KevinL said:
No customer calls a carpet cleaning company and expects to have sub-contractors show up to do the work.
When I need a service, I take a little time and research a company. I get my information from as many sources as I can, mainly the internet. I will then pick one based on many things including:
How have they presented their business?
Have they presented themselves as professionals?
What is their experience level?
Do I feel confident in using them?
Most importantly....
Who do I believe will be coming into my home?
This is very important to me.
Now if I hire "Priority Carpet Cleaning", because I am comfortable with what I have seen, and LIPSHITZ CC shows up, I would not be a happy camper. The first thing to come to mind would be "Who the fook are these guys".
I would be pissed if I "fell for" the personal, attentive service of "Priority Carpet Cleaning" you portray in your video, and then have some other company show up. Why? Simply because I did not choose this other company. I wouldn't know who they are, where they are from, and wtf is going on, and I would now be pressured to let them into my house.
"I chose "Priority Carpet Cleaning", and I want that damn guy in the suit!"
I'm sure most people might not give a shit, but I would, and I am sure there are more people who would.
It seem you are using your "Priority Carpet Cleaning" entity, as your own personal "Network Carpet Cleaning". Why not call it what it is?
I would think it's because your returns are better because the perceived identity of "Priority Carpet Cleaning" is more inviting to a potential client than some "Network".
I agree with Olson, you do what you want with your business, just admit it's a little "Tricky", and your really just a "Pimp". shiteatinggrin
One thing I don't understand. Seems to me the long term goal is to eventually build a business that is mostly referrals/repeats based on long term relationships, where the price shoppers and problem customers have been weeded out. How do you plan on achieving this if your always sending some "referred" sub out on all your jobs?