The Vortex is doomed

Nov 8, 2006
Do you think in this economy with fuel going up and income going down and financing harder to get that there is a market for the Vortex or Aerotec in their existing form. The Lumpkin thinks not.

It needs a serious revision and with immediate sales prospects so poor and money tight it ain't going to happen.

In 10 years people are going to think of Vortex just like they think of Big Red now. "Those Vortex guys sure partied a lot in Vegas. Whatever happened to that guy they called Tom the Welder"

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Darren Lumpkin said:
Do you think in this economy with fuel going up and income going down and financing harder to get that there is a market for the Vortex or Aerotec in their existing form. The Lumpkin thinks not.

It needs a serious revision and with immediate sales prospects so poor and money tight it ain't going to happen.

In 10 years people are going to think of Vortex just like they think of Big Red now. "Those Vortex guys sure partied a lot in Vegas. Whatever happened to that guy they called Tom the Welder"

not if guys keep cashing in their 401k's oh wait after the 40% penalty and all they lost in the stock market there isn't anything left.

blueline was the best thing to happen to vortex it gave the machines some gravitas with a real manufacturer to stand behind them for parts and support, I sure didn't hear much about the blueline versions of the machines, could it possibly be good ole yorkie did a better job of pimping the machines than blueline?? or maybe better with getting us internet fools fired up about it.

its too bad, because honestly I don't think the guys at legends want to mess with the vortex, they already have 2 truckmount companies to run. and since the vortex requires more than just a simple install perhaps they don't want to bother with it. I think that is the truth behind the whole deal. what about the vortex slide in?? maybe they could make that, keep yorkie happy and live hunkie doorie, I think nick should design the vortex slide in :lol:


Oct 19, 2006
The biggest impact that Vortex made was to bring attention to the problem of not having enough room in a van. It is a chance to see that not only is it a strong machine that can easily dual wand, but also can also carry the equipment that cleaners need and/or want to always have with them.

It has also brought more attention to how other TM companies build their machines (a V does this, does yours?). It also made more cleaners aware of what it takes to run 2 wands day in and day out. Dual wanding can make a lot more money in less time than single wanding. You pay for the truck, why not use it to it's potential?

There is always a trickle down effect with new technology. The Vortex has made a large impact on the way cleaners view their equipment and what it can do for their business.

I wonder if PowerClean would have brought out the Genny D-XT in a Sprinter van if the Vortex wasn't around?

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Whether the V/AT will be around in 10 years, I donno.

I suspect so, cause it never was a hi-volume TM and never will be.
Cause it's just way over capacity for the vast majority of BD's
You should of seen the look on FMI Gordie's face when I told him that. :shock:
(were you blowing smoke up his ass, Yappy to get a better manufacturing price?)

It's a niche market of prospects.
bought by a a select few of established biz owners or wide eyed wonders or new start up rubes that can be CONvinced they're be rolling dough cleaning Golden Corrals at night with a V

So there will always be a niche need for the established biz that can utilize capacity.
There will also be a handful that just "want" and afford one.
(like the cowboys that buy a loaded 1 ton dually to drive to the Friday nite square dance)

so yea, I think it will probably still be around


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