Call me names all you want....but no hacking here and it works for us.
Perhaps I came off a bit short in my response. If it were us, the 'prequalify" would have been (under the assumption that we knew it was a property that was larger than the typical ones we get from this particular realtor). "Thanks for the opportunity. This property is a bit different then the work we have done for you in the past. I'd like to take some time to review the cost for a property like this since it's a different scope then we are both used to working with. Can we discuss this now or would you like me to send you an estimate via email?"
While I agree with you in theory, in application with Realtors it just doesn't always work this way. This particular house was one of the last minute it has to be done on this day. I didn't have the time available to send an email estimate and wait for a response and she wasn't available for a phone call at the time I started.