Tell us more about C-4

Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
I considered a Judson C-4 but was unsure about the blower/engine combo. Seemed a little under powered to me. Isn't it like a 35 HP turning a #5 blower?

Its been a long time since visited the website. Is that right? Or am I smoking crack?


Oct 7, 2006
It is a big blower, but not a #5.

you already know what a 45 and a 47 is, think of the C-4 as a 48 and you will have a grasp on it.

It will make about 400 cfm in single wand, and 500 in dual wand.

It was used cause it's built like a tank, and quieter.

If you are going to MF6 you will see the new optional monster Stealth silencer as well.

Here is a pic or two:







Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
steve frasier said:
Jeff, what the hell is that thing on the side

I have never been to get over not having a liquid cooled motor

Looks like a silencer for the blower :?:

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
It's an awesome silencer. If you're standing next to the machine you can not hear any blower noise - NONE. Les had it specially designed for the unit.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
No, Bob doesn't go anywhere. He would be totally out of the loop if it weren't for your quality skype talks nightly.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Les was raving about the silencer - he said it even surprised him how well it worked.


Oct 7, 2006
Bayco Valve.

As for Steve's request, a water cooled does potentially have more moving parts, and more things to go wrong, but I'm sure if you said pretty please Les might put a 28hp liquid cooled kohler on there for ya, Cu's Reactor has a 27hp LQ Briggs.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
after reading the post above with Mike and his 2.5" hose or a Y, I don't think I could live with anything under a #5 blower and a liquid colled motor

Loren Egland

Oct 18, 2006
Antioch, California
Loren Egland
The C4 sounds impressive. Seems like it would have similar cleaning performance to the Steam Way Storm and the Fuel Oil Burner that Duane Oxley makes (can't remember the name). As I recall, they also have 30 horsepower air cooled engines. Only 47 blowers, but maybe a little higher heat?


Oct 7, 2006
steve frasier said:
after reading the post above with Mike and his 2.5" hose or a Y, I don't think I could live with anything under a #5 blower and a liquid colled motor

I must have missed something?

What does Mike's 4 to the door question have to do with blower or engine?

I think engine type is as much a personal preference as functional.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
Jeff, toss out the above comment

After owning a spit fire to a Vortex to most things in between, for performance (Residential to commercial) I wouldn't want to be without a #5 blower

Don't you also lose a little on a longer hose run with a tri lobe blower? My 427 BOXXER didn't really compare to the 450 MAXX on a longer hose run. At least by sound it didn't

How much does the motor have a lot to do with it, torque wise. To me I would rather have an inline 3 cylinder motor compared to briggs n stratton


Oct 7, 2006
Now I understand where you are coming from.

We would all like a "bigger" more robust machine, it doesn't hurt to have excess engineering in your favor, so I get where you are coming from, a 2 cyl. briggs doesn't exactly compare to a 3 cyl. dihatsu as a 4 cyl. gas doesn't compare to a 4 cyl. diesel, they are just different animals.

Now that said, you aren't gonna be any better off with a #5 blower turning at 3/4 speed than you are at a Mikey blower turning at 90%, once you break 300-400 cfm potential, do you think you'd ever "feel" it on a wand?

As for tri-lobe to bi-lobe, same thing applies, if one make 375 cfm and the other 400 cfm, would you notice the diff.?

It appears you would prefer a "large" slide in with a large blower and powerplant, ok, no problem, sounds like a nice machine, but it's not gonna be $17,500.

What is the current price for a BL Thermal Wave II, or Everest 650? Is that include a Stainless 170 Gal tank?
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
The 170 gallon fresh tank is a hugh bonus! Price ain't bad either. All you need is electric hose reels and you're in the Big Leagues! :-)

How big is the waste tank? Does it have 2" vac inlets? Is this the unit Mikey runs in Lunchpail?

Btw, who does ur financing?


Oct 7, 2006
The 170 is the Waste tank.

Can have whatever you want for a Freshy, I kinda like the Masterblend/steamway waterwell for the price/features.

I use Ed @ Agency Capital, but am always looking for another good funding source if you have a lead.

You can have twin 2.5 vac ports, one of each, or whatever you prefer.
May 12, 2007
steve frasier said:
Jeff, toss out the above comment

After owning a spit fire to a Vortex to most things in between, for performance (Residential to commercial) I wouldn't want to be without a #5 blower

Don't you also lose a little on a longer hose run with a tri lobe blower? My 427 BOXXER didn't really compare to the 450 MAXX on a longer hose run. At least by sound it didn't

How much does the motor have a lot to do with it, torque wise. To me I would rather have an inline 3 cylinder motor compared to briggs n stratton



I would like to say a couple of things about blower performances. A Gardner Denver 5M produces 525 CFM. The blower we are using, the 408, at the rpm of 3600 where we run it, is 550 CFM. Most all blowers relieve at the same negative pressure of 15 – 16 inches of mercury. So the main thing you need to look at is the performance of the blower, regardless what number it is. With the blower we use, if you just put it on a table next to a standard blower, it is obvious that the one we are using is a much heavier built blower. The C4 at full negative pressure drops less than 70 rpm. Not having the spec book in front of me, I would say that it would probably match the 5M at that point. You have to remember, though, when you take the 5M and load it to full negative pressure, it is going to drop too.


