Re: Starting the Encap division of my company
royalkid said:
damn brian, sad stuff

. You were a chem-hack (like i was) and you want to go back to bonnet cleaning. The best VLM cleaner can't touch the best HWE're smart enough to know that. I purchased a brand-new mytee 175 recently so i can "POST" bonnet all jobs...AFTER i HWE with my RX-20 and Bulter. It will help dry-times, but I will NEVER pull out a buffer as the only tool to use on a job, unacceptable for anyone who considers themselves a "quality" carpet cleaner. You must be getting biz tips from Greg Cole. :shock:
I've been waiting for you to give me a hard time. !gotcha!
I like this method because it's got it's differences from Chem-hack. !dork!
I too always carried some kind of buffer with me for post bonneting or pre-scrubbing.
There is still a market for VLM cleaning and I know what kind of job I can do cleaning. The encap part is just icing on the cake.
I just can't see spending 30 thousand dollars on a TM set up for spray and suck again when I know I can get very close to the same results or even the same results from what I'm doing.
If I get a decent porty to pre-treat and rinse first and then bonnet with encap....I believe the results will be as good as it gets.
You can only get the carpet so clean.
HWE is
superior in that it's more powerful so it's faster. There is something to be said of sucking water from the pad with a Claw or something but that's not going to get everything out either.
It will take more time to clean with this method if just for the vacuuming part. But a little more time and a lot less money upfront and for upkeep etc will allow me to make more money and still get the carpets clean.
And before anyone calls me a hypocrite because I've owned a TM and HWEed for 10 years...I've always said....always...
You can get a carpet clean with an eyedropper and a q-tip if you take enough time to do it.
I've also said you can get a carpet just as clean with a porty but it just takes longer.
I will still offer HWE if people want it. I will sub those out.