THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Juat wanted to say thank you to a few of my peeps

1.Mikey for putting Mikey mytee fest on
2.John for making it great the hospitalitiy was awesome
3.Mikey for agreat lunch at the soup and salad place there really was some great food there.
4.John for all the tacos a fat boy could eat
5.All the vendors for even coming out and making a pressence
6.Shawn, Mark, Frank, Gary, Rob for the sticky tabs, John, and all the others that gave free samples and stuff away.
7. A special thanks for Lisa letting me hang at her pad for the weekend.
8.Greenglides for the 200 buck credit.
9.Vacaway steve for the gallon of chem that I won
10.Kleenrite people sfor the shirts and keychains
11.Thomas for the great conversations we had.
12.And thanks to all those I'm forgetting.
It was a Mytee good time. :D


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Shawn gave bridgepoint wood demo dvds, and gave me and Luddy, and Buzzbac, some wood cleaner, wood putty, and one of those pad brooms with the microfiber on it.

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