Upholstery challenge


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton

Natural fabric (likely cotton and linen) I cleaned this piece with Pro-Chem's Fine fabric pre-spray, followed with one earth rinse (acidic).

These spots appeared only after it dried. Pillows from the same fabric that were cleaned exactly the same turned out without any problem at all. Clearly it is not the product.

This is a cushion that is in front of the T.V. There are children, a house cleaner that tried things in the past, dogs etc.

Thinking about potential correcting:
1) In case something more alkaline was spilled on it (dye indicator), I thought that a 50/50 Amonia sprayed on and then rinsed may help. Amonia is self neutralizing so a rinse may not be necessary. Or it may help to follow with acidic rinse.

2) Using a diluted white cotton cleaner (bisulfite) it will (may) somewhat lighten the color.

Jim, or any other guru?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I'm no guru but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn this year.

It looks awful splotchy like man's best friend may have sprayed it. Or possibly a spill?
Ofer does it look as if there is a loss of color? Could it be dye damaged?

What makes you guess at PH damage? Pink colored areas any where?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I'm on my phone I can't tell. So if its pink wouldn't you counter balance it with a acid like tannin? If it were greenish you'd use a base to neutralize. ????

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
Ofer---Do the customers have a new born baby who is on formula? I posted something about this last year where It seemed like the spotting was from baby formula.. I experienced everything you put in your posts.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Richard, I haven't seen it in person yet, got an email with the pictures when I came back from work.
So I can't tell if the pink is more of a dye loss or ph related, or just pinkish emphasized by lighting and camera. So I am just speculating about the ph. Most likely it is not a dye indicator but I'll have to see. If it is dye loss, most likely it is the loss of some blue.

Just trying to have a plan on how to tackle it and what would be the best approach and what should be tried first. Therefore the bisulfite is the second option. It may also require a cleaning with a stronger product and neutralized to see if that helps.

John, not sure if she has a new baby and about formula. My experience in the past with formula was that most cleaners, definitely with enzyme and some scrubbing (gentle) and dwell time, will take care of it, as it is protein based. In your experience, did the formula alter the dye?
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I would think enzymes would digest the formula fine. However if its more than formula, burb up of stomach acids included then I could see where those acids could damage sensitive dyes.

Buttt what do I know, I only stayed one night at the Holiday Inn and didn't even dip in the pool.:winky:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I'd go distilled water 1st.
Wouldn't hurt.
Though I'd be surprised if it worked. Very pleasantly surprised if I may add.

Buttt what do I know, I only stayed one night at the Holiday Inn and didn't even dip in the pool.:winky:

Is that where you made your contact with RBT (the Russian Bride Team)?
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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Here are some of my thoughts Ofer:

1. Are you being blamed for this issue?
If not: There are better things you can do with your resources of time and treasure than trying to fix something like this. In my experience, mystery color loss issues like this are maddening, nearly impossible to diagnose, and even less likely correctable.

If you are being blamed, or if you cannot resist the challenge, read on:

2. Are the cushions down filled? Any time I see mystery color loss or color gain in an irregular fashion like that on a celluose fiber fabric, I think flame retardent in the ticking. Even if there are no feathers, some upholsterers and some furniture manufacturers use the flame retardent ticking on furniture that doesn't use down, just because its paid for inventory on hand. The quality control and concern for ongoing performance in furniture manufacturing is primitive in comparison to carpet manufacturing.

3.a. Is this really color loss? I know this one is a stretch, but compare the lighter spots to areas of the fabric that have never been exposed to usage or open air. In some VERY rare cases, fabric protector is splattered or unevenly applied, and you end up revealing cleaner areas, not bleached areas. The shape of the spots lead me away from that possibility, but its good to get that one out of the way. I have seen this more in the pattern of a fan spray or big blotches from a trigger sprayer, but who knows?

3.b. Is it really color loss? Protein based spills sometimes "dry white". The baby formula scenario is possible, but those spots don't have the "crusty film" look to them. What happens if you gently scratch them? Formula should look "chalky" when scratched.

4. "The Butler Did It": In this case, the house keeper may be at fault. I have seen spotters used by cleaners that are usually considered to be safe on textiles cause this sort of color loss. If the house keeper intentially or unintentionally sprayed some cleaning product on the cushion, it could reveal itself after extraction cleaning as color loss in these areas.

5. The Bottom Line: If you aren't being blamed for this, walk away. If you are, I see little that can be done to fix this, unless it really is a lighter colored residue. If this is an extraordinarily expensive piece and it looks like you are going to "go down with the ship", call me. What I'll tell you I won't want to put in print here.

Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H

The spots look too irregular and too small to be from home spotting efforts. It also looks like it is on the seating areas and not under the back cushion.

Are the children in the home old enough to be using acne medicine? It looks an awful lot like issues I have seen on carpet with benzoyl peroxide.

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
John, not sure if she has a new baby and In your experience, did the formula alter the dye?

Yes. But only in rare occasions. Also some mothers in SF are making their own "organic" formula and since the original cause was due to child vomiting up formula we figured it was the cause. If it was our chems the the spotting/damage would be on other parts of item.

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