Understanding Marketing and Advertising for Newbies

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Understanding Marketing and Advertising for Newbies

It is a common misconception that marketing is the same thing as advertising. Advertising is the tool which you use to get your message out. Marketing is the design of overall delivery scheme of your message. Your message is your “hook” or ideology which sets you apart from your competition. Your message is absolutely the most important item when you are planning the course for your company.
Many people in our industry have mistakenly adopted the Joe Polish attitude of “ I’m the one you want because I don’t suck as much as your other choices” It’s foolish and I don’t know many industries that this business model makes sense in. A Message should define you in a positive light. NEVER promote yourself at the expense of another. It would be like the prettiest cheerleader in high school trying to make herself more attractive by pointing out how ugly the Goth chick with braces and a hair-lip is. It would make her look petty and unsure of herself! Is this really the message you want to send potential customers?
Perhaps something like “We get your carpet so clean that your entire house will be brighter” or “ Your carpets will be brighter than a movie star’s smile!” It must be original and not something tired and worn out!
After you decide on your message, you must design a marketing campaign. Most campaigns will last 2-5 years depending on your market and your frequency before it becomes tired. Everything you do that represents your company to the public is and should be part of your marketing design.
After you have worked out all the logistics of your marketing: It is time to consider your advertising. There are many different vehicles for advertising. Feel free to reference previous posts for advice on those. NOTE: buying advertising space in something that you have never seen a competitor in likely will not work. You are not suddenly going to discover what everyone else hasn’t. Study and learn from your competition. Analyzing their wins and losses will prevent you from suffering many of your own.
Just my thoughts. Hope this helps those that are starting out.
Best of Luck in 2010!
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
A Message should define you in a positive light. NEVER promote yourself at the expense of another.

Just want to add that its important to know and understand who your target market is. Mostly housewives, stay at home moms, elderly women, ect. Men make up a small % of my customers.

Its always good to use soft colors, pleasant images and something they can relate to. If they know nothing about you , then there are levels of emotions that they have to overcome (generally) when deciding who to choose. Are they going to be late, reliable, can I trust them in my house, will they do a good job, ect. So if you can overcome most of those just with your message then you already broke down some walls.

When you get there, usually within the first 2 minutes of meeting you will they decide on the rest. People love to judge other people. Thats why a uniform, clean appearence, happy professional attitude will get you a long way. A smile, handshake and direct eye contact play a hugh part in overcoming fear with a customer.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Never put down your competition However, most people are already aware of the negatives. In my case that's usually why they are calling. I try to make people aware of some of the "tricks" used unethically by many cleaners so they don't fall victim to it.

Just promote what you do. Do what you say you're going to do.
BUT I tell clients, esp the shoppers, that its a good idea to ask what they do for the money you are giving them. Don't lead them by asking , do you prespray, do you vacuum, etc, because they will most likely say Yes, though they don't.

Good info Greg, most don't understand the diff between marketing and advertising, esp yellow page reps


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
I'm not sure there is rule set you can follow and be successful. Some people get excited with price, some others with cute crap, some people may get turned off when the message seems too personal while others may want their butts kissed.


steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I have one little place that don't cost me a whole lot on a 4X per year print

never seen anyone else in it, get commercial work from it

and I aint gonna let you know what it is either

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Ron Werner said:
Never put down your competition However, most people are already aware of the negatives. In my case that's usually why they are calling. I try to make people aware of some of the "tricks" used unethically by many cleaners so they don't fall victim to it.

Just promote what you do. Do what you say you're going to do.
BUT I tell clients, esp the shoppers, that its a good idea to ask what they do for the money you are giving them. Don't lead them by asking , do you prespray, do you vacuum, etc, because they will most likely say Yes, though they don't.

Good info Greg, most don't understand the diff between marketing and advertising, esp yellow page reps

Thanks Ron. But to be honest you are doing exactly what I am warning about. Bringing negativity to make yourself look better does exactly the opposite. When you introduce the idea of "tricks" - they start wondering what "tricks" you might be employing yourself. Remember - if you are catering to mercedes customers you certainly shouldn't be talking to them as though they buy Saturns.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
steve frasier said:
I have one little place that don't cost me a whole lot on a 4X per year print

never seen anyone else in it, get commercial work from it

and I aint gonna let you know what it is either

Kicked back a few before you wrote this eh?

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
gregcole said:
Thanks Ron. But to be honest you are doing exactly what I am warning about. Bringing negativity to make yourself look better does exactly the opposite. When you introduce the idea of "tricks" - they start wondering what "tricks" you might be employing yourself. Remember - if you are catering to mercedes customers you certainly shouldn't be talking to them as though they buy Saturns.

Thats an very good point. I think the challenge is there are a LOT of people out there that want a Mercedes cleaning, BUT they have been tricked by the false ads into thinking that is what they are buying. Honestly, when I watch a lot of Youtube vids and read some ads, they give the same look and feel as those that actually do the good work. But its all fluff.
How do the uneducated public pick through all this gobbledeegooke unless you give them some education?
Those Mercedes customers ARE Mercedes customers probably because they've educated themselves the hard way, through experience with crappy cleaners. They are willing to pay more now because they know the difference. SO NOW, they are looking for a REAL cleaner, one that meets their expectations.
So the marketing has to be a combination. One, to educate the Saturn owners that really want a Mercedes, and Two, to let the Mercedes owners know there is a good cleaner in town.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
its like the elevator presentation, you have 30 sec to tell your story,

start out by saying, DO you know when.... and then state a problem people have encountered, ie carpets wet for days, they resoil, they come in for $50 but end up charging you $500, etc etc etc
And then you tell them how your company is different.
People KNOW the bad service people are out there, they relate to the issues. WHat they want are solutions to the issues. They want someone they can trust. WHat better way to present yourself as someone they can trust than by explaining you understand the issues and complaints and have a way to solve them.
Sep 7, 2008
Greg I am a little confused seeing as you are the new marketing expert here. Your marketing or coupons that I have seen focus on price, price, and oh yea price. Also "Your carpets will be brighter than a movie star's smile" is a headline not a company message. I do understand what you are talking about putting other cleaners down. That is what happens when cleaners bottom feed. One company that does this is Chem Dry, but they target higher end clientelle.


Oct 7, 2006
movie star smile well you have to pay extra for pre spray and deep clean

his business works in Atlanta and would work in Huston, Phoenix. San Diego, Los Angeles

where there are enough people moving in and out.

Now you could not run a business like that very long in rural areas of the country where people actually know their neighbors and talk to them.

Also works with a fresh supply of new workers in large metropolitan areas

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
danielc said:
Greg I am a little confused seeing as you are the new marketing expert here. Your marketing or coupons that I have seen focus on price, price, and oh yea price. Also "Your carpets will be brighter than a movie star's smile" is a headline not a company message. I do understand what you are talking about putting other cleaners down. That is what happens when cleaners bottom feed. One company that does this is Chem Dry, but they target higher end clientelle.

Hey- you forgot "Price" :D Price based company used priuced based advertising.... Definetly the wrong way to go for a o&O
Sep 7, 2008
gregcole said:
danielc said:
Greg I am a little confused seeing as you are the new marketing expert here. Your marketing or coupons that I have seen focus on price, price, and oh yea price. Also "Your carpets will be brighter than a movie star's smile" is a headline not a company message. I do understand what you are talking about putting other cleaners down. That is what happens when cleaners bottom feed. One company that does this is Chem Dry, but they target higher end clientelle.

Hey- you forgot "Price" :D Price based company used priuced based advertising.... Definetly the wrong way to go for a o&O

Greg I'm just fooking with you dude. You know what you are doing.

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