Auction The Red, White and "Bring on the Blue" auction!



Up for Auction:

  • Two 6.5 pound Tubs of Saiger's Code Red. Retail value $107.18
  • Two 6.5 pound Tubs of Saiger's 10 Below. Retail value $92.34
  • Two 6.5 pound Tubs of Saiger's Sauce 1. Retail value $87.42
  • And let's add a little party to the mix with one Gallon of Saiger's Mango Burst Scentsation Deodorizer. Retail value $24.56
  • Free shipping to Lower 48

Total package retail price with free shipping to the lower 48 States: $311.50

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Saiger's Sauce Code Red
combines Oxy and Enzyme to the already awesome Saiger's Sauce 1. This unscented formula allows for the addition of deodorizers such as the new Saiger's Cide Lime Citron odor destroyer, Saiger's Eucalyptus Mint odor Destroyer, or Saiger's Mango Burst Scentsation Deodorizer.

Directions and Suggested use

Be sure to mix with warm to hot and preferably “soft” water. Don't store more than you need on
your (hot) truck.

Pump up or Electric Sprayer

1 scoop (2ounces) to 1.5 scoops (3 ounces) of Saiger’s Sauce 1 per gallon of warm to hot water. Severely
soiled carpets may require up to 3-4 ounces per gallon. Test first so you don't waste this valuable

Hydro Force Type Injection Sprayer

Dilute 8 –9 scoops Saiger’s Code Red (16-18 ounces) per 5 quart container with warm to hot water, and meter
at 8:1 setting. If not using a metering tip, it is typically at 4:1 setting: THEN dilute only 4-5 scoops which is 8-10 ounces of Saiger’s Code Red.

Saiger's 10 Below Powdered Pre-Spray

“Take your cleaning out of the Ice Ages”

Saiger's 10 Below was a 3 year project to create the perfect safer cleaning formula that packs a punch for cleaning of Carpets, Tile and Grout and Upholstery.
(Not recommended for fine fabric upholstery). With the Saiger families relentless field testing, 10 below has emerged from the cold northern climates! Take your cleaning out of the Ice Ages with the new warranty safe and safer cleaning agent!

* 9.5 pH
* Carpet Warranty Safe formula, including Stain Resistant Carpets
* Unscented - No Odor present while in use except pleasing fresh scent
* Odor Eliminating Formula with no Perfumes or scents
* Incredible Cleaning Power giving high pH pre-sprays a run for their money!
* No Butyls, No d-limonene, No Solvents, No NTA's
* Safer Chemistry with true cleaning power!

Saiger’s Sauce 1

The Power of the Blue!
“Bring on the Blue Bullet!”
Enviro Safe – Non Toxic

From 4 generations of Saiger family cleaners, we bring you “Saiger Sauce 1”. The highest quality, very economical, multi use pre-spray you can buy.
A unique product created by 50 plus years of cleaning experience and passion, astute observation and testing in real world cleaning situations. A “one product” to help with most of your professional cleaning needs on carpet, tile and grout, synthetic rugs and garage floors, stone patios etc..
Gentle enough to be your everyday pre spray or your Blue Bullet on greasy commercial work.
For best, long lasting results, we recommend the use of an extraction agent in your cleaning system such as Saiger's Deep Blue All Purpose - All Fiber Rinse.

Slight Fresh Lemon Scent.
No NTA, D-Limonene, Butyl’s or other harmful solvents.

Directions and Suggested use:

Be sure to mix with warm to hot and preferably “soft” water. Normal soiling with your best repeat clients will require far less product usage. We recommend experimenting to find what works best for you.

Product is quick dissolving in hot water, another time saver! Use the supplied measuring cup and don’t store more than you need on your (hot) truck.

-Pump up or Electric Sprayer – 1 scoop (2 ounces) Saiger Sauce One to 1.5 Scoops (3 Ounces) of “Saiger Sauce 1” per Gallon of warm to hot water. Very severe jobs may require up to 3 ounces – 4 ounces per gallon. Test first so you don’t waste this valuable solution.
-Hydro Force Type Injection Sprayer – Dilute 8 – 9 scoops “Saiger Sauce 1” (16-18 ounces) per 5 quart container with warm to hot water, and meter at 8:1 setting. (If not using a metering tip, it is typically at 4:1 setting: THEN dilute only 4-5 scoops which is 8-10 ounces of “Saiger Sauce 1”).
With either pre spray method, for the best long lasting results, use an extraction agent such as Saiger's Deep Blue All Purpose - All Fiber Rinse

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Saiger’s Mango Scentsation Deodorizer

The Burst of Exotic Mango with a hint of Juicy Orange and fresh Pineapple splash your senses with the new Saiger’s Sauce “Mango Burst Scentsation” Deodorizer! This water-soluble deodorizer is a great additive to your cleaning solutions or an after spray for a delightful tropical experience! Packed full of malodor counteractants, it helps neutralize those nasty odors, or a nice way to complete your clients total cleaning experience.


Shake well before using. You can add “Mango Burst Scentsation” to your prespray, rinsing agent, or spray after cleaning.​
Mild odors 2-4 ounces per gallon.​
Moderate Odors 4-8 ounces per gallon.​
Severe Odors 8-10 ounces per gallon.​

Product can also be applied with a trigger sprayer, electric atomizer, or pump up type Sprayer

Retail value $311.50
Free shipping to L48
Starting bid $200
Minimum Bid increment $2

Auction ends Wednesday July 6th at 9PM EST / 6PM PST

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