There's a market out there for a longer lasting Glide..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I know the apartment cleaners would love to have a Glide that lasted longer and cleans to the edge as well as mine do it would appreciate the fit and finish that a green Glide delivers.

But to take on the development of making a new Glide for most ones that last longer it would only make financial sense to charge even more for this product, and I'm not so sure the apartment cleaners can do the arithmetic....

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I know the apartment cleaners would love to have a Glide that lasted longer and cleans to the edge as well as mine do it would appreciate the fit and finish that a green Glide delivers.

But to take on the development of making a new Glide for most ones that last longer it would only make financial sense to charge even more for this product, and I'm not so sure the apartment cleaners can do the arithmetic....

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject

Our industry is very diverse, and "apartment cleaners" are only a fraction of that marketplace.

I think having two types of glides makes sense, based on the buying habits of the market(s) you are serving.

Interestingly, the apartment cleaners, with their (likely) lack of prevacuuming, and need to hire less than careful cleaning technicians, are the ones who would most need the more durable glide. Those who studiously prevacuum, who are careful with their tools, and who clean light to moderately soiled carpet, could probably get away with using a less durable glide.

That said, if people who market products sold to the need, not the want, tobacco, candy, and potato chips would not be marketed to those who have the poorest health care options.


Apr 4, 2024
Mark Franco
I know the apartment cleaners would love to have a Glide that lasted longer and cleans to the edge as well as mine do it would appreciate the fit and finish that a green Glide delivers.

But to take on the development of making a new Glide for most ones that last longer it would only make financial sense to charge even more for this product, and I'm not so sure the apartment cleaners can do the arithmetic....

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject

Cleaning to the edge is a big deal to me, definitely more important on my list than longetivity. The flat face idea is pretty sweet, wonder if an angled channel could get it even closer to the edge. I rarely go without a glide but when I used that old favorite AW wand my dad had lying around I was shocked at how nice to get up right into the baseboard. I usually run the wand perpendicular to them and also pull the vac hose to trace the border of the room too since I know the glide keeps it from the edge.

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