Todays Work "New Client"


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
New commercial job Thursday. 6am start time 1.5 hours into job G Mgr comes in and comes over to see my work. He told me that previous carpet company had been there Monday and he went ahead and let them clean since he didn't have a chance to give them notice. I showed him the results (I was even shocked when he told me they cleaned it just 3 days before!) My bid was $47. more than them plus another $50 for sectional tile and grout cleaning each month. Problem was it took me an additional 1.5 hours to clean up their mess so I didn't make what I try to per hour.

I have landed 4 new rest in the past 2 weeks, all of them will be day time jobs. Trying to stay off the 3rd shift as much and sleep when I'm supposed to and stay awake at the wheel.

I'm trying to post some "during" pictures but they don't seem to be uploading[attachment=0:vv6pzfgk]IMG_0050.JPG[/attachment:vv6pzfgk]
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