell john sent me a free "chamber" also some extra try out my tweaks....

its still running great on the machine i sold.....(except the dumb ass worker didnt dump the basket :shock: :shock: :shock: till someone else took it out and was like WTF wheres the was over 3/4 full :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: )


Oct 19, 2006
Mikey, "dramatic" things happen here because you're a drama queen.

FCC wanted to be a jerk about him buying the wand and not liking it....he could have very easily talked to John at Mytee a long time ago and never had a problem. It seems he wanted a problem so he could cause a problem and get some attention.

John LaB. welcome back. You are an asset to this board and I know you help people as much as you can. Some people don't want any help, they just want to cause trouble. Tomorrow's another day.
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
lance said:
Mikey, "dramatic" things happen here because you're a drama queen.

FCC wanted to be a jerk about him buying the wand and not liking it....he could have very easily talked to John at Mytee a long time ago and never had a problem. It seems he wanted a problem so he could cause a problem and get some attention.

John LaB. welcome back. You are an asset to this board and I know you help people as much as you can. Some people don't want any help, they just want to cause trouble. Tomorrow's another day.

Thanks, Lance, Doug and Bob. I appreciate your comments very much
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
sam miller said:
Thanks John that sounds more then fair and reasonable. If this was my board I would probably have banned first questions latter and been all about the money! clearly Mike showed restraint but realized FCC crossed the line and need to cool down. He never did ban FCC he left on his own.

I think my prochem ti wand is almost perfect! shiteatinggrin but 2 g's for a wand I would probably get a 360i instead.

Thanks, Sam

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Willy P said:
Now that that's over, get back to work on that quad vac general pump unit. The world is ready..... :shock:

Umm no...Not all ideas are good ideas and not all good ideas are profitable ideas. John you need to remember that and just because some BiGhEaD tells you something is wrong with something doesn't make it true. You will never please everyone and the more you try the more money it costs you. So if 97 out of 100 think the product works like it's suppossed to DON'T go changing it to please the 3 that didn't :)

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