Desk Jockey
That's a lie, we all know you don't have friends!
This is from ICS and Gregory is right you can't. If you're thinking a release offers protection, it doesn't.
Do we take the risk?
Yes, on occasion we will, but it has to be a reasonable risk. A regular customer (mentally stable), a corporation or school district or city.
Then we make sure it's documented, "as if" as if were going to use the documentation as defense in court.
Mold Pamphlets given and documented they received them.
Could we still get wacked? Sure but at least there is a paper trail showing we did our due diligence.
It's a risk, a business decision that each owner has to decide for themselves if they want to do or refuse the work. (That leaves you out Steven!
:mrgreen: )
Re: Partial flood work
Posted By Gregory Cole on 9/16/2008 at 2:14 PM
They cannot legally sign away responsibility for something they do not have adequate knowledge or experience in
This is from ICS and Gregory is right you can't. If you're thinking a release offers protection, it doesn't.
Do we take the risk?
Yes, on occasion we will, but it has to be a reasonable risk. A regular customer (mentally stable), a corporation or school district or city.
Then we make sure it's documented, "as if" as if were going to use the documentation as defense in court.
Mold Pamphlets given and documented they received them.
Could we still get wacked? Sure but at least there is a paper trail showing we did our due diligence.
It's a risk, a business decision that each owner has to decide for themselves if they want to do or refuse the work. (That leaves you out Steven!