Stripping stamped concrete

tres davis

Mar 1, 2015
Any tips for the detail work involved in stripping stamped concrete in a home? Customer recently purchased home and there are some areas where rugs used to be that are white with some slight coloration. All the areas where there was not a rug have wax/dirt build up. Looks like the housekeeper was just putting wax on wax and it's darker in traffic areas. Peels up in corners with a knife and I did test area. Had to strip it 2 to 3 times to get it off and even then there can still be slight residue. The concrete just eats the stripper so you can only do small sections at a time. I am not looking for pricing info as they know it's a huge job and we are all good on the price. I just need some tips about about how to get all that wax from the edges/around toilets etc. I have truckmounts, 175s, orbiters, hand tools, makitas and whatever other tool I need. Originally we had masked some areas but have switched to just stripping with the 175 all the way up against the baseboard/wall and wiping quick. Customer said don't worry about baseboards they will handle the repaint, just get wax off. But even with it up against the edge there is a little bit of dark area from the wax/dirt
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