WJMorgan3 said:
I think most would say, given the choice (even if it meant more $$) of running a smaller engine balls to the wall to spin their 47 blower vs. a larger engine able to spin a bigger blower at a lower speed to get the same CFM result.. most would choose the bigger option. I'm guilty of wanting bigger, better, more too.
Bill, that is a valid point and good observation.
Allow me to clarify my point.
First, there is absolutely nothing wrong with running a "bigger" machine. Now that that is said let's look at the details.
With raw performance and cost and weight aside, and it's agreed there isn't much difference in net output between the two scenarios, then there really is only one issue remaining, Noise.
Granted the scenario "could" be pretty extreme with the vision of one machine screaming away with a high pitched whine and the other "loping" along with a moderate hum from both blower and engine.
But...for Single wand use, what if said smaller machine wasn't really "screaming" along at all?
I think there is some "room in between" the two examples.
When you run Mike's TNT-500 (LunchPail) at 2500-2900 rpms it's quit a bit quieter than it is at 3300-3600. And it's still making 15"hg and More CFM than you could ever cram through a 2" glided wand.
So...for a guy who isn't going to dual wand routinely, there just isn't reason to spend the extra money on the more expensive setup. Keep in mind those 4 cyl. water cooled engines have things like expensive computers on them that control EFI etc...
That is really my point. If "less" can be more, then enjoy it if you are a single wand kind of guy...most are.
That said...you still have the reserve to Dual occassionally with a "reasonable" noise level, it's really not that bad 30' from the truck, it's just not, and once again the weight, purchase price, and running cost, and replacement cost considered, there is a LOT of bang for the buck.
And for some more money it can be made quieter without necessarily going to larger componenets.
Now....I'm not gonna say to do it tomorrow, but the new 35hp Big Block that Les is using on the recent TNT-500s could turn that 56 blower just fine at 85% if that is what a guy wanted, it would just have to be a custom order from the ground up.
And like I said, it's my opinion, there wouldn't be a lick of net perf. difference, I really don't want to under sell the T-408 blower it's a nice piece of kit.
But Les's rule...he who pays the money gets the machine he wants.