Suck on these oranges. My view on orange force 123.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
ACE said:
Gawd, Is there anyone here who isn’t striping the stain resistance off at every job? There is a time and place for high PH chems but it doesn’t sound like most of you ever have anything with a PH below 10 in your prespray.

Honestly, last year I think I might have cleaned about 4 or 5 carpets that were less than 3 years old. Most carpets I clean are from 5 to 10 years old and have never seen a cleaner.

Ask a customer about whether they have a 5th gen. carpet, or stain resistant carpet and they look at me like I'm from Mars. Most carpet that gets cleaned around here - in my experience - really needs it.
In most cases I deal with, getting the carpet clean is the first priority, not worrying about whether any stain resistance is actually left on the carpet after Mrs. Jones has been shampooing it with her Bissel Steam Cleaner or Kirby wonder machine.

Now I don't know about all these "high end" homes that other guys are doing, but I do my fair share of nicer homes and in those cases I would trend toward using a milder prespray if it was practical.
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