With the C4, the top priority is reliability, the second thing is available common parts. Serviceability, of the components is also a priority and as you can see, the components are easy to access. Now I would like to say something about the air cooled engine versus a water cooled inline four. As you know, Steve, Judson is capable of building any machine that has ever been produced, from any slide-in heat exchanger to the Vortex and the Aerotech. All we have to do is just order the parts and begin building them. The reason we like to stay with an air cooled engine is the same reason the small aircraft industry likes to stay with air cooled engines; reliability. If you are a private pilot and fly a single engine airplane, your engine, darned-well better be reliable. The next thing we like about the air-cooled twins is that any lawn mower shop can get parts and service them. There are probably about 80,000 lawn mower shops in America. Another thing good about the twin is replacement cost. You can buy maybe about 3 of the twins for the price of one four cylinder inline. Now I’m not saying the four cylinder inlines are not good engines, but Judson feels the additional money that is being spent on that engine could be spent on other components like a large stainless steel recovery tank, plus lowering the purchase price of the machine. Another good thing about the twins is that they only burn 1.6 gallons pr hour under full load.


Another feature about the C4 that I don’t think a lot of people realize is that it will maintain 240 degrees on a Greenhorn wand at a propane burn of .9 gallons pr hour under commercial conditions and only .5 under residential conditions. When designing a truckmount there is always a give and take; always. For instance, if I was trying to design a slide-in heat exchanger to match the performance of the C4, I would have to have an extremely large engine. Then I would have to have an extremely large blower to load the extremely large engine to produce the BTU’s needed to produce the heat. Now, these additional BTU’s I’m trying to get, are being produced by gasoline consumption. So now I have a unit consuming a lot of fuel that has extremely expensive parts on it just to make heat. Then we would have to get some heat off the blower, but then the fun begins. We have to control this heat somehow. That is when all the apparatus, mechanisms, and devices come into play. They must be there to control it. So as you can see to gain my so-called FREE heat, it is costing me more to produce the machine, costing me more to operate the machine, and I have DEFINITELY given up reliability, and I have definitely given up common local parts that and I am having to rely on proprietary parts; all that just to replace the Little Giant heater. Even in Jeff Woods’ case, he still had to buy a Little Giant heater to add to his inline four cylinder unit to maintain heat on Greenie’s wand.


So, that is the tradeoff to go full heat exchange. Now what is the tradeoff to go with a C4? The only thing I can think of is that now you have the hassle of buying propane, but it may not be as big a hassle as you think. A lot of guys running our units have their own fill bottles at their home. These are not the big bottles you see that have electric pumps that you might see at a commercial fill station. These are smaller bottles similar to what you see when a home is being heated with LP gas. The gas company comes and refills the bottle once per month and you don’t have to pay road tax, so you are purchasing at a lower price. These systems do not require electric pumps to fill, they just gravity feed from one tank to the other and they take slightly longer to fill.

Judson has TNT units that are still in service in excess of 25 years; a lot of them. The operators simply replaced engines and pumps as they wore out like replacing tires and brakes on a car. I see no reason the C4 will not have the same service record as the TNT. There is not much difference; just larger components. Plus, the neatest thing about buying a Judson truckmount regardless of the units is that you will have me as support unlike my competitors who take full advantage of someone who is down and out.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I don't doubt anything you guys say, not trying to put down anybody's equipment. I can only tell you what things sound like and how hard it is to pull the wand across the carpet with each machine

but yes, you can't beat the price for what you get

may be in the market this time next year so what to know all the answers now

so I guess I don't need to buy that 100' of 2.5" hose then

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Les did you get the update from Gardner Denver about adding breather ports to the blower? Not sure how many you have put in the field but they had bad run of blowers that the front seals leak. The Breather port was supposed to help.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Can you concentrate of building a C-4 that doesn't take up the whole side door of the van.

I'll compromise on the huge ugly factor if you will.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
hogjowl said:
Can you concentrate of building a C-4 that doesn't take up the whole side door of the van.

I'll compromise on the huge ugly factor if you will.

Do you not have any mirrors at home? Compromise is a understandment. :twisted: :twisted:


Oct 7, 2006
wait a min?
All blowers already have a fill port and a breather port that I know of. Why would the pressure be any greater than any other blower if it was properly vented?

Or is there some blowers out there with PLUGs installed where breathers should be? :shock:

ps: Hogjowl
If you want a 150-170 gal waste tank, it's gonan take up some space, how about you just settle on a classic TNT with the 120, it's MUCH narrower.

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