Wand observations at Vegas

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
For carpet cleaners, not restoration guys, wands and the Pro1200SE were about the only thing new to see and touch at the show.

Sapphire had a very lightweight (lightest 14" tool there imo) that had a Prochem Titanium looking head from the front but a Castex triangle shaped funnel in the rear, gun style grip, 6 jets I believe...sorry no pics. made by PMF.

The DevPro Swivel was the darling of the show. Tom has continued to refine his 14" ti tube, aluminum headed beauty. Even Mike Roden was impressed. The thing is a screamer! Best news is that it will be Tony Dang free in future production runs. A very innovative was cut made to the glide that allows the jets to strike closer to the vac orifice.

Westpak's Titanium also impressed people with it's low weight but the chrome shine had them doubting it's metallurgy.

The PFM 1/5 Ti wand had lots of old timers drooling over it's dance-ability and performance. Even with an 8 foot whip. I predict this will become Marty's favorite wand. Their neat two piece glide as much the same cut that the Devpro has to allow for the spray to get to the vacuum holes quicker

The US Products Evolution wand appears to have been stiffened up. Les flex at the head was very much noticed.

Yokum's Ergo Grip was well received by fans of gun grips. Dave would have done well if he had been there to tout it's virtues.

No Mytee Bentley 2.0 to be seen.

Zipper killed it of course in the Drag Wand category. His booth was across from mine so some serious traffic jams were occurring.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Thank's Mike. I've had a couple different offers to go to Ice. They only way to move the Wand-eeze is get it cleaners hands for a demo.


Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
I will keep you guys posted to our progress on the Devpro, as Tim and I move forward, I have to say some crazy things developed over this Vegas trip.... I guess they needed to happen. I can tell you the Devpro WILL continue to move forward and I promise to make it the best wand I possibly can.
I have parted ways with Tony as we just don't have the same goals in mind, there is no drama behind it so please don't think that there is, we just simply do not see things the same way.
I will say for the record I AM not going for a cheap low price wand, it will be judged by performance, not price, it will be a KICK ASS PIMPED OUT wand that any true carpet cleaner will be proud to have.
My pops always said " LET YOUR WORK/EFFORT SPEAK FOR YOUR ACTIONS" I honestly feel I have done my best to provide the best hair catcher out there, This same dedication will go into the Devpro wand.

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Thank you Mike, and Mr Saiger, and all the others that continue to support us for your kind words...I promise the best is yet to come.

It was great meeting you and your wife Tom....

Really enjoyed our time together and conversations...

Best wishes to you and I really did like your wand a lot....

A lot of innovation and thought taking place with this little beauty :)

My son in law is talking about yet today as well....
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