bob vawter
Grassy Knoller
Who is anyone else to tell you what would or would not work for you. I say if it's working for you, go for it. At some point as you grow though, you may want to reconsider how you dispatch.
For us, it would slow us down.
One of our dispatchers came from a small 6-8 truck operation where he was the only dispatcher and they used that system. He says it wasn't uncommon to have the crews to be on hold for 10 minutes or longer waiting for their turn to get their info. The only way to speed that up with the amount of crews we have would be to add extra staff to get the work to them.
Our crew's day is routed, called and then assembled the afternoon prior to the work day. It's done by our dispatchers and office staff during a slower time of the day. The cleaning crews leave the building with pre-printed work orders and a log sheet to record their totals. They can then focus on cleaning and not be burdened with handwriting a lot of paperwork.
It works for us.
Ken would always sneak me in.......
OR was that YOU?