tough decision seasoned advice needed


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Keep him as a chimp and just have him be your helper. I would hire someone that was computer savy to do sales work in the office like typing mailers, calls, etc. this will give you more time in the truck. I have had trouble finding lead tech and even chimp material so if he is a good helper at least keep him for that.


Oct 7, 2006
"When you get .23 cents a sq ft and clean the entire hotel every 3 months."

well there are guys on ics who say they get 75 cents a sq

so what's the min wage in NC I'm sure you can find a felon with a learners permit

green guy

Nov 18, 2009
Terry that could work. Problem is I Had it in my mind to do such and such... and well starting over for him sucks. I have a neat ability to land big deals so I want to be the sales person. Serv monster and constant contact will handle the rest. What do you think about hiring a part time driver 3 days a week so i could prospect and handle the vision stuff. Its a tough one i mean he lied and im thinking about this not moving my co. forward. Still dont know how Ill tell him. I do like the guy. .75 c is not realistic imo not easy to hold on to long term relationships. At .23 we are over 200 an hour.


Oct 7, 2006
yes the last time we talked you were taking over the carpet industry in NC by storm with your Porty

green guy

Nov 18, 2009
Thats right! we actually were killin it but after our first entire Marriott clean we got th extreme savage beast.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
i take great care of my guys and love them to death because they help me enjoy my life style however.....
i would never allow a friendship with a employee jeopardize my company and my future.
he lied and not a small lie it was a big many small ones do you not know about??
all my employees know that if you steal or do something that is not in the best interest of the company
you are gone and i dont re hire for any reason. i feel it is the only way to keep quality in and cancer
out. when you are looking at things like this you have to look 5 years down the road..where is he
going to fit in? how much bullshit do you have to go through to keep him and is it worth it..
i would be looking at the liability alone and firing me when i tell you that his
past will be a big issue if he makes a bad decision and you will be held accountable for your hiring practices.
run your company dont let your employees run you and your company.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
bob vawter said:
desperate people do desperate things....

he was desperate enough to LIE to you for 3 months...
what ELSE is he desperate enough to do!

shut up Brian
were you around when i was "basket boy" shopping at the local...KMART?

I was there in spirit.


Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Let him go. First its the license. Don't let him hold you hostage. Because once he realizes he has you by your nuts. He start asking for pay advances to pay court fines, and whatever other trouble he has gotten into.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
I'd keep things just the way they are for now.
Be honest though and tell him you're looking for an employee who doesn't lie.
Good luck finding one.
You'll need it.

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Find out why he doesnt have a liscense and run a background check. If he is truly clean and you feel that he is responsible enough to be a lead tech. Then give it a try. You are not locked into your decision and it seems like you have confidence in the guy otherwise. This will not be the last time an employee lies to you, you just have to do what is best for you and your situation.
I try not to fire out of principal alone, if the situtation can work for our company then I will suck it up and work it out. And if it doesnt work, then find a replacement.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Did we figure out what he did to get the license suspended for 6 years?
Whatever it was, it wasn't a first time offense.


Feb 2, 2007
I have learned the hard way that business is business NOT MINISTRY. If you want to change the world go teach 3rd grade public school. If you want to save the world, go be a missionary. If you want to be profitable and minimize your management hassles kick this clown to the curb, like tomorrow. A six year suspension only happens with vehicular manslaughter or multiple DWI convictions, so who needs the risk. I have cost myself tons of money in the past being compassionate in hiring "rehabilitation projects".

In another business I owned for 10 years one of my rehab projects abandoned a truck and trailer a block from the white house and ran after being pulled over by local police. A short foot pursuit with the uniformed secret service & local cops ended with him in the DC jail and my equipment impounded. Since two roll off tow trucks were required and they bent the trailer hitch while towing it, I was out close to $500 (this is like 22 years ago, when that was a big hit for me).

When I fired him he called the elders at my church and left out 98% of the story (the foot pursuit with the cops etc) and one of them was actually dumb enough to believe him. So I was embarrassed and out $500 but the idiot & the foolish elder prayed for me during our little meeting. I told them God told me to quit going to church, LOL.

Oh the reason he ran ?
Five years of unpaid child support payments which he wrongly assumed they would arrest him for at a traffic stop.

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
randy said:
I have learned the hard way that business is business NOT MINISTRY. If you want to change the world go teach 3rd grade public school. If you want to save the world, go be a missionary. If you want to be profitable and minimize your management hassles kick this clown to the curb, like tomorrow. A six year suspension only happens with vehicular manslaughter or multiple DWI convictions, so who needs the risk. I have cost myself tons of money in the past being compassionate in hiring "rehabilitation projects".

In another business I owned for 10 years one of my rehab projects abandoned a truck and trailer a block from the white house and ran after being pulled over by local police. A short foot pursuit with the uniformed secret service & local cops ended with him in the DC jail and my equipment impounded. Since two roll off tow trucks were required and they bent the trailer hitch while towing it, I was out close to $500 (this is like 22 years ago, when that was a big hit for me).

When I fired him he called the elders at my church and left out 98% of the story (the foot pursuit with the cops etc) and one of them was actually dumb enough to believe him. So I was embarrassed and out $500 but the idiot & the foolish elder prayed for me during our little meeting. I told them God told me to quit going to church, LOL.

Oh the reason he ran ?
Five years of unpaid child support payments which he wrongly assumed they would arrest him for at a traffic stop.

I'll bet he has a great story about why he didn't pay his child support also. I hate deadbeat dads too. He should have been fired just for being a deadbeat dad.



Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
What Lee said, what Bawb said, what a lot of people said. I will tell you 2 things:

1. The cost of background, drug and motor vehicle checks is MINISCULE in comparison to the $$ and heartache an asshole employee can and will cause you. DO NOT HIRE ANYONE FROM THIS POINT FORWARD WITHOUT ALL 3!

2. Many people are basically dishonest, although they justify their actions and decsions on purely selfish reasons. I assume everyone is a bullshitter until they prove me otherwise. Business is not a place for emotional decisions. Make your decisions based on common sense and not your warm and fuzzy forgiving side. I speak as a reformed warm and fuzzy guy. Set rules, policies. Have a company handbook. Do not let policies be bent or broken without addressing them with the appropriate level of consequence.

While I admire and appreciate the advice of Larry, Ron and others, they are dead wrong. There is a reason this guy has his license suspended. He was dishonest by applying for, accepting and training for a job that he KNEW he wasn't going to be able to perform due to his legal issues. What did he think was going to change? You, that's what. He felt he could do exactly what he has done. Get on your good side and bank on the fact that it's hard to be mean to someone you have a relationship with. He succeeded. Now, pinch yourself and do the right, although tough thing. Look him in the eye and tell him he's done and why. Tell him you'll be happy to give him a reference.

John Buxton

Oct 18, 2006
I can see both sides. The dude has enormous responsibilities with 5 kids and an ol lady, who among us wouldn't lie to feed their kids. I would probably use him part time as long as he stayed straight, but he couldn't be a lead tech without a DL. But I am a dumbass, who believes in good and have been burnt before.

My old boss used to say there are 3 sides to every story...yours, there's, and the truth.

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