This is my nemesis. Removing large paint spills.

Sep 7, 2008
What are the odds of getting out a half gallon of bright red paint (not finger paint) on a light tan colored nylon carpet. I say it can't be done without cutting the carpet. If it can please elaborate because I went through a 32 oz bottle of pog and another bottle of peroxide and it didn't turn out too good so I reccommend replacing the room of carpet. I can understand a few small paint spots but a half gallon spill and probably 50 other paint spots is too much for me.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
if they would of called you before it dried/cured, it would of been a piece of cake...just a hot water flush rinse would of done it
(if it was latex paint)

to make a god honest attempt at it after dried... WITHOUT delaminating it or distorting the fibers....wouldn't be worth the effort/cost if a suitable piece is available to section in.

I've read someone (think it was Tony Wheelwright) mention gelled paint stripper once

look in the closet for your donor.
suggest they put laminate in the closet and VIOLA! you now have nice big piece of carpet to section in


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
as long as you are using a truckmount the whole thing about delamination is horse$shit, what I am about to tell you will never be taught anywhere and most people around here have never truely pushed the limits of some things, keep in mind I have even manged to get out cherry wood furniture stains, a so called impossibility, but when its a matter of getting the stain out or replacing the carpet that is my green light to push the limit, which I don't mind doing. some of my methods can go against conventional wisdom,

1) I have never delaminted a carpet by putting on TOO much POG, and believe me I have dumpped all sorts of solvents onto carpets before, when I say dumpped I mean used more than a gallon in a apply rinse with truckmount fashion on a paint spill.

2) red paint will be tuff, because its hard to get every last tinge out, if it was white paint on a tan carpet that is much more doable.

3) I have a sneaking suspecion that solvents have been neutered in recent years by the chemical makers, for example Cobbs POG, I have been using that product for 15 years, the last 5 years it seems like its OG instead of POG. it doesn't seem to have he oomph it once did.

4) I have been successful on many paint spills, I found that I thought I didnt' get it out only to find the customer very happy with it when it dried. I also do carpet repair so they never needed me back for that.

most of my paint spill work has been after its already dried, the first thing I do is get the truckmount hot and hit the spot with hot water as hot as I can get it, really put some heat into the fibers, next I pour, note I said pour not spray, spritz or dab, copious amounts of POG, or paint thinner on the spot, for a 1 foot diameter spot I would likely dump at least 8 oz the first go around, make sure this spreads all over the spot, I often times use my shoe to agitate a bit, be careful you don't want to distort the fibers more than you have to, keep in mind we are going for broke here, I let this sit for a while 7-8 mins, then again hit the area with hot steam from the truckmount, you will see a significant amount of paint pull out, basically you are going to keep repeating this, until the paint is gone or you can see you are about to F up the carpet, at that point you have done all you can and hopefully the rest will not show after it dries, which has often been what I have seen. a while back the painters I use on my water damage work spilled at least a pint of white paint on brand new carpet on one of their own jobs, not mine, I came out and worked on about a 1 foot diameter spot, a half gallon of POG and 1 gal of their paint thinner later, what was left was a tinge of white, anyways they later told me the people were very happy after it all dried.

the reason copious amounts POG or thinner will not screw up the carpet is because remember we are also rinsing it with water and the truckmount, solvents float to the top and dry first.
Sep 7, 2008
I agree with you on the weaker solvents but some will delaminate a carpet for sure namely Chemspec POG and Apac 007 (I think I got that name right). The Chemspec is a lot stronger than the Prochem but you can forget using it in a residential setting. I had Service Monster send out some cards and I got a call from a lady wanting to book and appointment. After talking with her she says you were the last company here (I had to get out a lot of tar stains) and you left my house with a strong smell. We had to keep the windows open for a week. Needless to say I lost that customer so I just deleted her from my database. Live and learn.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
danielc said:
After talking with her she says you were the last company here (I had to get out a lot of tar stains) and you left my house with a strong smell. We had to keep the windows open for a week. Needless to say I lost that customer so I just deleted her from my database. Live and learn.

might not want to dump a quart of PAINT THINNER on the carpet as Steve suggested then ... :mrgreen:



Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
... If you do happen to delaminate the carpet, odds are you won't destroy the greige goods. so if you can get to the backing after it as completely dried, I would detach the carpet from the strip and then try his solvent obliteration method. recomendations, but some plastic or chemical proof materials under the spot to catch any drop through until it evaporates your can remove it, And once the carpet as dried, you can always relatex the spots. we have relatexed 3x3 and 4x4 sections before with out issue from water damage problems and they hold up just well if you us a quality latex.

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